Oil & Gas

Babcock Offshore secures new North Sea helicopter contract

Babcock Offshore secures new North Sea helicopter contract

2-Dec-2019Source: Babcock Offshore

Babcock Offshore has confirmed a new three-year contract to provide the expanding UK-based Oil and Gas company Serica Energy with offshore helicopter crew transport services. The contract was awarded after a competitive tender and will see Babcock transport Serica Energy passengers to and from the company’s Bruce complex in the North Sea, 340 km north... Read more

Helicentre Announces Bristow CPL(H) Scholarship

Helicentre Announces Bristow CPL(H) Scholarship

8-Aug-2019Source: Helicentre Aviation

Helicentre Aviation is excited to announce it is working with Bristow Helicopters and will be awarding a brand new 2019 “Bristow” Commercial Pilot Scholarship, adding to the Academy’s well-established and highly successful Professional Helicopter Pilot Scholarship Programme. The joint initiative is driven by both companies’ pro-active approach to recruitment, attracting fresh talent to industry, and... Read more

Sakhalin Energy Signs AW189 Contract

Sakhalin Energy Signs AW189 Contract

21-Dec-2018Source: Leonardo

Leonardo announced the signing of a contract with Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd. (“Sakhalin Energy”) for the supply of three AW189 super medium twin engine commercial helicopters. The aircraft will be used to perform transport operations from Sakhalin Island in Russia supporting the Oil&Gas industry, with deliveries expected to start in the 1Q2020. The contract was signed in Moscow today... Read more

Lack of Credit for Helicopter Market

Lack of Credit for Helicopter Market

14-Sep-2018Source: HeliHub.com

Waypoint Leasing has had to look for help from financiers after breaching loan covenants. Waypoint has received finance from roughly 26 institutions, with many now closed for any new deals. They are currently restructuring, but even this will take time, reports Helicopter Investor. The oil downturn has affected the industry so badly that finding a... Read more

Heli-Union announces new partnership

Heli-Union announces new partnership

7-Sep-2018Source: Heli-Union

On 29th-30th August 2018, Heli-Union and Bestfly held a demonstration show in Bestfly premises, located in Luanda Airport, Angola, gathering both the local authorities and Oil and Gas companies operating in the country. The participants showed great interests in this latest industrial revolution in Angola. The demonstration was with an aim to present the strong... Read more

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