Lebanese Army

Lebanese Armed Forces pay visit to UK Puma force at RAF Benson

Lebanese Armed Forces pay visit to UK Puma force at RAF Benson

13-Feb-2023Source: Royal Air Force

Our Defence Engagement programme got off to a flying start recently with a visit from the Lebanese Armed Forces to the Puma Force at RAF Benson. Aircrew and engineers from the Lebanon Armed Forces, who also fly Puma helicopters, were hosted by their counterparts on 33 Squadron to share experiences of operating and engineering practices. ... Read more

05-Jan-22 L170x MD Helicopters MD530F Hadath al-Jebbeh, Lebanon

05-Jan-22 L170x MD Helicopters MD530F Hadath al-Jebbeh, Lebanon


Emergency landing after the soldiers on board heard a strange sound and they decided to make an emergency landing – the helicopter ended up on its side in a tree.  According to a press report, all on board of the helicopter are in good health. The Lebanese Army received six 530Fs from the US in... Read more

Six MD-530F+ helicopters handed over to Lebanese military

Six MD-530F+ helicopters handed over to Lebanese military

19-Nov-2021Source: US Government

Ambassador Dorothy C. Shea delivered the following remarks at Hamat Airbase: “Sabah el-Kheir, Good morning, General Joseph Aoun, General Haikal, distinguished guests. What an honor it is to be with you this morning.  As you probably know, General Aoun and I recently traveled to the United States where we were hosted for a series of... Read more

Lebanese Army start R44 tourist flights to raise money

Lebanese Army start R44 tourist flights to raise money

5-Jul-2021Source: ARAB NEWS

The Lebanese army announced on Thursday that it is set to offer sightseeing rides in its helicopters in a bid to boost its coffers. The country’s ongoing economic crisis —  which the World Bank describes as “likely one of the world’s worst since the 1850s” — has hit the Lebanese military hard, leaving it struggling... Read more

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