Italian Navy

AW609 tiltrotor completes first ship trial

AW609 tiltrotor completes first ship trial

3-Jul-2024Source: Leonardo

The AW609 tiltrotor programme set another major industry capability milestone after its first successful ship trial, which was recently conducted with the support of the Italian Navy. From 3-12 April, the AW609 AC4 aircraft, fully representative of the final production configuration, performed demonstration trials relocating from Leonardo’s facility based in Cascina Costa (Samarate) to Maristaer... Read more

Italian Navy complete deliveries of NH90s

Italian Navy complete deliveries of NH90s

3-Oct-2023Source: Leonardo

The Italian Navy achieved a major rotorcraft capability enhancement milestone with the completion of deliveries of its NH90 helicopters combined with a dedicated simulation centre for its NH90 crews. The 46th SH-90A ASW/ASuW aircraft, assembled at Leonardo’s facility in Venice Tessera, has been deployed at the Italian Navy’s Maristaeli Luni Base and presented during an... Read more

Leonardo unveils AWHero RUAS’ developments for multi-purpose maritime operations

Leonardo unveils AWHero RUAS’ developments for multi-purpose maritime operations

6-Jun-2023Source: Leonardo

Leonardo unveiled the latest developments for its 200 kg class AWHero RUAS (Rotary Uncrewed Aerial System) during an official ceremony held at SEAFUTURE 2023 (La Spezia – Italy) on board Italian Navy’s Paolo Thaon di Revel PPA (Pattugliatore Polivalente d’Altura – Multipurpose Offshore Patrol Vessel). The unveiling was carried out in the presence of representatives... Read more

Leonardo to exhibit maritime defence event IMDEX Asia in Singapore

Leonardo to exhibit maritime defence event IMDEX Asia in Singapore

4-May-2023Source: IMDEX Asia

Leonardo, a strategic partner of the Italian Navy and a key supplier to many international naval forces, will exhibit at the leading naval and maritime defence event IMDEX Asia in Singapore 3rd to 5th May. During the show, the company will present multi-domain technologies developed to meet the modern needs of Armed Forces and strengthen... Read more

Leonardo addresses new naval challenges at Seafuture 2021

Leonardo addresses new naval challenges at Seafuture 2021

5-Oct-2021Source: Leonardo

With over 60 years’ experience working closely with many Navies and developing the technologies necessary to face the complex challenges imposed by new scenarios, Leonardo is sponsoring and exhibiting at the seventh edition of Seafuture 2021 in La Spezia, from 28 September to 1 October. The biennial international event – organised in collaboration with the... Read more

NHIndustries delivers last Italian Navy NH90 MITT

NHIndustries delivers last Italian Navy NH90 MITT

20-Sep-2021Source: NHIndustries

NHIndustries completes final delivery of the Italian Navy NH90 MITT Tactical Transport Helicopter fleet In line with the contractual schedule and Customer expectations, on August 26th NHIndustries completed the final delivery of an NH90 MITT (Maritime – Italian Navy Tactical Transport) helicopter to the Italian Navy. The aircraft is the last of ten MH-90s, which... Read more

06-Nov-19 MM81487 Leonardo AW101 Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy

06-Nov-19 MM81487 Leonardo AW101 Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy


Helicopter belonging to the  1° Gruppo Elicotteri of the Italian Navy crash landed aboard  Caio Duilio AAW (Anti-Air Warfare) Destroyer at the end of a night training flight. Helicopter on its side, 6 POB not seriously injured... Read more

Selex obstacle avoidance system goes live on Italian NH90s

Selex obstacle avoidance system goes live on Italian NH90s

22-Oct-2015Source: Selex

Selex ES, is now on board an Italian Army NH90 TTH. The helicopter has just been delivered to the Italian Ministry of Defence. The validation activity was managed in collaboration with the Italian Ministry of Defence’s Direzione Armamenti Aeronautici e per l’Aeronavigabilità (ARMAEREO). LOAM, developed and manufactured by Selex ES at its Genoa site, is... Read more

Finmeccanica wins Landing Helicopter Dock contract with Fincantieri

Finmeccanica wins Landing Helicopter Dock contract with Fincantieri

6-Jul-2015Source: finmeccanica

Fincantieri, one of the world’s largest shipbuilding groups and reference player in the naval shipbuilding industry, and Finmeccanica, Italy’s leading manufacturer in the high technology sector, have been awarded the contract for the construction and equipment of one multipurpose amphibious unit (LHD) for the Italian Navy. The total value of the contract is over €1.1... Read more

Italian Navy contracts for Schiebel Camcopter S-100

Italian Navy contracts for Schiebel Camcopter S-100

11-Feb-2014Source: Schiebel

The Italian Navy has selected the CAMCOPTER® S-100 UAS (Unmanned Air System) to provide support for its fleet, making it the first European Navy that has S-100 in operational use. The CAMCOPTER® S-100 has already proven efficient to the Italian Navy as it was the first UAS ever to fly from an Italian ship, the... Read more

AgustaWestland AW101 rescues Indian national

AgustaWestland AW101 rescues Indian national


With the contract to supply twelve AW101s to the Indian Government a hot topic this week, an amazing coincidence gives us the title of the AW101 saving an Indian national. In what appears to be a pleasant coincidence for the manufacturer, the Italian Navy yesterday put out a press release about their latest rescue –... Read more

Selex Elsag to equip Italian Navy NH90s with Laser Obstacle Avoidance & Monitoring

Selex Elsag to equip Italian Navy NH90s with Laser Obstacle Avoidance & Monitoring

19-Jul-2012Source: Selex Elsag

At Farnborough 2012 SELEX Elsag announced a 11 million euro contract to supply LOAM (Laser Obstacle Avoidance & Monitoring) systems to equip naval and tactical NH-90 helicopters operated by the Italian Ministry of Defense. Delivery of the equipment is expected to begin in 2013. The NH90 is produced by NHI, a consortium between the Franco-German... Read more

Camcopter S-100 becomes first UAV to fly from an Italian Navy ship

Camcopter S-100 becomes first UAV to fly from an Italian Navy ship

30-Apr-2012Source: Schiebel

Schiebel’s CAMCOPTER® S-100 has taken a further step in consolidating its strong maritime position by being the first UAS (Unmanned Air System) to ever fly from an Italian Navy ship. The S-100 was flown from the ITS Bersagliere, a Soldati Class frigate and successfully carried out a number of missions for observers from the Italian... Read more

Italian Navy to receive Mission Planning & Analysis System for NH90s

Italian Navy to receive Mission Planning & Analysis System for NH90s

26-Jan-2012Source: AgustaWestland

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that the Italian Navy will receive a Mission Planning & Analysis System (MPAS) for its fleet of NH90 NFH medium twin naval helicopters. The MPAS contract, signed between AgustaWestland and NAHEMA (NATO Helicopter Management Agency), fulfills the requirement for a multi-mission and multi-platform mission planning system that... Read more

AgustaWestland NH90 assembly line celebrates one year and two deliveries

AgustaWestland NH90 assembly line celebrates one year and two deliveries

19-Dec-2011Source: AgustaWestland

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that its new NH90 Final Assembly Line, located at Venice Tessera in Italy, has successfully completed its first year of operations and celebrated the joint delivery of an NH90 TTH to the Italian Army and an NH90 NFH to the Italian Navy on December 16th. The facility... Read more

Italian Navy takes delivery of first of 56 NH90s

Italian Navy takes delivery of first of 56 NH90s

24-Jun-2011Source: NH Industries

The Italian Navy has ordered a total of 56 NH90s (46 NFH and 10 TTH units) which will replace its previous generation helicopters for a variety of roles including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface warfare and utility. The NH90 NFH will give the Italian Navy a major increase in operational capability and mission effectiveness due to its... Read more

Italian Navy sends three AW101s to Afghanistan

Italian Navy sends three AW101s to Afghanistan

28-Oct-2010Source: Italian Navy

[Electronic translation of Italian language press release] It ‘began Oct. 4 and will run until 13, the transfer with a C-17 aircraft of the U.S. Air Force three- EH-101 helicopters that the Navy should operate in Afghanistan to support the operations of the NATO-led force, known as ISAF – International Security and Assistance Force. The... Read more

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