23-Mar-2018Source: DART Aerospace
DART has continuously been committed to strengthening its position and customer focus in Europe and surrounding regions all while striving to facilitate access to product portfolio and top-of-the-line quality service and customer support. To follow this commitment, DART Aerospace and Drallim Industries signed an agreement to perform Repair & Overhaul on DART remote cargo hooks, swivels and... Read more
27-Jun-2016Source: Drallim
Drallim is pleased to announce that Bell Helicopters, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, has selected the HAWK 8000lb Cargo Hook System for its Bell 525 Relentless The HAWK 8000lb keeperless hook is one of a new range of cargo hook products arising from the company’s three year modernisation programme. The hook has been based... Read more