CGAS Kodiak

CGAS Kodiak Change of Command

CGAS Kodiak Change of Command

16-Jul-2012Source: US Coast Guard

Capt. Karl Moore, retiring commanding officer of Base Kodiak, and Capt. Jerald Woloszynski, incoming commanding officer of Base Kodiak, shake hands after reading their orders and passing command July 11, 2012. Woloszynski, prior program manager for the Nationwide Automatic Identification System project, will serve a three-year tour as commanding officer at Base Kodiak.... Read more

USCG Alaska base trains on ski-equipped HH-65

USCG Alaska base trains on ski-equipped HH-65

7-Apr-2011Source: US Coast Guard

KODIAK, Alaska – A Coast Guard Air Station Kodiak HH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew trains with ski sleds installed on the Dolphin March 25, 2011, at Narrow Cape. The ski sleds were installed so aircrews will continue to have a current knowledge in landing a Dolphin on snowy or ice covered terrain and also supports the... Read more

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