8-May-2014Source: Cay Compass
A new court hearing is scheduled for May, with opponents of the venture turning their attention to the issue of noise nuisance in an effort to have planning permission overturned. See full story... Read more
The chief justice has ordered the CAACI to reassess the Cayman Islands Helicopters heliport in accordance with the rules and regulations and safety criteria that it should have used in the first place – see full story... Read more
27-Feb-2012Source: CayCompass
What started as an attempt to put more cruise ship passengers on a helicopter tour of Grand Cayman and drum up some business on the north side of George Town harbour has ended up in a court fight between the helicopter company, Cayman’s CAA and some downtown property owners. (see full story)... Read more
17-Nov-2011Source: HeliHub.com
Cayman Islands Helicopters have opened their new helipad on the waterfront of capital city Georgetown, aiming specifically at the cruise ship market. Previously operating from Owen Robert International Airport, the transfer to and from the port (even though only 10 minutes each way!) did not encourage as many cruise passengers as expected. With the new... Read more