The helicopter rolled over to the right on takeoff, probably because it had drifted right while the right skid was in contact with the ground. The helicopter was substantially damaged.... Read more
Helicopter accident near Burton in Lonsdale, details TBC. North Yorkshire Police confirmed two fatalities. Another report suggests accident occurred during approach/landing, and the presence of a scorched tree in this report indicates a fire occurred, but not whether it was cause or effect. Pilot/owner (named here as Ian Macdonald) had owned the helicopter from new... Read more
Helicopter ended up on its starboard side when landing on a grass tennis court. All four POB safely out of the aircraft, two to hospital according to this report Update – location previously reported as “Denton”, the postal address of the location is Cuddesdon and thus we have updated the title Update 2 – Sources... Read more
Police statement – Two members of the public were injured as a HM Coastguard helicopter was landing at the helipad at Derriford. One person is being treated for their injuries and remains in hospital. The second injured person, a local woman in her 80’s, (named here as Jean Langan, 87) has since died; their next of kin... Read more
Press release: Devon Air Ambulance’s H145 Helicopter, G-DAAS has been parked on the Derriford Hospital Helipad since the afternoon of Saturday 8 January. This is as a result of damage the aircraft sustained during a HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) task on Dartmoor. The aircraft skid was damaged during the landing on the moor, probably as a... Read more
Badly damaged in training accident... Read more
Main rotor blades sliced tail boom during emergency landing on beach. Helicopter was moved quickly due to incoming tide Helicopters don’t bounce! @BBCNews @looknorthBBC — Ruairidh Greig (@Argee48) October 15, 2021... Read more
Aircraft was blown round “into wind” in a heavy storm when parked on grass at night. Given that the storm was sufficient to blow another AS355 on its side, it is likely this helicopter would need to be assessed for damage too.... Read more
Aircraft was blown over onto its starboard side in a heavy storm when parked on grass at night. At least two of the three main blades broken, tail bent, starboard stabilizer broken... Read more
Aircraft was damaged in a heavy storm when parked on helipad at night. Main blades forced to high coning angle (from CCTV video) and likely damaged, plus consequential damage to rotorhead... Read more
Student solo flight. Helicopter ended up on its port side in a wide open flat grass area... Read more
Helicopter ended up on its side on a flat grass area. Local press report that the pilot was not injured.... Read more
Aircraft went AOG on North Sea Platform Valaris 122. Aircraft still present on rig 05-May-21 (image – Facebook)... Read more
Bird strike took out port windscreen. Safe field landing. EMS helicopter was on a positioning flight back to base and there was no patient on board... Read more
Press image shows helicopter on its side in an open field. 2POB, injuries reported as “not serious” ... Read more
Offshore rig helideck surface block collapsed, trapping the starboard main wheel. Unclear at present whether the collapse was caused by the wheel or the integrity of the block. Anonymously supplied images can be seen at both links below The Mariner field is in UK Block 9/11a in the northern North Sea approximately 95 miles east... Read more
Helicopter made a precautionary landing, but the field was very soft and it sank into the soil, which initiated an exercise to extract it using cranes etc over two or three days. RAF Benson photo... Read more
Operator quoted as saying “An S-92 helicopter which was flying without any passengers returned to Aberdeen airport this morning (27.12.2020) after crew reported a cockpit warning light illumination. The crew followed standard precautionary procedures by requesting priority to land. “... Read more
Safe emergency landing after diversion due to unspecified technical issue – instead of returning to Aberdeen. A one-off flight by sister ship G-IACF was flown Aberdeen to Sumburgh to Aberdeen a few hours later, presumably to bring back the passengers temporarily stranded.... Read more
Failure of recently-overhauled main gear box during ground run. Significant damage to the main gear box No information provided on registration or operator.... Read more
Helicopter landed on its side in an open field. 4 POB not seriously injured... Read more
Aircraft was en-route to a North Sea oil field, East of Shetland, it declared an emergency following a lightning strike and returned to land safely at Sumburgh.... Read more
Helicopter struck and broke power cable, but landed OK in a very tight location... Read more
As the helicopter lifted, it began to rotate to the right which the instructor attempted to counter with the application of left pedal and by lowering the collective. The helicopter then rolled to the left and the front of the left skid contacted the ground before breaking off. The helicopter continued to roll further to... Read more
Helicopter took off from Leicester City FC stadium and crashed shortly after in the adjacent car park. Five fatalities named by police as Club chairman Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, two members of his staff, Nursara Suknamai and Kaveporn Punpare, pilot Eric Swaffer and passenger Izabela Roza Lechowicz.... Read more
Landed on its port side with minimal damage to anything on the starboard side (stabiliser, tail rotor), although starboard skid somewhat bent. Possible dynamic roll-over. 3 POB all to hospital, one with life-threatening injuries... Read more
Helicopter went unserviceable on the ground at an emergency callout... Read more
Date is not confirmed but is between 4th February and 11th when it was transported from Booker (Wycombe Air Park) by road. Substantially damaged in heavy landing with 5 on board. Industry sources indicate that the tail boom was badly damaged in the autorotation landing.... Read more
CHC EC225 made emergency landing following warning light in cockpit. Helicopter was reported as 60 miles out east from Aberdeen to a rig when it turned round and returned to Aberdeen... Read more
Student pilot (reportedly on first solo), and helicopter ended on its side... Read more
Oil rig support helicopter had malfunction leading to one engine being shut down and immediate return to base... Read more
Take-off accident, ended on its starboard side with creased tail boom, destroyed rotor mast and blades. One of the two occupants needed first aid only.... Read more
Helicopter struck and cut powercables on take-off, crashing in the field below shortly after, minor injuries to the pilot. Helicopter rolled over and ended up on its rotorhead... Read more
Large taildragger fixed wing (Boeing Stearman N56200) taxied directly into the parked and unattended R44, causing extensive damage to cabin, avionics etc.... Read more
Details to be confirmed, but reported “in a nose down attitude in the business park”... Read more
During ground run post-maintenance, the SA342J Gazelle took off to 10ft and then dropped to the ground. MW Helicopters engineer on board was reportedly not a qualified pilot – and was not injured in the accident. Starboard skid ripped off, tail boom badly creased.... Read more
Bristow aircraft returned to base after caution light illuminated – reportedly in error... Read more
Take off accident, helicopter fell onto its side. One minor injury... Read more
The pilot was intending to make a local flight and having completed his pre-flight checks, gradually increased the rotor rpm to about 80%. From the CCTV it can be observed that at about this time, the helicopter rapidly yawed to the left and rotated through about 290° before tipping over onto its right side. The... Read more
Due to weather conditions on Saturday 20th, the helicopter was unable to fly and remained grounded at the site. While parked and unattended on Sunday 21st, the helicopter was damaged by cattle which managed to break through fence from adjacent field. Nose area damaged. Fly Heli Wales had provided the helicopter for the Welsh... Read more
Emergency landing at Aberdeen with 19 POB plus 2 crew after alarm sounded – later reported as false... Read more
Near miss between two (Eurofighter) Typhoon jets and an EC155... Read more
Chinook dropped part of its underslung load in farm field. Chinook was flying as part of the Joint Warrior exercise... Read more
Aircraft turned back to Aberdeen before reaching destination. 7 POB. Reported as a Cowling Open warning light... Read more
3 POB not seriously injured after emergency landing in farmland and helicopter ended upside down. Was en route to Sussex Appears from BBC story that pilot had problem with tail rotor control and executed a run on landing on a level but soft field, and then one skid dug into the mud and flipped the... Read more
Crashed in ploughed field on training flight. Instructor and student suffered minor injuries... Read more
Dynamic roll over onto port side on training flight... Read more
Airframe vibration and control problems.... Read more
Bristow flight BHL60A has declared an emergency just NE of Shetland and returned to Sumburgh. Press article refers to an unspecified cockpit warning light.... Read more
Precautionary landing due to fog and ended up parked overnight. No damage... Read more
Suspected lightning strike, returned to base. Reg to be confirmed... Read more
Two POB to hospital. Information suggests that the skid toes stuck into the ground during a run-on landing, causing the helicopter to cartwheel. No vertical force in the accident as skids have not splayed out. Skid toes missing forward of front skid legs, and nose “turned up” where helicopter cartwheeled onto its nose... Read more
At around 11.15am, fire crews were called to Dyce, after the pilot of the CHC S92 alerted air traffic control and asked for emergency crews to be placed on stand-by as it made a return to base landing. Landed safely... Read more
Precautionary field landing after malfunction on night flight... Read more
Emergency landing with 3 POB. Declared emergency at 2.20pm and landed at airport safely 2.39pm... Read more
Crashed from a low hover on a training flight. Male pilot and female student uninjured.... Read more
Initial reports coming in. Witnesses say they heard a “loud crack” shortly be fire the helicopter started descending rapidly. The helicopter took off from Dechmont, near Livingston in West Lothian and was due to land at Humberside Airport for refuelling before flying on to Gamston, presumably en route it’s home base at Manston. It had... Read more
Damaged when fell off the back of a lorry near the gate of HMS Sultan, Gosport... Read more
While practising a simulated engine failure in the hover, the helicopter rolled about its left skid and came to rest on its side.... Read more
The pilot was attempting a practice autorotation when the accident occurred. He did not realise that he had failed to achieve a split between engine and rotor rpm, with the result that the rotor rpm reduced to below the normal operating range. The pilot was unable to prevent the helicopter striking the ground hard. It... Read more
Main blades hit hangar while manoevering close to the fuel pumps... Read more
On touchdown the aircraft ‘porpoised’, initially nose down, due to contact with the heels of the skids followed almost immediately by the cyclic being displaced fully aft and a progressive left (lateral) cyclic displacement. The cyclic was then centralised longitudinally as the aircraft pitched up before it was again displaced fully aft, on this occasion... Read more
Emergency landing due to weather with three on board going to a rugby match at Huddersfield... Read more
Emergency landing... Read more
Bristow EC225 en route to Talisman’s Clyde platform returned to base after a warning light came on... Read more
Offshore helicopter diverted to Sumburgh Airport due to warning light. Airport was on full emergency alert. Safe landing. 18 pax and 2 crew... Read more
Emergency field landing due to mechanical issue, no apparent damage.... Read more
The student pilot was attempting a solo lift from a grass surface. Whilst applying left cyclic input to correct a right side low condition, the helicopter rolled rapidly to the left in what was reported as a dynamic rollover incident.... Read more
While flying at 1,000 ft in VMC conditions, the helicopter struck a bird which the pilot identified as a buzzard. The pilot carried out a precautionary landing to inspect the helicopter, which suffered a broken windscreen transparency. After the inspection, the pilot continued the flight to his destination at White Waltham. He reported that he... Read more
The helicopter was hover taxiing from its parking position towards the runway. As it did so, the tail of a Cessna 152 parked at a nearby refuelling point lifted and, under the influence of the rotor wash and a relatively strong surface wind, the aircraft came to rest inverted.... Read more
Engine warning – All 16 passengers and two crew landed in safely at Aberdeen Airport and the helicopter is being inspected by engineers.... Read more
4 fatalities reported in a helicopter crash at Gillingham near Beccles, Suffolk UK around 7.30pm. Low visibility due to fog reported. Helicopter had just taken off from Gillingham Hall bound for Northern Ireland. Press report indicates that the fatalities included owner Edward Haughey... Read more
Helicopter turned round on flight to ENSCO 100 offshore rig following a technical warning and made a successful precautionary landing back at Aberdeen... Read more
Pilot of offshore helicopter issued distress call 45 miles from Sumburgh and was escorted to a safe landing by Coast Guard helicopter. Report suggests pilot had indication of a “pump failure” without providing more details. Aircraft grounded awaiting engineering support... Read more
Shortly after takeoff the pilot experienced yaw control difficulties, resulting in the loss of control of the helicopter and a subsequent crash landing. The pilot escaped with minor injuries. In the absence of any mechanical abnormalities, the most likely cause of the accident is a loss of tail rotor effectiveness.... Read more