LifeSave Kansas Earns CAMTS Accreditation

LifeSave Kansas Earns CAMTS Accreditation

17-Jan-2025Source: Air Methods

The LifeSave Kansas emergency air medical program is proud to announce its accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS). This accreditation affirms the program’s unwavering commitment to safety and clinical excellence over its 24 years of life-saving service to the state of Kansas. “Our LifeSave bases in Emporia, Wichita, Liberal, and... Read more

CAMTS announces Global Accreditation workshop

CAMTS announces Global Accreditation workshop

20-Mar-2024Source: CAMTS

We are honored to have Bangkok Hospital host the 1st CAMTS Global Accreditation workshop for air medical transport services in Asia. BDMS EMERGENCY SERVICES has been accredited since 2015 and they will share their experiences and benefits of accreditation with air medical personnel in the region. WHEN: Saturday, 15 June 2024, from 1:00 – 5:00... Read more

Guardian Flight Awarded CAMTS Accreditation in Wyoming

Guardian Flight Awarded CAMTS Accreditation in Wyoming

31-Oct-2022Source: Guardian Flight

  Guardian Flight announced that its air medical operations in Wyoming have been awarded full accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS). CAMTS accreditation is the highest standard that can be achieved in the air medical industry. “We are incredibly proud to be awarded this designation,” said Matt Strauss, regional director... Read more

HealthNet Aeromedical Services Earns National Reaccreditation

HealthNet Aeromedical Services Earns National Reaccreditation

1-Dec-2021Source: HealthNet Aeromedical Services

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services (CAMTS) has awarded HealthNet Aeromedical Services a full, three-year reaccreditation for patient transport operations. The program has been continually accredited by CAMTS since 1995. “This successful reaccreditation process is verification that our entire program is consistently focused on safe operations and providing the highest quality care to... Read more

CareFlight Air and Mobile Services Receives Tenth Accreditation

CareFlight Air and Mobile Services Receives Tenth Accreditation

14-Sep-2021Source: CareFlight

CareFlight Air and Mobile Services recently received its 10th consecutive three-year accreditation from the Commission on the Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS). Premier Health’s CareFlight, which celebrates 38 years of service this fall, has been continuously CAMTS-accredited since 1994 – one of the first programs in the United States to undergo a review by... Read more

CAMTS prepares for accreditation site visit of Air Methods Midwest Region

CAMTS prepares for accreditation site visit of Air Methods Midwest Region

9-Feb-2021Source: Air Methods

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct an accreditation site visit of: Air Methods Midwest Region (Medflight, ARCH, Phelps Air, HSHS Rescue Flight, Saints Flight, LifeNet of Michigan, Air Methods Kentucky, LifeStar, Christ LifeFlight, and LifeNet McHenry) on February 25-26, 2021. The purpose of the site visit will be to evaluate the... Read more

CAMTS Awards First Special Operations Accreditation

CAMTS Awards First Special Operations Accreditation

29-Jan-2020Source: CAMTS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) awarded its first ever Special Operations Accreditation on Jan. 24, 2020 to Burleson, Texas-based Air Center Helicopters. CAMTS developed and approved accreditation standards in 2019 for services that provide Search and Rescue and Personnel Recovery operations often contracted by the government to assist military and paramilitary... Read more

Life Link III Receives Full CAMTS Accreditation

Life Link III Receives Full CAMTS Accreditation

3-May-2019Source: Life Link III

Life Link III is proud to announce that it has been awarded full accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) for both its rotor wing and fixed wing services. The CAMTS accreditation status is one of the most prestigious industry designations that may be achieved and extends across the entire Life... Read more

CAMTS reaccredits eleven Med-Trans bases

CAMTS reaccredits eleven Med-Trans bases

5-Dec-2018Source: Med-Trans

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has reaccredited eleven Med-Trans air medical transport bases in the United States. “This recognition is a result of the hard work and professionalism of every employee to become the best at their positions of tremendous responsibility in transporting and caring for patients,” said Med-Trans Corporation President... Read more

CAMTS clarifies Lift-Off time definition

CAMTS clarifies Lift-Off time definition

23-Jan-2018Source: CAMTS

There has been a lot of misinterpretation about CAMTS’ position on lift-off times. Recently, we were told that CAMTS requires a 5-7 minute lift-off from the time of the request. This is not true! Medical transport services are measured against the Accreditation Standards. There is no such standard, and there never will be such a... Read more

WellmontOne earns CAMTS accreditation

WellmontOne earns CAMTS accreditation

5-Dec-2017Source: WellmontOne

WellmontOne Air Transport, an important partner for nearly 10 years in the region’s delivery of emergency care, has achieved a special designation that recognizes the service’s quality. After nearly a year of thorough preparation by WellmontOne followed by a rigorous two-day site visit by evaluators, the flight program was recently granted full accreditation for the... Read more

CAMTS Announces First Dual Accreditation

CAMTS Announces First Dual Accreditation

1-Nov-2017Source: CAMTS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) awarded several accreditations during its meeting on Oct. 14, 2017: The first dual accreditation for CAMTS-CAMTS EU, a new first time accreditation, a conditional accreditation, and nine reaccreditations.   First Dual Accreditation Embrace Yorkshire & Humber Infant & Children’s Transport Service in South Yorkshire, UK, received... Read more

CAMTS 2017 Best Practices

CAMTS 2017 Best Practices

22-Aug-2017Source: CAMTS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) has released its 6th issue of best practices, publically available as a digital document.   “The highly-experienced professionals of the CAMTS Board of Directors often identify excellent and innovative practices when we review applications and site surveys for accreditation,” said CAMTS Executive Director Eileen Frazer. “In... Read more

CAMTS EU Accreditation Standards Comment Period Open

CAMTS EU Accreditation Standards Comment Period Open

21-Aug-2017Source: CAMTS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems Europe (CAMTS EU) has posted the final draft of CAMTS EU Accreditation Standards for comments and suggestions on its website Sister organization to CAMTS, the largest and most respected medical transport patient care and safety accreditation organization in North America, CAMTS EU’s international standards offer fixed... Read more

Aberdeen Avera Careflight Receives Golden Certification

Aberdeen Avera Careflight Receives Golden Certification


The Aberdeen Avera Careflight base is now known for having the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems Certification. This certificate is the golden standard accreditation in the air medical industry. They have had to increase training levels and the standard of equipment to receive the CAMTS certificate. The accreditation will expire in September 2018,... Read more

CAMTS Awards Accreditation to 16 Medical Transport Services

CAMTS Awards Accreditation to 16 Medical Transport Services

4-Aug-2017Source: CAMTS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) proudly awarded new accreditation to three medical transport services and renewed accreditation to 13 additional services at the CAMTS July board meeting in Weehawken, New Jersey. Sky Nurses, a medical escort company of Delray Beach, Florida; Memorial MedFlight, a rotorwing emergency medical transport service of South... Read more

CAMTS warns on LifePort Clip Decks

CAMTS warns on LifePort Clip Decks

29-Jun-2017Source: CAMTS

CAMTS has received several calls on this safety issue.  We have been made aware of incidents as a result of the LifePort Clip Decks.  We have been told that not all parties have received the following notice from LifePort.  Please heed this urgent warning! Re: LifePort, Inc.’s Clip Decks – All Models/Part Numbers It has... Read more

CAMTS Awarded Accreditation by the ANSI

CAMTS Awarded Accreditation by the ANSI

15-May-2017Source: CAMTS

CAMTS has received coveted accreditation as an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards Developer. ANSI accreditation provides assurance that standards, goods, and services meet essential requirements throughout the global supply chain – engendering consumer trust and fostering competitiveness. Through accrediting the procedures of standards developing organizations like CAMTS, ANSI, through accreditation, signifies the techniques... Read more

CAMTS raises standards with increasing IIMC requirements

CAMTS raises standards with increasing IIMC requirements

18-Apr-2017Source: CAMTS

In keeping with CAMT’s values of continuously improving accreditation standards to improve patient care and safety of transport, the next revision to the CAMTS Standards will encourage additional helicopter Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) training requirements.  The draft of the recommendation, to be incorporated into the 11th Edition of the CAMTS Standards, will require quarterly Inadvertent... Read more

Air Evac Lifeteam earns full accreditation from CAMTS

Air Evac Lifeteam earns full accreditation from CAMTS

22-Aug-2016Source: Air Evac Lifeteam

Air Evac Lifeteam is proud to announce that it recently earned full accreditation from CAMTS – the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems. CAMTS is comprised of nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the quality and safety of medical transport services. CAMTS-appointed surveyors visited 25 air medical bases within the Air Evac Lifeteam system in... Read more

Rega becomes first European helicopter operator certified by CAMTS

Rega becomes first European helicopter operator certified by CAMTS

23-Jun-2016Source: Rega

The Swiss Air Rescue Rega has been certified by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) at the end of May 2016, an approval which is valid for three years. Rega is the first European organization that has been certified for medical helicopter and for medically escorted repatriations. “We believe that the verification... Read more

Life Link III awarded re-accreditation by CAMTS

Life Link III awarded re-accreditation by CAMTS

26-Apr-2016Source: Life Link III

Life Link III is pleased to announce that it has been awarded re-accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) for both its rotor wing and fixed wing services. The CAMTS accreditation status is one of the most prestigious industry designations that may be achieved and extends across the entire Life Link... Read more

STARS prepares for CAMTS accreditation audit

STARS prepares for CAMTS accreditation audit

22-Jan-2016Source: STARS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) will conduct a site visit of the Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) on Feb. 22 and 23, 2016. STARS has been accredited by CAMTS since 1998 with renewal occurring every three years. CAMTS accreditation standards deal with standards of patient care and safety in the... Read more

Whirly-Girls announce additional Scholarships for 2015/16

Whirly-Girls announce additional Scholarships for 2015/16

16-Jun-2015Source: Whirly-Girls

The Whirly-Girls Scholarship Fund Board of Directors is excited to announce three new annual scholarship commitments for each of the 2015 and 2016 scholarship Programs.Two 5-day Crew Resource Management Instructor (CRMI) courses and one 4.5 hour online crew Resource Management (CRM) course are being provided and taught by leading industry expert Randy Mains. 2 x... Read more

Medical Center of Plano to supply PHI Air Medical with plasma and blood products

Medical Center of Plano to supply PHI Air Medical with plasma and blood products

3-Jun-2015Source: Medical Center of Plano

Air ambulances are called when minutes matter and a new partnership with The Medical Center of Plano and PHI Air Medical (PHI) are ensuring that patients receive the most advanced trauma treatment available while in flight. The Medical Center of Plano is supplying PHI with plasma and blood products for placement on four of its... Read more

AMGH buys Summit Air Ambulance

AMGH buys Summit Air Ambulance

21-May-2015Source: REACH

REACH Air Medical Services announces the planned acquisition of Summit Air Ambulance from Texas Next Capital, based in San Antonio, TX. Summit is headquartered in Meridian, ID and uses medically configured helicopters and airplanes to transport injured patients from accident scenes and community hospitals to higher levels of care.  Flight medics and nurses provide an... Read more

EagleMed Names Robin Welch Wichita Area Program Manager

EagleMed Names Robin Welch Wichita Area Program Manager

20-May-2015Source: EagleMed

EagleMed critical care air medical transport company has appointed Robin Welch as Program Manager for the Wichita area. She will lead the company’s Wichita-based Fixed Wing and Rotor Wing Critical Care Air Medical Transport operations in terms of public relations, business development, and service integration with the regional hospitals and emergency medical services for the... Read more

REACH to launch IRIS Flight Tracking & Communications Technology

REACH to launch IRIS Flight Tracking & Communications Technology

7-Apr-2015Source: REACH

REACH Air Medical Services, in partnership with Outerlink Global Solutions and Metro Aviation, will launch Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), exponentially expanding their tracking, communication and overall safety practices. An all-encompassing new technology, IRIS provides global coverage and will allow REACH to record significantly greater amounts of aircraft data. The data will be processed by... Read more

Life Link III Celebrates 30th Anniversary

Life Link III Celebrates 30th Anniversary

17-Mar-2015Source: Life Link III

On March 15, 1985, three forward-looking hospitals joined together to create Life Link III, one of the first non-profit consortiums in the country to transport critically ill patients by helicopter. Three decades of experience has transformed the unique collaboration of a private hospital, a county hospital, and an academic hospital, into a membership of nine... Read more

REACH Air Medical Services Completes 100,000 Successful Patient Transports

REACH Air Medical Services Completes 100,000 Successful Patient Transports


REACH Air Medical Services announcesthe achievement of100,000 successful patient transports by their combined air and ground ambulance programs: REACH, Cal-Ore Life Flight, Methodist AirCare, and Woman’s AirCare. This family of providers serves an extensive range of communities across California, Oregon and Texas and is the largest provider of services in the Western United States. Sean... Read more

EagleMed Air Medical Transport Company Grows During 2014

EagleMed Air Medical Transport Company Grows During 2014

5-Jan-2015Source: EagleMed

EagleMed critical care air medical transport company performed well in 2014, adding locations, aircraft and employees. During the year, EagleMed employment grew from about 400 to more than 475, serving at 30 locations in 13 states throughout the United States. The company added critical care air medical transport operations in Houston, Texas; Cody Wyo.; and Butte,... Read more

REACH Air Medical Services Recognizes Contributions of Long-Term Employees

REACH Air Medical Services Recognizes Contributions of Long-Term Employees

17-Dec-2014Source: REACH

REACH Air Medical Services would like to acknowledge the dedication and accomplishments of its long-term employees, extendingspecialrecognition to those crew members who have achieved a substantial number of patient transports during their tenure. These individuals include: • Ken Suzuki, Helicopter Pilot, REACH 1, Santa Rosa – 3,000 flights • Terry Gowen, Flight Paramedic, REACH 6,... Read more

AAMS Congratulates 2014 Program Director of the Year

AAMS Congratulates 2014 Program Director of the Year

10-Oct-2014Source: AAMS

During the recent Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) in Nashville, Tenn., the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) was pleased to award the 2014 Program Director of the Year to Edward R. Eroe, President & CEO of Life Link III in Minneapolis, Minn. This annual award is presented in recognition of superior leadership and outstanding... Read more

EagleMed Receives Coveted ARGUS Platinum Rating

EagleMed Receives Coveted ARGUS Platinum Rating

25-Sep-2014Source: EagleMed

EagleMed critical care air medical transport company has earned an ARGUS Platinum Rating, the highest and most prestigious ARGUS safety rating, demonstrating EagleMed’s passionate and ongoing commitment to safety. EagleMed is the largest air medical transport company to achieve the ARGUS Platinum Rating. To award a Platinum Rating, aviation services company ARGUS International Inc. conducts... Read more

Metro Aviation welcomes MedLink AIR to the Metro Family

Metro Aviation welcomes MedLink AIR to the Metro Family

24-Sep-2014Source: Metro Aviation

Metro Aviation is welcoming Gundersen Health System to the Metro Family this fall. MedLink AIR, the emergency medical helicopter for Gundersen Health System, will soon be operated by Metro. The program serves La Crosse, Wisconsin and surrounding areas within a 150-mile radius, including communities through the tri-state region of western Wisconsin, northeastern Iowa and southeastern... Read more

Miami Valley Hospital CareFlight begins service with AS365 N3+

Miami Valley Hospital CareFlight begins service with AS365 N3+

22-Sep-2014Source: Airbus

CareFlightAir & Mobile Services of Miami Valley Hospital has taken delivery of a new AS365 N3+ Dauphin, the latest version of Airbus Helicopters outstanding medium twin-engine helicopter. The new aircraft, which is based at Miami Valley Hospital in Dayton, Ohio, joins CareFlight’s all-Dauphin fleet of four air medical transport helicopters. “We have a lot of... Read more

Air Evac Lifeteam reaccredited by CAMTS

Air Evac Lifeteam reaccredited by CAMTS

5-Dec-2013Source: Air Evac Lifeteam

Air Evac Lifeteam, the largest independently owned and operated air ambulance company in the United States, has been reaccredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services (CAMTS). The prestigious accreditation represents the highest standard for medical transport services. As part of the accreditation process, Air Evac Lifeteam voluntarily undertook the largest scale inspection... Read more

CAMTS Announces Accreditations

CAMTS Announces Accreditations

15-Apr-2013Source: CAMTS

Congratulations to the following medical transport services that achieved accreditation for the first time: Aeromed – a rotorwing service operating in Tampa, FL providing critical care since 1989. Air Methods Corporation operates and maintains the aircraft at 4 satellite bases. HALL CCT – a rotorwing and critical care ground service providing critical care in the... Read more

Enloe FlightCare wins CAMTS accreditation and two NVG awards

Enloe FlightCare wins CAMTS accreditation and two NVG awards

19-Nov-2011Source: Enloe FlightCare

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) announced Oct. 15 that it has for the second time awarded the Enloe FlightCare medical transport rotor-wing service a full three-year accreditation. The accreditation recognizes that FlightCare provides highly skilled flight nurse/paramedic teams to care for adult and pediatric patients. Enloe received its first CAMTS accreditation... Read more

CAMTS accreditation for two Air Evac Lifeteam bases in Ohio

CAMTS accreditation for two Air Evac Lifeteam bases in Ohio

17-Oct-2011Source: Air Evac Lifeteam

The Air Evac Lifeteam bases in Chillicothe and Portsmouth have received accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Services. The accreditation represents the highest standard for medical transport services. As part of the accreditation process, Air Evac Lifeteam voluntarily undertook the largest scale inspection and accreditation process in CAMTS’ history and is now... Read more

Erlanger Life Force receives CAMTS accreditation

Erlanger Life Force receives CAMTS accreditation

28-Jul-2011Source: Erlanger Health System

Erlanger Health System’s air medical program, LIFE FORCE, has received a three-year accreditation for achieving high priority in patient care and safety from the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS). As of July 15, 148 accredited medical services are through CAMTS. LIFE FORCE is one of three air medical services in Tennessee that... Read more

Native Air has CAMTS accreditation site visit 15-16 September

Native Air has CAMTS accreditation site visit 15-16 September

16-Sep-2010Source: Native Air

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems will conduct an accreditation site visit of: Native Air, an Omniflight Company On September 15-16, 2010 The purpose of the site visit will be to evaluate the program’s compliance with nationally established medical transport standards. The site visit results will be used to determine whether, and the... Read more

Carilion Clinic Proudly Announces Renewed CAMTS Accreditation

Carilion Clinic Proudly Announces Renewed CAMTS Accreditation

11-May-2010Source: Carilion Clinic

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems is dedicated to improving the quality of patient care and safety of the transport environment for services providing rotorwing, fixed wing and ground transport systems. CCPT’s commitment to going through this voluntary process is one example of our focus on providing service excellence to our surrounding communities.... Read more

STARS readies itself for CAMTS accreditation audit in early March

STARS readies itself for CAMTS accreditation audit in early March

2-Feb-2010Source: STARS

The Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems (CAMTS) will conduct the accreditation site visit of the Alberta Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society (STARS) from March 8 – 9, 2010. STARS has been accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Medical Transport Systems since 1998 through this voluntary process. Accreditation renewal occurs every three years.... Read more

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