While en route from a scene request to a Springfield hospital, the aircraft was illuminated repeatedly by a blue laser. The individual tracked the aircraft with the laser for approximately 3-5 minutes. The laser was behind us and would illuminate and wash out the cabin with light. The incident was reported to ATC while it... Read more
Emergency field landing with patient on board while on transfer flight. Patient continued to destination courtesy of AgustaWestland AW109 of Warwickshire & Northants Air Ambulance. MD902 later flown short distance to Coventry Airport where it remained grounded at least the next day.... Read more
Alpine rescue expert and two others were being lowered on a winch to rescue a trapped climber. Due to poor visibility, the pilot released the winch at too high an altitude – about 10m AGL. Franz Franzeskon died instantly in the fall while the two others suffered multiple injuries. No technical issues reported with the... Read more
On lifting to the hover, the downwash from the helicopter pushed one parked light aircraft into another.... Read more
Clipped a tree during a search for a missing elderly woman at night. Crashed into dense woodland, boom separated from cabin. Three serious injuries... Read more
Flashlight unintentionally left in NOTAR drive cowling during maintannce caused inflight out-of-balance indication... Read more
24-Aug-09 LX- MD Helicopters MD902 Bourglinster, Luxembourg... Read more
15-May-09 N902EC MD Helicopters MD902 Salinas, US-California... Read more