29-Jan-2015Source: CAA
Substantial progress has been made on measures to improve offshore helicopter safety but there is still more to do, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said today as it published a progress report on the recommendations and actions from its comprehensive review of offshore helicopter operations from February 2014. Safety improvements introduced since the CAA... Read more
26-Jan-2015Source: LBHA
In a landmark ruling, the Ministry of Defence (MOD) and the Secretary of State have been told that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is the statutory regulator required to determine safety standards for civilian aircraft using government owned military aerodromes. Previously, as part of a policy of attracting 12,000 more business jets a year to... Read more
22-Jan-2015Source: CAA
The next stage of the Government’s plans for General Aviation (GA) will be unveiled on Saturday 28th March 2015 when the Government’s strategy for GA is made public at a joint Government / Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) event at the Imperial War Museum Duxford, Cambridgeshire. The Duxford event and unveiling of the Government’s strategy is... Read more
16-Jan-2015Source: Stuff
A Canterbury helicopter pilot has admitted three breaches of the Civil Aviation Act and faces sentencing in the Christchurch District Court in April. See Full Story... Read more
30-Nov-2014Source: CAA
Following a wide consultation the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published its finalised Policy Framework for General Aviation (GA) regulation. The framework balances the CAA’s public commitment to regulate the UK GA sector in a more proportionate and evidence-based way with its duties to protect third parties, including the general public. The new... Read more
14-Nov-2014Source: HAI
HAI on Nov. 11 joined 16 other aviation associations in pressing the US Senate leadership to bring two important bills forward for a vote as soon as possible, before the 113th adjourns in December. In a letter to Sens. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), the associations say S.1893, the Transportation Security Acquisition Reform... Read more
20-Oct-2014Source: NATS
A single radar that can provide traditional airport surveillance functions and mitigate against the effects of wind turbines may be a step closer following trials conducted through 2014. Air navigation services provider, NATS, and the radar manufacturer, TERMA, trialled the use of Terma’s SCANTER system to assess its performance as an extended range wind turbine... Read more
14-Oct-2014Source: CAA
A ‘root and branch’ review of how the UK’s Air Navigation Order (ANO) impacts on general aviation (GA) has begun, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) confirmed today. The wide-ranging review will look at how a more proportionate and lighter touch regulation for general aviation can be achieved. The review follows a commitment made by the... Read more
7-Oct-2014Source: BBC
New rules are to be introduced on the size of oil workers travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter. See Full Story... Read more
1-Oct-2014Source: Oil & Gas UK
The continuing steps being taken to improve further the safety of offshore helicopter flights will be outlined to the oil and gas sector on Thursday (October 2). Seven months after the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) published its ‘CAP1145’ report containing a series of actions and recommendations for helicopter safety, Oil & Gas UK is... Read more
29-Sep-2014Source: Helitech
We are proud to announce two new speakers to the Business Leaders Forum at the Business and Strategy Conference: Daniele Romiti, Chief Executive Officer from AgustaWestland and Chris Drew, Safety and Airworthiness Consultant from Baines Simmons. They will be joining an already impressive speaker panel, which includes senior executives from Airbus Helicopters, Bristow Group, Ascend... Read more
11-Sep-2014Source: EASA
The European Aviation Safety Agency announced on 10 September the speaker line-up for what is set to be one of the biggest General Aviation events in Europe. Under the motto “Towards simpler, lighter, better rules for General Aviation” and coinciding with the Italian Presidency of the EU, the conference is taking place on 15 and... Read more
10-Sep-2014Source: AfBAA
Ahead of this year’s African Business Aviation Association (AfBAA) Symposium to be held in Johannesburg 14 – 15 September AfBAA has today confirmed the attendance of two prestigious Guests of Honour that complement the existing line up of expert industry panelists and speakers. AfBAA is pleased to confirm that the key-note speech will be delivered... Read more
3-Sep-2014Source: UAS Vision
China’s unmanned helicopter, the V750, will receive an airworthiness certificate from Civil Aviation Administration next month. It will be the first such certificate issued by the country to a UAS. See Full Story... Read more
3-Sep-2014Source: The Australian
HELICOPTER operators will meet Civil Aviation Safety Authority representatives today in an 11th-hour attempt to resolve differences over new pilot licensing rules due to take effect next week. See Full Story... Read more
8-Aug-2014Source: SaxonAir
Leading offshore safety training provider Falck Safety Services (Falck) has joined forces with aviation provider SaxonAir in Norwich to offer helicopter safety training to correspond with new offshore regulations. Falck, which is based in Aberdeen and Teesside, will provide specialist safety courses at SaxonAir’s Business Aviation Centre Headquarters at Norwich International Airport ahead of new... Read more
15-Jul-2014Source: Survitec
The world’s first Category A Emergency Breathing System (EBS), developed by the Survitec Group, has gained approval and certification by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA). This is the first major response to the government inquiry and report into helicopter safety, which followed a fatal crash in the waters... Read more
10-Jul-2014Source: CAA
Any loss of life in aviation accidents is always tragic and the safety of those who rely on offshore helicopter flights is therefore our absolute priority. In February we announced over 70 actions and recommendations to improve safety, primarily aimed at preventing accidents but also to improve survivability following an incident. These were widely welcomed... Read more
2-Jun-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published a series of recommendations to help drive improvements in the way the aviation industry manages aircraft noise. More people in the UK are affected by aviation noise than any other country in Europe. With the Airports Commission currently considering proposals for increasing the UK’s aviation capacity,... Read more
2-Jun-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today launched a consultation on its future policy for General Aviation (GA) regulation. It builds on the recent GA Red Tape Challenge and the formation of the CAA’s first dedicated GA unit and will define how the CAA regulates GA on a day-to-day basis. The proposed policy seeks... Read more
30-May-2014Source: KaarbonTech
KaarbonTech has become the first company to receive a special permission from the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to fly a fixed-wing unmanned aerial vehicle within London airspace. The first flight, commissioned by The GeoInformation Group, took place over Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, the home of the London 2012 Games. Flight plans, prepared by qualified... Read more
8-May-2014Source: Oil & Gas UK
In response to the annoucement from the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today, Oil & Gas UK chief executive, Malcolm Webb, said: “The CAA consultation with industry has been highly constructive, prompting and accelerating the introduction of breakthrough lifesaving equipment over a year ahead of CAA proposed action A10 (CAP1145) – a real milestone for safety... Read more
8-May-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced changes to two of its requirements aimed at improving offshore helicopter safety. It follows discussions with the oil and gas industry, helicopter operators and representatives of the offshore workforce and pilots. In February the CAA announced a series of measures to improve the safety of offshore operations.... Read more
1-May-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has launched a series of template risk models, highlighting a number of specific safety scenarios, which airline and airport operators, air navigation service providers, maintenance organisations, ground service providers and regulators can use as part of their own safety management systems (SMS). The models will allow organisations to assess... Read more
10-Apr-2014Source: Oil & Gas UK
Commenting, Oil & Gas UK’s health and safety director Robert Paterson said: “Oil & Gas UK is working with our members to assess the impact on safety of the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority) Review. “Like the CAA, our primary focus is to create and maintain a safe environment for our industry to operate in. If... Read more
7-Apr-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced a review of the medical services it provides. The study will look at all aspects of the work of the CAA’s Medical Department to ensure UK pilots and air traffic controllers are receiving the most suitable and efficient service possible. The review will seek the opinions of key stakeholder... Read more
22-Feb-2014Source: Step Change in Safety
tep Change in Safety broadly welcomes today’s publication of the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) safety review and recognises that the report highlights a number of important actions and recommendations for the industry. Our focus has been and always will be making the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) the safest place to work in the worldwide oil... Read more
20-Feb-2014Source: Bristow Helicopters
Bristow Helicopters Ltd welcomes today’s report issued by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) on Offshore Helicopter Safety. Bristow is renowned for its Target Zero safety philosophy and we always support initiatives which enhance the safety of offshore oil and gas operations. In the meantime we are closely examining the recommendations made by the CAA... Read more
20-Feb-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today announced a series of measures to increase the safety of offshore helicopter flights. The changes are the result of a comprehensive review of offshore helicopter operations undertaken in conjunction with the Norwegian CAA and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and advised by a panel of independent experts.... Read more
16-Feb-2014Source: CAA
As part of Government plans to release a proportion of public sector spectrum by 2020 for commercial use, such as for mobile broadband, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has been tasked with assessing the possibility of safely reducing the aviation industry’s reliance on the bandwidth reserved for air traffic control radar. A major research... Read more
24-Jan-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has released further details to the aviation industry of its recent structural reorganisation. The CAA had announced earlier in the year that it would be merging its airspace and safety functions to strengthen its oversight role. Now, all major stakeholders, including airlines and airports, are being contacted with further details of... Read more
10-Jan-2014Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today announced the appointment of two senior figures to key leadership roles within its recently merged safety and airspace functions. Rob Bishton, a senior airline executive with a wealth of industry experience will take over as Head of the CAA’s Flight Operations department, while Tony Rapson, a former Royal... Read more
13-Dec-2013Source: BALPA
In response to Bond Air Services decision to ground its fleet of EC 135s, BALPA said: “Pilots are looking to the regulator, the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA)and European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) to take charge and provide the industry with the information that has informed the decision to ground the Bond EC-135 fleet. Flight safety... Read more
4-Dec-2013Source: CAA
Information on the current noise certificate, such as the certificated noise levels, is now available on G-INFO [the online register of British aircraft. Ed] against individual aircraft. If noise certificate data is available against a particular aircraft an additional label called Noise Certificate Information will appear on the main aircraft results screen. Further noise certificate... Read more
2-Dec-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has simplified the approval process for all handheld radios capable of 8.33 kHz channel spacing. The decision follows a fresh review by CAA specialists which concluded that radios conforming to existing European standards for non-airborne operation can provide the required levels of safety and performance for airborne use. The... Read more
1-Dec-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today updated GA stakeholders on its plans and progress in delivering a better deal for the UK’s general aviation sector. The update follows publication of the Government and CAA’s responses to the recent General Aviation Red Tape Challenge. Initial work is focused on setting up the new General Aviation... Read more
20-Nov-2013Source: CAA
Private pilots’ licences (PPL) can now be applied for online, following a move by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to improve the way it handles transactions. Trainee aeroplane and helicopter pilots who have successfully completed their training courses can, from today, complete the remaining application process on the CAA’s website www.caa.co.uk/privatepilots Applicants for Light Aircraft Pilots’... Read more
8-Nov-2013Source: HAI
The National Aeronautic Association (NAA) will honor Helicopter Association International (HAI) President Matt Zuccaro as a 2013 Distinguished Statesman of Aviation — one of five so named. The NAA established the award — which will be presented on Tuesday, November 12 — in 1954 to “honor outstanding Americans who, by their efforts over a period of years,... Read more
29-Oct-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has appointed Tim Johnson as its new Head of Policy. He will lead a new team formed by drawing together existing functions in the CAA, to strengthen policy development, improve co-ordination (particularly in Europe and internationally), and facilitate better sharing of skills across the organisation. Iain Osborne, Group Director... Read more
10-Oct-2013Source: CAA
People looking to take specially chartered air taxi flights to meetings, conferences and events have been advised to check the operator of their flight has been approved before booking their trip. Any UK-based individual, organisation or company offering flights in return for payment must have an Air Operator Certificate (AOC) issued by the CAA. This... Read more
1-Oct-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced details of a series of seminars designed to inform flight training schools of the transition process they will need to follow to achieve ‘Approved Training Organisation’ status. Those training schools currently referred to as Registered Training Facilities (RTF), have to become Approved Training Organisations (ATO) over the... Read more
29-Sep-2013Source: CAA
As part of a process to improve the way it handles official transactions, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will from today accept more applications online, including secure online payments. Pilots, aircraft maintenance engineers and air traffic personnel can now apply for a replacement licence or certificate online. The first licensing form to be available on the... Read more
25-Sep-2013Source: BALPA
Please see below a comment from the British Airline Pilots’ Association (BALPA) on today’s announcement that the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will be conducting a review into North Sea aviation safety. ‘We will consult with those members currently operating in the North Sea as to their views on the effectiveness of a CAA-led review, but... Read more
25-Sep-2013Source: Oil & Gas UK
Robert Paterson, Oil & Gas UK’s health, safety and employment issues director, said: “Oil & Gas UK welcomes the CAA’s review of offshore helicopter operations in the North Sea and we and our members stand ready to engage fully in the process. As the CAA highlights in its announcement, considerable efforts have already been made... Read more
25-Sep-2013Source: UK CAA
The CAA is undertaking a review of North Sea helicopter operations. It will be a joint review with the Norwegian CAA and the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and advised by a panel of independent experts. It will study current operations, previous incidents and accidents and offshore helicopter flying in other countries to make recommendations... Read more
3-Sep-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has published a new complaints policy, clearly setting out the process for stakeholders to follow to raise concerns about the services the aviation regulator provides, the conduct of its staff, or to complain about any problems they encounter with its work. The complaints policy is available at www.caa.co.uk/complaints Andrew Haines,... Read more
11-Jul-2013Source: HSSG
The Helicopter Safety Steering Group (HSSG) welcomes the Directive from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) as the first major step in bringing the fleet of EC225 helicopters back to safe flight operations. The safety barriers proposed will give several layers of assurance that this helicopter is safe to fly.... Read more
5-Jun-2013Source: CAA
The introduction of the new European regulations for pilot licensing has resulted in a significant amount of change for UK pilots in the past year and has also impacted the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) systems and processes. The result has been pilots and other stakeholders not receiving the level of service that we would hope... Read more
9-May-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today announced that Mike Barnard has been appointed as General Aviation (GA) Programme Manager. Mike’s main role will be leading a programme to develop and implement policy on how the CAA regulates the GA sector in the future to ensure it is safe and the regulation is proportionate. Building... Read more
17-Apr-2013Source: CAA
As part of a process to improve the way it handles official transactions with the aviation industry, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will from today accept more applications online, including secure online payments. UK based aircraft maintenance organisations, for example, can now apply for, or apply for variations to their ‘Part 145’ approval electronically,... Read more
19-Feb-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is to strengthen its provision of safety information to general aviation pilots from this spring. The CAA announced today that the publishing group, Archant, will begin producing general aviation safety material on its behalf. Archant, publisher of Pilot magazine, has been awarded a contract to write and distribute three... Read more
29-Jan-2013Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) will soon offer online applications and provide payment options for certain services through secure online processes. As part of a major project to update and improve the way it handles applications, the CAA will begin accepting e-applications and payments, initially, for two services – Part 145 maintenance organisation approvals,... Read more
11-Dec-2012Source: CAA
An innovative new lighting system for use on off-shore helidecks has undergone a successful flight inspection by the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). The new system, developed under a CAA research project and manufactured by Orga BV in the Netherlands, is designed to radically improve visibility for approaching pilots. The first production version of the... Read more
16-Jul-2012Source: Royal Air Force
Extra airspace restrictions around London and the Southeast, designed to ensure a safe and secure London 2012 Olympic Games, began on Saturday 14th July. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), National Air Traffic Services (NATS) and the Ministry of Defence have worked together to inform airspace users about the restrictions and how people can continue to... Read more
25-Jun-2012Source: CAA
A definitive pilot’s guide to the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games has been launched today by the Airspace & Safety Initiative (ASI). The 100-page manual navigates pilots through the various security and operational airspace restrictions in place for the duration of the Games, as well as detailing the specific additional procedures to be followed... Read more
23-May-2012Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced that the introduction of new EASA pilots’ licences in the UK has been delayed until 17 September 2012. The CAA said that due to the complexity of the transition to the new licence format, and changes to the associated requirements and infrastructure, the original 1 July 2012... Read more
16-May-2012Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) today confirmed the enforcement policy that will be in place to deal with infringements of this summer’s Olympics security airspace restrictions. The existing CAA policy of not generally pursuing a prosecution in cases when an airspace infringement is inadvertent, and the pilot has taken all reasonable steps to resolve... Read more
15-May-2012Source: Oil & Gas UK
The Helicopter Safety Steering Group (HSSG) met today, Monday 14 May, to share preliminary information on the recent helicopter ditching incident in the North Sea. Making up the HSSG are helicopter operators, oil and gas operators and contractors, offshore trade unions, the pilots’ union BALPA, the regulators HSE and CAA and Oil & Gas UK.... Read more
13-May-2012Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today announced a change to night flying regulations which will allow aircraft to operate under Visual Flight Rules (VFR) in the hours of darkness. Currently, all civil aircraft flying at night in the UK must comply with Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) but, from the 8 June 2012, this... Read more
2-May-2012Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today published comprehensive information on the latest flight crew licensing requirements for UK licensed pilots. The new document, CAP 804, notifies the requirements for UK national licences and provides a complete guide to the new EASA licensing regulations. The full publication is available for download from the Publications... Read more
30-Apr-2012Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today announced that following, agreement with the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA), pilots of UK-registered amateur-built aircraft, and other listed types flying to the Republic of Ireland, can now do so for up to 28 days through a general exemption. Previously pilots were required to make individual applications to... Read more
21-Apr-2012Source: CAA
With less than three months to go before EASA pilot licences start being issued, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has released a podcast explaining what the changes mean for UK pilots. The audio guide has been produced exclusively for the CAA by the award winning Flaps Podcast team and is available for download at www.caa.co.uk/eupilotlicensing... Read more
6-Mar-2012Source: HeliHub.com
The Civil Aviation Authority in the UK has produced a very useful guide to EASA pilot licensing regulations. In summary, they tell us this: “From 1 July 2012, EU rules for licence validations will apply to pilots with licences issued outside of the EASA Member States who are engaged in commercial flights in UK-registered EASA... Read more
1-Feb-2012Source: UK CAA
To enhance safety, to enable the more efficient use of airspace, and to align the management of airspace more closely with other nations, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has today launched a consultation on its intention to raise and harmonise the Transition Altitude in UK airspace to 18,000ft. At lower levels, it is important... Read more
3-Jan-2012Source: CAA
To help pilots prepare for flying in south east England during the 2012 London Olympics the Royal Institute of Navigation (RIN) and the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), through the Airspace and Safety Initiative (ASI), have joined forces to host a free briefing day in central London on Saturday 10 March 2012. The event will... Read more
17-Nov-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) and the Irish Aviation Authority (IAA) have approved a joint policy on Performance-based Navigation (PBN) to be implemented across UK and Irish airspace. PBN relies on new technology such as global navigation satellite systems, instead of more traditional ground based beacons, to enable aircraft to navigate to very high... Read more
10-Nov-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has approved temporary changes to controlled airspace in areas to the South West, South East and North East of the busy London Terminal Control Area during the London 2012 Olympics when there is expected to be a significant amount of additional air traffic movements. The changes announced today will... Read more
10-Nov-2011Source: CAA
Following a Ministry of Defence decision on the use of its Air Weapons Ranges, more airspace will be made available for general aviation flying, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) announced today. From the 1 November 2011, airspace restrictions designed to protect aircraft from munitions demolition work on Air Weapons Ranges, outside of the Danger... Read more
25-Oct-2011Source: HeliHub.com
The UK CAA yesterday issued all the necessary documentation for the Guimbal Cabri G2, making it fully certified for use in the UK. Local distributor Cotswold Helicopter Centre, who had a very positive response to this new type at Helitech recently, tell HeliHub.com that they are starting type ratings on their demonstrator next week. They... Read more
14-Oct-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has launched a consultation on its Scheme of Charges for 2012/13. The CAA said it welcomed all comments on its proposed charges for the new financial year, which are due to take effect on 1 April 2012. The consultation will close on 21 December 2011. The CAA said it... Read more
17-Aug-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has announced a new joint initiative with industry to produce a set of standardised Flight Data Monitoring (FDM) safety measures. FDM aims to improve safety through an analysis of information downloaded from an aircraft’s on-board computer at the end of every flight. This information can be used to identify... Read more
26-Jul-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has set out its key safety objectives for the next two years at an industry launch event at its Gatwick headquarters. The CAA’s Safety Plan 2011 to 2013, which has been published in draft form, invites comment from all industry groups. A final version will be published in August.... Read more
25-Jul-2011Source: CAA
Further development of the airspace security restrictions covering the London Olympic and Paralympic Games for 2012 were announced today by the UK Government, as part of its paramount objective to deliver of a safe and secure Games for all. A number of changes to the Government’s original proposals, announced on 7 March, have been made... Read more
27-Jun-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has approved a request from the Welsh Government to establish additional segregated airspace in the vicinity of West Wales Airport and the area to the east of the airport. The new segregated airspace will be for the sole use of unmanned aircraft conducting flying operations from the West Wales... Read more
9-May-2011Source: CAA
The UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) is once again calling for nominations for its annual General Aviation Safety Award. The Award seeks to honour individuals and teams who, through skill and determination, have made a lasting contribution to GA flight safety. Whether it is a ’one off’ incident, or a lifetime of campaigning work, the... Read more