22-Jul-2021Source: STLC
The State Transport Leasing Company (STLC) has leased the Mi-8 MTV1 helicopter to KrasAvia as part of the MAKS-2021 International Aviation and Space Salon. KrasAvia is a long-time partner of STLC; since 2012, five leasing agreements have been concluded with the airline for 3 L-410 aircraft, 2 Robinson R-66 helicopters and a Mi-8 helicopter. In... Read more
Fell onto its side while landing, killing one of the eight on board. Fatality named as Svetalana Kulishova... Read more
Emergency landing due Hydraulic failure... Read more
Mil Mi-8 helicopter made an emergency landing at Baikit Airport in Russia’s Krasnoyarsk territory after its engine malfunctioned... Read more