5-Aug-2013Source: P&WC
Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) is in the midst of celebrations marking the 50th anniversary of the first delivery of its iconic PT6 engine, an engine that has helped to change the face of modern aviation. P&WC is a division of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX). “The PT6 engine has played an integral role in building P&WC into... Read more
2-Aug-2013Source: HAI
On Tuesday, the second day of EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis., HAI President Matt Zuccaro led a forum on career opportunities in the helicopter industry. There are jobs available for relatively low-time commercial pilots (800-1000 flight hours) looking to build time and experience, he told the audience. HAI President Matt Zuccaro details the exciting and... Read more
2-Aug-2013Source: HAI
HAI President Matt Zuccaro and six other general aviation (GA) association presidents sat together at EAA’s AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis., and discussed both the challenges facing the GA industry and the successes the industry has had over the past year. Zuccaro joined Experimental Aircraft Association Chairman Jack Pelton, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) President... Read more
2-Aug-2013Source: HAI
HAI – a Commemorative Partner of the official U.S. Vietnam War Commemoration – on Wednesday paid tribute to Vietnam veterans, thanking them for her service. Any Vietnam veteran who stopped by the HAI HELI-CENTER and identified themselves as such received a limited edition baseball cap. Among the attendees was Maj. Gen. Patrick Brady, a Dustoff... Read more
31-Jul-2013Source: Sikorsky
To introduce more opportunities for entrepreneurs to contribute to aerospace innovation, Sikorsky Innovations today announced it has launched its 4th Entrepreneurial Challenge, a competition to accelerate companies and individuals with applications in the vertical flight market. Sikorsky Innovations is the technology development organization of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). As part of the Start-Up Aviation... Read more
26-Jul-2013Source: HAI
The world’s largest general aviation gathering — EAA’s AirVenture at Wittman Regional Airport in Oshkosh, Wis. — begins on Monday, July 29, and HAI will once again bring the world of rotorcraft to this fixed-wing crowd in a big way. THE HAI HELI-CENTERTM is right up next to the flightline and about as close to show... Read more
10-Jun-2013Source: EAA AirVenture
For the third year in a row, the HAI HELI-CENTER® will have a prominent place at EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis., close to the flightline near show center. And this year we have an opportunity, with your help, to put helicopters front and center. For the first time ever, EAA has designated the space between... Read more
16-May-2013Source: HAI
Looking to tap a market of 500,000 aviation enthusiasts? Display your helicopter or related products and services at the HAI HELI-CENTER™ at EAA® AirVenture™ Oshkosh July 29 – August 4, 2013. EAA AirVenture Oshkosh is the world’s largest general aviation event. HAI is bringing vertical aviation to the forefront at the show with its two-story HELI-CENTER... Read more
18-Mar-2013Source: EAA
The Helicopter Association International (HAI) and EAA have made a joint commitment to give helicopters a new prominence at EAA’s AirVenture – The World’s Greatest Aviation Celebration. The two organizations inked a three-year deal to keep HAI’s HELI-CENTER located near the AirVenture flightline, not far from Phillips 66 Plaza. As part of the deal, the... Read more