Landing accident on hospital roof top pad, bringing in a donated heart for transplant from Sharp Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa. 3 POB all got themselves out of the wreckage. Each needed medical attention. This video shows the helicopter spinning just prior to touch-down, suggesting a tail rotor issue. Another video here, different angle.... Read more
15-Dec-2016Source: FltCtrl
FltCtrl, the London-based aviation IT solutions company has officially launched two powerful new cloud-based tools to enhance efficiency and productivity for aviation companies – FltCtrl and FltCheck. Both tools have been designed to help streamline work flow. FltCtrl has been designed specifically for business aviation flight operations teams to make the complexity of the flight... Read more
6-Jul-2015Source: FAA
Statement from FAA Deputy Administrator Mike Whitaker: “Improving general aviation (GA) safety is a top priority for the FAA and industry. Last year, 434 people were killed in 251 GA accidents. The fatal accident rate remains flat and too many lives are being lost despite the great work of our GA community. Thank you to... Read more
19-May-2015Source: Epic
EPIC Aviation LLC, a leading fuel supplier to the general and commercial aviation industries, today announced staff changes, including two staff promotions and the addition of a new OEM and Brokered Fuel sales manager. Dev Sharma has been promoted to Director of Sales – West. Dev has been with EPIC for more than 18 years,... Read more
18-May-2015Source: Bristow
Airbox, the specialist navigation and mission system developer, has today confirmed that Bristow Helicopters Limited is to use Airbox PANDA to support its UK SAR operations and Gap SAR bases in Sumburgh and Stornoway. The company will provide its mission visualisation platform to all of Bristow Helicopter’s SAR aircraft and bases enabling efficient and safe... Read more
16-Feb-2015Source: AOPA
AOPA’s popular electronic flight instructor refresher course (eFIRC) provides a customized way for flight instructors to fulfill their currency requirement by offering 13 pilot-selectable electives—including new seaplane and helicopter elements. Developed by AOPA’s award-winning Air Safety Institute, the eFIRC syllabus offers instructors a variety of electives to fit their interests. In addition to the seaplane... Read more
16-Feb-2015Source: L3
L-3 Aviation Products (L-3 AP) today officially launched its Lynx® MultiLink Surveillance System (MSS) line of Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) products. The company also announced that it has submitted for Technical Standard Order (TSO) authorization for the Lynx® NGT-9000, one of several models in the new line. Complete details on the Lynx family of products,... Read more
16-Feb-2015Source: Military Times
Military investigators say human error caused an Idaho Army National Guard helicopter to crash during a training mission in November near the Boise airport, leading to the death of two pilots on board. See full story.... Read more