Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance

Sentara Nightingale EC145 campaign reaches fundraising goal

Sentara Nightingale EC145 campaign reaches fundraising goal

29-Jul-2011Source: Sentara Healthcare

David Banty, 76, of Capron, Virginia in Southampton County has flown as a patient on the Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance, twice. The first time was in August of 1982, just seven months after the program’s inception, when he nearly drowned on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Last March, he suffered a heart attack at... Read more

Nightingale EC145 arrives, with $500K still to be raised

Nightingale EC145 arrives, with $500K still to be raised

14-Jun-2011Source: Sentara Healthcare

Leslie Peterfeso, a Sentara employee, sees the Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance launch and land every day at its home base at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. Last December, though, Peterfeso became a Nightingale patient in a freak accident at her Suffolk home when a heavy tree limb her husband was sawing fell the wrong way and... Read more

New EC145 delivered to Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance

New EC145 delivered to Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance

23-Dec-2010Source: American Eurocopter

Grand Prairie, Texas – American Eurocopter is pleased to announce the delivery of a new, state-of-the-art EC145 to Nightingale Regional Air Ambulance, the air medical transport service for Sentara Healthcare, Norfolk, Virginia.  The aircraft will be based at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital (Virginia), the only Level One Trauma Center in the area. The EC145’s combination... Read more

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