HAI fights to preserve veteran benefits

HAI fights to preserve veteran benefits

20-May-2015Source: HAI

On Monday, May 18, HAI and six other aviation associations sent a strongly worded letter to the chairman and ranking member of the House Committee of Veterans Affairs, urging their committee to reject a bill (H.R. 476) that would impose a detrimentally low cap on Veterans Administration (VA) funding for college flight training degree programs... Read more

General Aviation supports $219B of US economic output and 1.1M jobs

General Aviation supports $219B of US economic output and 1.1M jobs

18-Feb-2015Source: HAI

Eight general aviation associations on Wednesday unveiled a new industry-wide study detailing the economic contributions of general aviation to the U.S. economy at a press conference at the Newseum. The study, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers, determined that general aviation supports 1.1 million total jobs and supplies $219 billion in total economic output in the United States.... Read more

Aviation association leaders stand united at Oshkosh

Aviation association leaders stand united at Oshkosh

2-Aug-2013Source: HAI

HAI President Matt Zuccaro and six other general aviation (GA) association presidents sat together at EAA’s AirVenture in Oshkosh, Wis., and discussed both the challenges facing the GA industry and the successes the industry has had over the past year. Zuccaro joined Experimental Aircraft Association Chairman Jack Pelton, Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) President... Read more

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