LHA introduces international hour building programme

LHA introduces international hour building programme

9-Nov-2022Source: Leading Helicopter Academies

The Leading Helicopter Academies (LHA) is launching Europe’s first international hour building programme. Giving young pilots the opportunity to build hours at more than one helicopter school. This exclusive programme delivers better pilots. Novice aviators learn a much wider variety of skills. Instead of repeated flights with the same helicopter and the same flying conditions,... Read more

Heli NRW joins LHA

Heli NRW joins LHA

8-Nov-2022Source: Leading Helicopter Academies

German company, Heli NRW, is the newest member of Leading Helicopter Academies (LHA). Based at Mönchengladbach Airport, near Cologne and Dusseldorf, they provide excellent training for the PPL, CPL and FI licences, as well as many of the necessary ratings. They have also recently acquired an EASA-certified helicopter simulator from VRM Switzerland. CEO of Heli... Read more

Introducing the first European network of helicopter academies

Introducing the first European network of helicopter academies

14-Jun-2022Source: The Leading Helicopter Academies of Europe

  June 14, 2022 sees the launch of the first European network of independent helicopter academies. The network will be supported by a new website: https://www.lha.eu. The Leading Helicopter Academies of Europe (LHA) is committed to raising standards, by combining their strengths and industry knowledge. Providing better services, training and support for governments, organizations and... Read more

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