4-Mar-2024 Source: ITP Aero
ITP Aero has achieved “B” rating in the “Climate Change” category of Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), a global non-profit organisation whose annual environmental disclosure and rating process is widely recognised as the “gold standard” for corporate environmental transparency. ITP Aero ranks above the average of the “Powered machinery” sector in which CDP includes the company (which obtains a C grade overall). In the climate change categories assessed by CDP, ITP Aero stands out especially in risk management process (score A) and initiatives aimed at reducing emissions (score A-).
This new rating is in line with ITP Aero’s ESG strategy focused on contributing to the development of a sustainable aeronautical industry. In this sense, ITP Aero is committed to the application of its Net Zero plan, based on the SBTi (science-based targets initiatives) registered in 2023. These targets focus on the reduction of its CO2 emissions, both by improving its products (development of ultra-efficient gas turbines, increasing the use of SAF) and research into alternative propulsion systems (electric, hybrid-electric and hydrogen). Regarding the impact of its operations, ITP Aero is committed to reducing its environmental impact, improving the energy efficiency of its facilities, moving towards lower CO2 impact energy sources and self-generation energy.
Belén González, Head of ESG at ITP Aero commented: “It is an honour for us to be recognised for our work and commitment to sustainability. This rating reflects our ambition to be a key player in the decarbonisation of the aeronautical sector, confirms that we are on the right track and allows us to identify areas where we can make further progress in our energy transition”.
ITP Aero joins UN Global Compact
In addition, the company has joined the UN Global Compact, a key commitment due to its importance and its involvement with the SDGs. The UN Global Compact is the world’s largest voluntary corporate sustainability initiative, based on ten universal principles covering human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption. Companies who join adopt measures to promote and report on the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals in their organisation.