McMahon Helicopter Services

McMahon Helicopter Releases iPhone App

McMahon Helicopter Releases iPhone App

6-Mar-2019Source: McMahon

McMahon has released version 1.0 of the McMahon Now premium freight tracking app for Apple iPhone. The McMahon Now App is the first of its kind, allowing customers to track McMahon’s helicopters and ground assets in near real-time. Assets are displayed on a scalable map and tracking data is transmitted via satellite network. Users will be... Read more

McMahon Helicopter Services appointed distributor for MD Helicopters

McMahon Helicopter Services appointed distributor for MD Helicopters

24-Apr-2017Source: MD Helicopters

MD Helicopters, Inc. (MDHI) is proud to announce the addition of McMahon Helicopter Services to its U.S. network of authorized sales representatives. Canton, Michigan-based McMahon provides customers with a wide range of helicopter charter services as well as sales and maintenance support. Authorized as a distributor for the full range of MD Helicopters’ single and twin-engine aircraft,... Read more

Michegan operator McMahon Helicopter Services buys its first drone

Michegan operator McMahon Helicopter Services buys its first drone

16-Jul-2015Source: Hometownlife

By the book is how the McMahon brothers wanted to work with their first Unmanned Aircraft System — colloquially known as a drone. See full story... Read more

Helicopter Camera Pioneer Brian McMahon Flies West

Helicopter Camera Pioneer Brian McMahon Flies West

20-Mar-2014Source: HAI

Brian Patrick McMahon, president and founder of McMahon Helicopter Services, Inc. and cofounder of the Michigan Helicopter Association, passed away February 9. He was 63. As an entrepreneur, innovator, inventor, professional aviator, and flight instructor, Brian was recognized by many as a pioneer in helicopter aviation. Brian became involved with helicopters during service as a... Read more

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