9-Feb-2023Source: MD Helicopters
MD Helicopters (MDH) is pleased to announce the delivery of its first of three MD 530F helicopters to the Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD). The helicopter was delivered in a special ceremony at the MD Helicopters factory on Tuesday before flying to its new home in Huntington Beach, California. “The Huntington Beach Police Department is... Read more
Law enforcement helicopter crashed into shallow water, severely injuring the pilot and killing the passenger – named in the Huntington Beach Police statement as Nicolas Vella. This tweet suggests it was spinning out of control prior to hitting the water Investigation continues into cause of fatal police helicopter crash in Newport Beach – KTLA Los... Read more
28-Jul-2021Source: MD Helicopters
MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) is pleased to announce Huntington Beach Police Department (HBPD) signed a purchase agreement for three MD 530F helicopters in a law enforcement configuration. The purchase agreement was signed during a special ceremony attended by Alan Carr, sole director of MDHI’s board of directors. The department has owned and operated MD helicopters... Read more
6-Feb-2017Source: MD Helicopters
MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) celebrates Huntington Beach Police Department’s Air Support Bureau with a special commendation for its outstanding record of over 70,000 accident free flight hours. The Huntington Beach Air Support Bureau began flying MDHI-model helicopters in 1984 with the iconic MD 500E. The department acquired its current all-NOTAR fleet of three (3) MD... Read more
22-Aug-2011Source: HeliHub.com
Huntington Beach police helicopters will continue to patrol Newport Beach for now. The City Council has approved a 3 year contract to provide helicopter services to its neighbour at the hourly rate of $700, and allowing for 1,000 hours worth of response services and patrol time per year. On July 30, Newport Beach and Costa... Read more
22-Mar-2010Source: Orange County Register
Due to budget cuts, Huntington Beach has decreased its flight time to 40 hours from 60, saving about $108,000. Anaheim has cut their hours to 45 from 60, reducing costs by $311,000, and the Sheriff’s Department slashed its air time in half – from five hours a day to two and a half, saving $700,000.... Read more