MD902 Accidents

13-Nov-21 N902CH MD Helicopters MD902 Springfield, US-Missouri

While en route from a scene request to a Springfield hospital, the aircraft was illuminated repeatedly by a blue laser.  The individual tracked the aircraft with the laser for approximately 3-5 minutes.  The laser was behind us and would illuminate and wash out the cabin with light.  The incident was reported to ATC while it... Read more

14-Jun-12 G-LNAA MD Helicopters MD902 Coventry, UK

Emergency field landing with patient on board while on transfer flight.  Patient continued to destination courtesy of AgustaWestland AW109 of Warwickshire & Northants Air Ambulance.  MD902 later flown short distance to Coventry Airport where it remained grounded at least the next day.... Read more

29-Apr-12 OE-XMM MD Helicopters MD902 Großvenediger, Austria (1F)

Alpine rescue expert and two others were being lowered on a winch to rescue a trapped climber.  Due to poor visibility, the pilot released the winch at too high an altitude – about 10m AGL.  Franz Franzeskon died instantly in the fall while the two others suffered multiple injuries. No technical issues reported with the... Read more

11-Jun-11 G-SASH MD Helicopters MD902 Leeds-Bradford, UK

On lifting to the hover, the downwash from the helicopter pushed one parked light aircraft into another.... Read more

10-May-11 D-HBWG MD Helicopters MD902 Engelsbrand, Germany

Clipped a tree during a search for a missing elderly woman at night.  Crashed into dense woodland, boom separated from cabin.  Three serious injuries... Read more

03-Jan-11 N902SL MD Helicopters MD900 Boise, US-Idaho

Flashlight unintentionally left in NOTAR drive cowling during maintannce caused inflight out-of-balance indication... Read more

24-Aug-09 LX- MD Helicopters MD902 Bourglinster, Luxembourg

24-Aug-09 LX- MD Helicopters MD902 Bourglinster, Luxembourg... Read more

15-May-09 N902EC MD Helicopters MD902 Salinas, US-California

15-May-09 N902EC MD Helicopters MD902 Salinas, US-California... Read more

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