
MDFR Orders AW139

MDFR Orders AW139

4-Dec-2019Source: Leonardo

Leonardo announced that Miami-Dade Fire Rescue (MDFR) signed a contract for four AW139 intermediate twin engine helicopters. The aircraft will be used to perform a range of missions—primarily fire suppression, emergency medical services (EMS) and search and rescue (SAR)—and will have special equipment including a cargo hook, rescue hoist and Bambi bucket. The first helicopter... Read more

City of Miami opens up land for heliport development

City of Miami opens up land for heliport development


The city of Miami has recently agreement on a Temporary Easement Agreement on Watson Island so that space can be made for a heliport. The heliport will be on the southern portion of the island, an area that was rezoned in 2016. They will be freeing up approximately 55,807 square feet of land for the... Read more

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