Helicopter was reported “in difficulties” and had reported tail rotor control issues. Hard landing, helicopter fell over onto its port side on landing. Pilot and Passenger walked away... Read more
Substantially damaged in crash shortly after takeoff, ending up on its port side. Both POB to hospital... Read more
Flight plan for the overdue helicopter had it going the 30 miles from Hayfork to Weaverville and then back to Hayfork Friday. Search crews found the helicopter’s wreckage and pilot’s body in a remote area around 3:15 p.m. Student pilot later named as registered owner Mor Applebaum.... Read more
Pilot was Paul Alan Beach (66) was fatally injured and passenger Steven Michael Chenoweth (53) is in serious condition. Chenoweth’s 13 year old son witnessed the crash and made the 911 call... Read more
22-Nov-2009Source: Just Helicopters
Alpha Aviation offer new ground school class... Read more