Greek Army

New specialized unit to join the Greek Military

New specialized unit to join the Greek Military

2-Oct-2020Source: Greek City Times

The plan to restructure the Greek Armed Forces, which was voted by a committee a few days earlier, envisages the establishment of a Special Operations Aviation Unit. See Full Story.... Read more

Selex Galileo to provide EW training to Greek Army

Selex Galileo to provide EW training to Greek Army

12-Jan-2012Source: Selex Galileo

SELEX Galileo, a Finmeccanica Company, has signed an agreement to provide Electronic Warfare (EW) training for Greek Army technicians and flight crew operating out of the Hellenic Army Aviation base at Megara. Following the comprehensive 6 month training programme SELEX Galileo will field personnel to support Hellenic Army crews on-site at the base in Megara.... Read more

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