Minas Gerais

Helibras delivers EMS EC145 to State of Minas Gerais

Helibras delivers EMS EC145 to State of Minas Gerais

11-Jun-2014Source: helibras

Helibras delivered the first EC145 the State Department of Health of Minas Gerais. The aircraft will be used for attendance during the 2014 FIFA World Cup in the state. In aeromedical configuration, the model will carry two stretchers with patients, doctors, nurses, operating crew of Firefighters, Pilot and co-pilot. The helicopter is equipped with the... Read more

Helibras President hosts governor of Minas Gerais

Helibras President hosts governor of Minas Gerais

5-Feb-2012Source: Helibras

[Electronic translation]  The president of Helibras – Helicopters SA of Brazil, Eduardo Marson, was in Belo Horizonte for a meeting with the governor of Minas Gerais, Antonio Anastasia on February 1.  [Mr Marson on the left, Mr Anastasia on the right in the photo] During the visit the head of the governor Helibras presented the... Read more

Aroldo Tourinho Hospital adds first EMS helipad to north of Minas Gerais, Brazil

Aroldo Tourinho Hospital adds first EMS helipad to north of Minas Gerais, Brazil

22-Sep-2009Source: Norte

It has been common in the hospital the landing of helicopters bringing patients from the entire northern region of Minas Gerais. Some patients from other cities in need of urgent care use the service in order to get faster, and more likely to survive.... Read more

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