7-Mar-2023Source: Stratom
Stratom, a global leader in robotic refueling and autonomous systems, and Imenco, the industry specialist in military and civil aviation refueling solutions for commercial aviation and offshore applications, announced its partnership to bring best-in-class robotic refueling systems to customers worldwide. The collaboration offers proven advanced systems that deliver safe and sustainable autonomous refueling systems that boost business... Read more
9-May-2011Source: Imenco
The contract is for a new Helicopter Refueling System at Greater Ekofisk Area 2/4, as the platform will have the busiest Helicopter traffic in the North Sea. The contract will include delivery of a Dispenser Unit, Defueling Unit, Storage Skid, Sample Skid, Laydown Skid, Pump Unit, included necessary Engineering work for the project. The Helicopter Refueling  package... Read more