29-Apr-2019Source: GVIC
Global Value Investment Corp. (GVIC), a value-oriented investment research and advisory firm located in Mequon, Wisconsin, today nominated four highly qualified, independent candidates for election to the board of directors of Bristow Group, Inc. (NYSE: BRS). GVIC’s nominees are Sten Gustafson, Jonathan Meretsky, Anthony Gray, and Jeffrey Geygan. Read: Open Letter to Bristow Shareholders Mr.... Read more
2-Feb-2017Source: NAAMTA
It is with great excitement that we announce the appointment of Matthew H. Evenhouse, MD, FACEP, as NAAMTA’s Medical Director. Dr. Evenhouse joins the NAAMTA team as an accomplished clinician with a commitment to excellence and extensive experience in air medical services. A cum laude graduate of MCP Hahnemann School of Medicine, he went on... Read more