
MRO Insider Launches Live Map Capability

MRO Insider Launches Live Map Capability

22-Feb-2022Source: MRO Insider

MRO Insider announced this week that the platform has launched a live map feature on their service quoting platform that will allow operators to request quotes from AOG, FBO or detailing providers on demand, based on live-updated locations. Andy Nixon, President of MRO Insider explained, “Our platform traditionally allowed users to send requests based by... Read more

US Army Black Hawks to receive upgraded Doppler navigation system

US Army Black Hawks to receive upgraded Doppler navigation system

8-Aug-2018Source: BAE Systems

The U.S. Army has selected BAE Systems to provide touch screen computer display units (CDU) as an upgrade to the company’s ASN-128 Doppler GPS Navigation System on Black Hawk helicopters. The self-contained, all-weather, day or night navigation system enables Black Hawk pilots to view real-time flight plan data. This task order, which was awarded to... Read more

UK CAA begins spectrum release study

UK CAA begins spectrum release study

16-Feb-2014Source: CAA

As part of Government plans to release a proportion of public sector spectrum by 2020 for commercial use, such as for mobile broadband, the UK Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) has been tasked with assessing the possibility of safely reducing the aviation industry’s reliance on the bandwidth reserved for air traffic control radar. A major research... Read more

Spidertracks adds Sectional charts

Spidertracks adds Sectional charts

30-Jan-2014Source: Spidertracks

Sectionals are now available and free to all spidertracks users until the end of March this year! Sectional charts provide detailed information on features that are important to aviators. Airspace boundaries, navigation points and other common aviation references are all available on the new sectional charts. Spidertracks sectional charts are provided by SkyVector, and will be updated every 28... Read more

Garmin offers Canadian FliteCharts

Garmin offers Canadian FliteCharts

22-Aug-2013Source: Garmin

You have been asking and we’ve been listening! Pilot’s around the world update their Garmin certified and portable GPS units on our flyGarmin website and we’re excited to offer our customers even more options. For pilots flying into and out of Canada, the option to download approach chart data is now available! Canadian FliteCharts are available for... Read more

Navtech iCharts Passes EASA Evaluation

Navtech iCharts Passes EASA Evaluation

4-Jul-2013Source: Navtech

Navtech Inc., a leader in flight operations software and services, is pleased to announce they have successfully passed a review from the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Operations Evaluation Board (OEB). While several Navtech customers have been granted operational approval to use iCharts by their national authorities, this successful review of the app by EASA... Read more

AgustaWestland and ENAV Complete first LPV Approach tests with an AW139

AgustaWestland and ENAV Complete first LPV Approach tests with an AW139

21-Jun-2013Source: AgustaWestland

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that AgustaWestland and ENAV (Ente Nazionale Assistenza al Volo – Italian Company for Air Navigation) have successfully completed on June 10th the first stage of qualification and authorization tests for the creation of the first helicopter Localiser Performance with Vertical guidance (LPV) Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) approaches,... Read more

FAA plan changes to electronic chart availability

FAA plan changes to electronic chart availability

29-Nov-2011Source: FAA

The Federal Aviation Administration recently announced changes to the way it will distribute electronic aeronautical charting data. In an announcement posted on the agency website, the FAA said it will make the data available 24 hours before the charts’ effective date, instead of the 15 days’ advance release that had been standard. Plus, the agency... Read more

Navtech puts charts on your iPad

Navtech puts charts on your iPad

16-Sep-2011Source: Navtech

Navtech, Inc., a leader in flight operations software and services, is announcing the launch of their Apple iPad app Navtech iCharts.  This app effectively expands support for viewing electronic aeronautical navigation charts from Windows-based EFBs and tablet devices to the popular iPad platform.  The app is free and available via the iTunes App Store.  The app... Read more

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