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Enstrom Finalizes Sale to Peruvian Military

Enstrom Finalizes Sale to Peruvian Military

7-Feb-2024Source: Enstrom

Enstrom is excited to announce the signing of new purchase agreements with the Peruvian Military for four 280FX training helicopters. The Peruvian Army purchased two helicopters, and the Peruvian Air Force purchased another two. These aircraft will supplement both services’ respective training fleets, which already include multiple Enstrom helicopters. “We’ve supplied the Peruvian Army with... Read more

Schweizer Signs Representatives in Ecuador and Peru

Schweizer Signs Representatives in Ecuador and Peru

18-May-2023Source: Schweizer

Schweizer, manufacturer of the proven Schweizer S300, S300CBi, and S333 helicopters, continues to expand its reach by signing two South American representatives in the countries of Ecuador and Peru. Company representatives in countries outside that of the manufacturer are often preferred as the direct business contact for official government business as well as civilian sales... Read more

Spain sells six Sea Kings to Peru for 100 euros each

Spain sells six Sea Kings to Peru for 100 euros each

31-Oct-2022Source: msn

The maintenance and demilitarization and custody costs of the SH-3D helicopters were more expensive than their sale to Peru for a symbolic price of one hundred euros per helicopter, 600 euros in total. This is how the Government justifies it in a parliamentary answer to Deputy Pablo Cambronero, collected by Europa Press. The operation was... Read more

Russian Helicopters completes overhaul of six Peruvian Mi-17s

Russian Helicopters completes overhaul of six Peruvian Mi-17s

3-Nov-2021Source: Rostec

“Russian Helicopters” Holding Company (part of Rostec State Corporation) has overhauled six Mi-17-1V military transport helicopters at Lima Peruvian Air Force base SEMAN in two years. Maintenance work was carried out by the Novosibirsk Aircraft Repair Plant (NARP), part of “Russian Helicopters” Holding, under the direct supervision of NHC Mil and Kamov – the “Mi”... Read more

Peru selling its three Mi-26s

Peru selling its three Mi-26s

20-Aug-2020Source: AIRWAY

A traditional aircraft customer from the former Soviet Union, Peru has a wide range of Russian and Ukrainian models in its military forces. See Full Story.... Read more

Los Andes receives a second H145

Los Andes receives a second H145

28-Jan-2019Source: Airbus Helicopters

Airbus has delivered a second H145 helicopter to Servicios Aéreos Los Andes, a Peruvian operator specializing in air services for the energy industry. It is the second aircraft of this model that Los Andes receives under a leasing contract with Waypoint Leasing. The new helicopter will be based in Kiteni, near Cuzco, and will carry... Read more

Russian Helicopters’ Service Center opens in Peru

Russian Helicopters’ Service Center opens in Peru

11-Dec-2018Source: Russian Helicopters

The maintenance and repair center for Russian-made helicopters Helicentro Peru has been launched in Lima at the facilities of the Peruvian Air Force Maintenance Service – SEMAN. Built in partnership with Russian Helicopters (part of Rostec State Corporation), the center will provide maintenance for Mi-type aircraft. The official opening ceremony was attended by CEO of Russian Helicopters... Read more

Waypoint Delivers One H145 Helicopter to Los Andes

Waypoint Delivers One H145 Helicopter to Los Andes

18-Oct-2018Source: Waypoint Leasing

Waypoint Leasing (Ireland) Limited (“Waypoint”), the largest independent global helicopter leasing company, today announced at the Helitech International Helicopter Expo that it has delivered an Airbus H145 to Servicios Aéreos de los Andes (also known as Andes) in Peru in support of contracts within the onshore oil and gas sector. Waypoint and Servicios Aéreos de los... Read more

Peruvian Fire-Fighters Look to Purchasing Mi-171s

Peruvian Fire-Fighters Look to Purchasing Mi-171s


The Peruvian Fire-Fighting Department has suggested that they might be considering purchasing Military Mi-171 multirole helicopters from Russian Helicopters. They gave high praise during the Peruvian international defence exhibition, SITDEF-2017. They expressed further interest in the high-altitude version of the Mi-171. Russian Helicopters has commented on this version, stating that it is distinguishable by its... Read more

Russian Helicopters supply aviation equipment for helicopters of the Peruvian Air Force

Russian Helicopters supply aviation equipment for helicopters of the Peruvian Air Force

22-May-2017Source: Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters, part of State Corporation Rostec, has fulfilled two contracts for the supply of aviation equipment for Mi-8/17 and Mi-24/35 helicopters that belong to the Peruvian Air Force.  Contracts were signed in the summer of 2016 following a tender. “Delivery of authentic components for Russian-made helicopters is an important part of maintaining equipment in... Read more

UEC Presents Newest Russian Engines for Aircraft and Helicopters at SITDEF in Peru

UEC Presents Newest Russian Engines for Aircraft and Helicopters at SITDEF in Peru

22-May-2017Source: United Engine Corporation

United Engine Corporation (a part of Rostec Corporation) will present engines for aircraft and helicopters at SITDEF 2017 exhibition in Peru, as well as negotiate with partners from Latin American countries. The international defense technology exhibition SITDEF takes place on the territory of the headquarters of Ground Forces in Lima, the capital of the Republic... Read more

Peruvian Air Force orders 36 helicopters

Peruvian Air Force orders 36 helicopters


The Peruvian Government have approved the purchase of 36 helicopters and 14 transport planes for the military, primarily for emergency response work such as flood relief.  The national newspaper  La República said that the National Emergency Operations Center had reported that during the period of rains, landslides and floods, it was necessary to mobilize about... Read more

Waypoint Leasing Delivers H145 to Andes Air in Support of Mining Operations in Peru

Waypoint Leasing Delivers H145 to Andes Air in Support of Mining Operations in Peru

17-Feb-2017Source: Waypoint Leasing

Waypoint Leasing (Ireland) Limited (“Waypoint”), the largest independent global helicopter leasing company, today announced that it has delivered an H145 on lease to Servicios Aéreos de los Andes (“Andes Air”), a leading Peruvian helicopter operator. Waypoint’s H145 will be the first variant of its type to operate in Latin America and will support MMG/Las Bambas’... Read more

Russian Helicopters to build a training center in Peru

Russian Helicopters to build a training center in Peru

4-Nov-2016Source: Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters will build and equip a helicopter training center for the Land Forces of Peru. Creating such a center will allow Peruvian pilots of Russian-made Mi-171SH helicopters to be trained in Peru. Construction of the helicopter training center in the capital city of Lima will begin shortly after the Peruvian side completes all necessary... Read more

Military Contract Between Russia and Peru

Military Contract Between Russia and Peru


A military contract has been signed between Russia and Peru, where Russia will deliver R-312AT military radio systems, as well as 24 Russian Mi-171SH transport helicopters. This contract will help Peru save more than $11.5 million. As reported by Sputnik News, there is talk of another $1 million being provided for the possible construction of... Read more

Russian Helicopters to supply Mi-8 and Mi-17 spares to Peruvian Air Force

Russian Helicopters to supply Mi-8 and Mi-17 spares to Peruvian Air Force

16-Sep-2016Source: Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters won yet another tender to supply aviation inventory for the Mi-8/17 helicopters belonging to the Air Force of Peru.  The contract is expected to be signed in September 2016. Deliveries will take place early 2017. “The victory in yet another Peruvian tender by Russian Helicopters proves that more and more operators choose to... Read more

Peru signs Mi-35 maintenance contract

Peru signs Mi-35 maintenance contract

16-Aug-2016Source: Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters Holding has awarded the first firm price contracts for the supply of technical aviation equipment for Mi-35 helicopters in service with the Peruvian Air Forces. The contracts were awarded early in July of this year based on the results of tenders won by Russian Helicopters. According to contract terms, the Russian holding shall... Read more

Kaman contracted for implementation phase of SH-2G program in Peru

Kaman contracted for implementation phase of SH-2G program in Peru

12-Jul-2016Source: Kaman

Kaman Aerosystems (Kaman) announced today that its Air Vehicles and MRO (AVMRO) division has successfully secured a contract for $39.8 million (USD) with General Dynamics Mission Systems—Canada to commence work on the implementation phase of the previously announced Peruvian Navy’s SH-2G Super Seasprite aircraft program. The total expected value to Kaman for the combined program,... Read more

Airbus takes H215 on South America demo tour

Airbus takes H215 on South America demo tour

19-Apr-2016Source: Airbus

The H215 heavy helicopter, a member of the Super Puma family, will be demonstrating its multi-mission capabilities and performance for aerial work in high & hot conditions during a demo tour of Latin America. The demo flights will begin tomorrow in Argentina and will then continue in Chile before finishing in Peru. During this three-week... Read more

Pluspetrol contracts Erickson for one S-64 in Peru

Pluspetrol contracts Erickson for one S-64 in Peru

7-Apr-2016Source: Erickson

Erickson Incorporated (NASDAQ:EAC), a leading global provider of aviation services, has been selected for the transport and precision placement of oil and gas equipment by helicopter over the Amazon region in Peru. “We are pleased to be providing heavy lift services for Pluspetrol amidst the current headwinds in the oil market. This new contract is... Read more

Russian Helicopters completes Peru MI-171Sh fleet delivery

Russian Helicopters completes Peru MI-171Sh fleet delivery

27-Jan-2016Source: Sputnik

The Russian Helicopters business group concluded delivery gyros Peru 24 military transport Mi-171Sh, hired in 2013, RIA Novosti informed an official representative of the Center for Analysis of World Arms Trade (TSAMTO). See Full story... Read more

Erickson wins two year extension to Repsol contract in Peru

Erickson wins two year extension to Repsol contract in Peru


Erickson has announced a two year extension to an existing cargo contract in Peru with exploration company Repsol. The work involves one S-64 Aircrane lifting oil and gas exploratory equipment over the Amazon region of Peru in support of Repsol’s upstream exploration efforts in the southern Province of Cusco. The contract was originally started in... Read more

22-Sep-15 OB-1941-P Airbus AS350B3 Ollantaytambo, Peru (5F)

22-Sep-15 OB-1941-P Airbus AS350B3 Ollantaytambo, Peru (5F)


During a transferring flight of “Odebrecht” Co. personnel, from Quillabamba to Cusco, crossing the Andes Mountains, the Helicopter crashed on a slope surrounding the “Veronica” snowy, destroying it completely. The wreckage was found at an altitude of over 4000m All five on board died, identified here as Miguel Angel Pinto Panta (pilot), Felix Cardenas Gonzales... Read more

Three more Mi-171Sh helicopters delivered to Peruvian military

Three more Mi-171Sh helicopters delivered to Peruvian military

10-Aug-2015Source: Rostec

The holding company Russian Helicopters has delivered another batch of three military transport Mi-171Sh helicopters to the Defense Ministry of Peru. The helicopters were built at Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. After their delivery to Peru, the new helicopters took part in an annual military parade. The delivery of the three helicopters continued the supply that began last year.... Read more

06-Aug-15 EP-662 Mil Mi-17 Piura, Peru (1F)

06-Aug-15 EP-662 Mil Mi-17 Piura, Peru (1F)


Student Dioselinda Zapata Feijó was walking near the helicopter shortly after it landed was struck fatally by the tail rotor, after reportedly ignoring the security cordon. Municipal official Kathia Izquierdo said the woman’s brother reported she was trying to deliver a letter to the Cabinet chief asking that a relative be freed from prison.... Read more

Peru to Receive 7 Russian Military Helicopters This Month

Peru to Receive 7 Russian Military Helicopters This Month

19-May-2015Source: The Moscow Times

Russia will deliver seven multi-purpose Mi-171Sh helicopters to Peru’s air force by the end of the month, news agency RIA Novosti reported Monday, citing the deputy director of arms export agency Rosoboronexport, Sergei Ladygin. See Full Story... Read more

Peru buys Dutch SAR Bell 412 fleet

Peru buys Dutch SAR Bell 412 fleet


The Netherlands recently announced the retirement of their three Agusta-Bell 412SPs as they transferred the SAR role over to their NH90s.  Just three weeks on and Defence Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert announced that preliminary agreement has been reached to sell the 412s to Peru.  Although no financial numbers have been stated, and no contract yet signed, there’s enough... Read more

Banker’s Widow Sues StormHarbour Over Andes Helicopter Crash

Banker’s Widow Sues StormHarbour Over Andes Helicopter Crash

5-Dec-2014Source: Bloomberg

The widow of an investment banker sued his employer StormHarbour Securities LLP for allowing him to board a helicopter that crashed into a Peruvian mountainside in 2012, killing 14 on board.  See Full Story... Read more

Russian Helicopters start delivering new batch of Mi-171Sh to Peru

Russian Helicopters start delivering new batch of Mi-171Sh to Peru

4-Dec-2014Source: Russian Helicopters

Russian Helicopters (part of State Corporation Rostec) has delivered the first batch of four Mi-171Sh military transport helicopters, made by Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, to the Ministry of Defence of Peru. The Mi-171Sh are being delivered to Peru a month ahead of schedule. The customer also received aviation equipment required for its operation in addition to... Read more

Peru’s National Police receives fifth EC145

Peru’s National Police receives fifth EC145

14-Nov-2014Source: Airbus

Peru’s Ministry of the Interior has now added the final EC145 helicopter to the modernized fleet of the National Police of Peru (PNP). The formal handover at the Police Aviation Unit facilities in El Callao was attended by both Peruvian and French officials, including Peru’s interior minister Daniel Urresti and Daniel Leimbacher, chief of the... Read more

General Dynamics Canada to missionize Peruvian Navy SH-2G fleet

General Dynamics Canada to missionize Peruvian Navy SH-2G fleet

28-Oct-2014Source: General Dynamics

General Dynamics Canada has been awarded a multi-million dollar contract to upgrade four SH-2G Super Seasprite helicopters with an integrated mission system to enhance the operational capability of the Peruvian Navy and its ability to meet the demands of modern maritime missions. The contract, facilitated by the Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC), the Government of Canada’s... Read more

Peru to acquire five Seasprite helicopters

Peru to acquire five Seasprite helicopters

14-Oct-2014Source: Andina

The governments of Peru and Canada have recently signed an accord that will allow the Andean nation to acquire up to five Seasprite multipurpose helicopters for the Peruvian Navy. See Full Story... Read more

Evergreen lawsuit over deadly Peruvian crash will play out in Oregon

Evergreen lawsuit over deadly Peruvian crash will play out in Oregon

14-Oct-2014Source: Biz Journals

A lawsuit brought against Evergreen Helicopters Inc. by survivors of eight Peruvians killed in a 2008 helicopter crash will play out in Oregon courts rather than in Peru, where the crash occurred. See Full Story... Read more

04-Sep-14 OB-1884-P Eurocopter SA315B Andamarca, Peru (3F)

04-Sep-14 OB-1884-P Eurocopter SA315B Andamarca, Peru (3F)


Crashed and completely burnt out, killing pilot Walter Sulca Ramos and co-pilot Walter Quevedo Mestanza.  Weather of blizzards likely to be a factor... Read more

Bell showcases 429 WLG’s capabilities through 5 month Latin America demo tour

Bell showcases 429 WLG’s capabilities through 5 month Latin America demo tour

1-Aug-2014Source: Bell

Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), showcased the versatility and superior performance of the Bell 429 WLG, the aircraft’s wheeled landing gear variant, with nearly 60 demonstration flights between March 2014 to July 2014 in Latin America. “We received great feedback from our customers about the retractable landing gear for ground taxi operations,”... Read more

26-Jul-14 I-CUDP Eurocopter SA318 El Camero, Peru

26-Jul-14 I-CUDP Eurocopter SA318 El Camero, Peru


before the third take off, the pilot increasing the power and feel vibrations and become no stabilize. The tail rise and the main blades hit the ground and the helicopter wasw serious damaged. No fatalities. After the accident the helicopter spread 300 kgs of agricultural insecticide.... Read more

16-Jun-14 EP-665 Mil MI-171Sh Ayacucho, Peru

16-Jun-14 EP-665 Mil MI-171Sh Ayacucho, Peru


Four of five POB injured.  Crashed into trees on take off from the grounds of the barracks No. 42 of counterinsurgency battalion Vraem (who do counter narcotics work)... Read more

Peru to take delivery of 8 Mil Mi-171Sh helicopters in November

Peru to take delivery of 8 Mil Mi-171Sh helicopters in November

2-Jun-2014Source: Moscow Times

Peru’s Air Force will receive a delivery of eight new Russian-made helicopters in November, with an additional 16 to come in 2015, Peruvian Defense Minister Pedro Cateriano said.  See full story... Read more

AgustaWestland supports Canadian CH-149 Cormorant exercise in Peru

AgustaWestland supports Canadian CH-149 Cormorant exercise in Peru

2-May-2014Source: AgustaWestland

AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company is proud to provide its support to the Royal Canadian Air Force in deploying an AW101/CH-149 Cormorant for Exercise COOPERACIÓN III in Peru.  The exercise is running until May 2, 2014. “This is the first time the RCAF has deployed a Cormorant outside Canada and we are pleased to provide assistance... Read more

Erickson signs new 5 year contract with PlusPetrol Peru

Erickson signs new 5 year contract with PlusPetrol Peru

7-Apr-2014Source: Erickson

Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated EAC -2.32% (“Erickson” or “the Company”), a leading global provider of aviation services to a diverse mix of commercial and government customers, and the vertically-integrated manufacturer and operator of the powerful heavy-lift Erickson S-64 Aircrane helicopter, announced today that it has secured a new contract with PLUSPETROL PERU CORPORATION S.A., a leading exploration and production... Read more

Peru – Heliflight orders two EC145s and one EC155

Peru – Heliflight orders two EC145s and one EC155

31-Mar-2014Source: Airbus

During FIDAE 2014, Airbus Helicopters signed a letter of intent with Peruvian operator Heliflight for two EC145s and one EC155 B1 Dauphin family rotorcraft, to be used in supporting the country’s energy industry. This customer currently has two AS350 B3s, which are deployed on missions for mining, as well as oil and gas, including operations... Read more

Erickson wins new contract with Hunt Oil in Peru

Erickson wins new contract with Hunt Oil in Peru

14-Mar-2014Source: Erickson

Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated, a leading global provider of aviation services to a diverse mix of commercial and government customers, and the vertically-integrated manufacturer and operator of the powerful heavy-lift Erickson S-64 Aircrane helicopter, announced today that it had signed a new contract with Hunt Oil Exploration and Production Company of Peru, L.L.C., Sucursal de Peru... Read more

Wife sues firm of banker who died in Andes helicopter crash

Wife sues firm of banker who died in Andes helicopter crash


The widow of an investment banker killed in a helicopter crash in the Andes launched legal action against his employer today, accusing it of failing to ensure his safety.  See full story... Read more

Peruvian National Police receives first of four EC145

Peruvian National Police receives first of four EC145

6-Nov-2013Source: Eurocopter

The Peruvian Interior Ministry has received the first of four twin-engine Eurocopter EC145 helicopters that are set to modernize the fleet of the National Police of Peru. The formal handover was attended by French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who took the occasion of his official visit to Peru to reiterate the cooperation between France... Read more

Russia offers Peru helicopter maintenance center

Russia offers Peru helicopter maintenance center

17-Oct-2013Source: RIA Novosti

Russia has proposed establishing a servicing and maintenance center in Peru for its Russian- and Soviet-made helicopters, a senior government official said Wednesday.  See full story... Read more

09-Jul-13 Bell UH-1H Tingo Maria, Peru (3F)

09-Jul-13 Bell UH-1H Tingo Maria, Peru (3F)


Crashed on night training flight.  Pilot named as Ronald Helbert Vargas Terán (34), and crew were Amadeo César Loayza Mercado (33) and Carlos Alberto Cercado Pinares (42).... Read more

HeliRussia – Russia-Peru certification agreement opens up opportunties for Helisur

HeliRussia – Russia-Peru certification agreement opens up opportunties for Helisur

17-May-2013Source: UTair

[electronic translation] Signed May 16, 2013 agreement on “mutual recognition of airworthiness documents” between the General Administration of Civil Aviation of the Republic of Peru and the Interstate Aviation Committee enables the company Helicopteros del Sur (Helisur), a member of the group, “UTair”, to begin commercial operation 20 Russian helicopters of “Mil “based in Peru.... Read more

Oil support Mi-8 down in Peru – 13 fatalities

Oil support Mi-8 down in Peru – 13 fatalities


This news item is part of the accident data provided by on this site.  Information provided in this update may potentially be incomplete or inaccurate as we frequently post these stories only a very short time after the accident has occurred.  Users of are advised to carry out their own checks and searches,... Read more

07-Apr-13 OB-1916P Mil-8 Loreto, Peru (13F)

07-Apr-13 OB-1916P Mil-8 Loreto, Peru (13F)


Incident summary – Oil exploration support helicopter went down, killing all on board.  Initial reports vary between 13 and 14 fatalities after initial reports of 9.  Some local news sources are saying it exploded in the air, 10 minutes from its destination.  The helicopter was supporting work by Perenco Peru, who issued a statement saying that apart from... Read more

Peru chooses Mi-171 over Super Puma

Peru chooses Mi-171 over Super Puma


Reports from South America are saying that the Peruvian Government has picked the Mil Mi-171 over the EUrocopter AS332L2 Super Puma for their 24 ship requirement for the fight against drug trafficking. The final deal is expected to be signed at a value of $486 million, of which $406 million relates to the helicopters themselves,... Read more

Peru – Servicios Aéreos de Los Andes to lease two AS332s

Peru – Servicios Aéreos de Los Andes to lease two AS332s

7-Mar-2013Source: Eurocopter

Servicios Aéreos de Los Andes, an important commercial operator in Peru performing missions such as external load, on-shore and passenger transportation, signed a lease contract for 2 AS332 Super Puma with Vector Aerospace on the Eurocopter booth during the second day of Heli-Expo. Walton Mery, CEO of Los Andes, said that his company is happy... Read more

Eurocopter recognises Ecocopter for operations in Chile and Peru

Eurocopter recognises Ecocopter for operations in Chile and Peru

7-Mar-2013Source: Eurocopter

Eurocopter kicked off day 2 of Heli-Expo with a ceremony recognizing Ecocopter, the largest Eurocopter commercial operator in Chile, for 10 years of operation in Chile and Peru. On the occasion, Dominique Andréani, commercial director of Eurocopter Cono Sur, presented Ecocopter President Eduardo Ergas and CEO Fernando Kogan with a commemorative plaque as well as... Read more

Avincis appoints CEO Latin America

Avincis appoints CEO Latin America

4-Mar-2013Source: Avincis

Avincis Group (Avincis), the world’s leading provider of aerial services for mission critical operations, is pleased to announce the appointment of Ian Kümmerlin as Regional CEO Latin America, with immediate effect. Based in Santiago, Chile, Ian will be responsible for further developing Avincis’ business in the region, which includes subsidiaries Inaer Chile and Inaer Peru... Read more

25-Feb-13 FAP-667 Schweizer 300C Centro Poblado Camacho, Peru

25-Feb-13 FAP-667 Schweizer 300C Centro Poblado Camacho, Peru


Training accident, helicopter ended up on its side in grassy field.  The two occupants of the aircraft were identified as pilot Captain Manuel Poblete FAP Pardo Aguilar (30) and passenger Major FAP Candle Italo Fernandez (36)... Read more

Columbia announces Memorial Fund for families of Peruvian crash

Columbia announces Memorial Fund for families of Peruvian crash

16-Jan-2013Source: Columbia Helicopters

Columbia Helicopters announces the establishment of a memorial fund that will assist the families of the seven employees who perished in a recent helicopter crash in Peru. The funds raised will be distributed equally among all families. The “CHI 241 Peru Memorial Fund” has been created at Wells Fargo banks, which can accept donations at... Read more

Peruvian National Police order four EC145s

Peruvian National Police order four EC145s


The Peruvian Ministry of the Interior have ordered four Eurocopter EC145s from local distributor Eurocopter Cono Sur (located in Chile).  Contract value is 93,718,765 Nuevo Sol (approx $36.8M), and the contract requires all four to be delivered by 20th December 2013.  The helicopters will be used to provide a range of law enforcement roles in... Read more

Erickson signs $14M contract with Peru’s Pacific Rubiales Energy

Erickson signs $14M contract with Peru’s Pacific Rubiales Energy

15-Jan-2013Source: Erickson Air-Crane

Erickson Air-Crane Incorporated (“Erickson”) (NASDAQ:EAC) has signed a contract with oil and gas company Pacific Rubiales Energy (“Pacific”) to provide heavy lift helicopter services in central Peru. Operations commenced on January 2nd of this year, and will last for a minimum of 12 months. The contract has a value of between $11 and 14 million,... Read more

Columbia Helicopters confirms Peru accident

Columbia Helicopters confirms Peru accident

9-Jan-2013Source: Columbia Helicopters

Columbia Helicopters sadly confirms the loss of seven employees in a crash of a Model 234 helicopter in Peru. The employees included five American citizens and two Peruvian citizens. The helicopter was working near Pucallpa, Peru, under contract to support petroleum exploration operations. No other persons were on board the tandem-rotor helicopter when it was... Read more

Columbia Helicopters Chinook down in Peru with 7 fatalities

Columbia Helicopters Chinook down in Peru with 7 fatalities


This news item is part of the accident data provided by on this site.  Information provided in this update may potentially be incomplete or inaccurate as we frequently post these stories only a very short time after the accident has occurred.  Users of are advised to carry out their own checks and searches,... Read more

07-Jan-13 N241CH Boeing 234LR Pucallpa, Peru (7K)

07-Jan-13 N241CH Boeing 234LR Pucallpa, Peru (7K)


Minutes after take-off from Pucallpa, the helicopter appeared to have a problem en route and smoke was coming from the aircraft.  Shortly after it crashed into a jungle area killing all 7 on board – 2 Peruvians – Joel Castillo and Luis Ramos, and 5 Americans – Dan Immel , Ed Córdova, Jaime Pickett, Lee... Read more

Bond/INAER parent company renames as Avincis; based in UK

Bond/INAER parent company renames as Avincis; based in UK

16-Oct-2012Source: Avincis Group

Avincis Mission Critical Services (Avincis Group) has established itself in the UK today as the world’s leading provider of mission critical aviation services. The Group’s mission is to save lives, protect the environment and provide safe transport for mission critical people and assets for public services and blue chip corporations.  Avincis’ operating companies deliver across... Read more

Peru takes delivery of four refurbished Mi-24s

Peru takes delivery of four refurbished Mi-24s


Local press report an Antonov An-124 transport aircraft from airline Volga Dnepr recently delivered four Mi-24 Hind helicopter back to the south American country.  The group had been in Russia for nine months for refurbishment and upgrades.  The four carry military serials 648, 650, 697 and 698. This delivery concludes the upgrade contract, which included... Read more

06-Oct-12 OB-1949-P Eurocopter AS350B3 Kiteni, Peru

06-Oct-12 OB-1949-P Eurocopter AS350B3 Kiteni, Peru


One of three helicopters fire bombed by terrorists at night while parked on the airfield.  All three were on contract to Transportadora de Gas del Peru... Read more

06-Oct-12 OB-1845-P Bell 212 Kiteni, Peru

06-Oct-12 OB-1845-P Bell 212 Kiteni, Peru


One of three helicopters fire bombed by terrorists at night while parked on the airfield.  All three were on contract to Transportadora de Gas del Peru... Read more

06-Oct-12 OB-1586 Mil Mi-17 Kiteni, Peru

06-Oct-12 OB-1586 Mil Mi-17 Kiteni, Peru


One of three helicopters fire bombed by terrorists at night while parked on the airfield.  All three were on contract to Transportadora de Gas del Peru... Read more

Peru urgent requirement for 12 Mi-171 and 6 Mi-35

Peru urgent requirement for 12 Mi-171 and 6 Mi-35


The Peruvian Armed forces have reportedly put in an “urgent” request in for twelve Mi-171Sh and six Mi-35P helicopters, according to local reports.  A figure of US$260 million is being quoted locally for the acquisition, which would included crew training and technical assistance.  The purchase would be spread between the forces as follows – Air... Read more

UTair Engineering renews Peruvian MRO certificates

UTair Engineering renews Peruvian MRO certificates

29-Aug-2012Source: UTair

Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) of the Republic of Peru issued a “UTair-Engineering” certificate of approval for the next four years. The inspection team of aviation authorities of the Republic of Peru has inspected repair production company to meet its requirements of aviation regulations Peru RAP-145NE. As a result of a positive opinion issued a... Read more

Eurocopter opens first Certified Services Center in Peru

Eurocopter opens first Certified Services Center in Peru

25-Jul-2012Source: Eurocopter

With a view to increasing the close-proximity services it offers its customers, Eurocopter’s subsidiary in the Southern Cone has put its partnership with Servicios Aéreos de Los Andes SAC on an official footing and has also opened its first certified services center in Peru. The new center, based in the city of Ayacucho and opened... Read more

06-Jun-12 OB-1840P Sikorsky S58T Peru (14F)

06-Jun-12 OB-1840P Sikorsky S58T Peru (14F)


Crashed in mountainous area, killing all 14 on board.  Took 48 hours approx to find wreckage, partly due to poor weather conditions and overnight temperatures down to -15C.  The helicopter was itself built in 1963 and first delivered to the German Army.  Passenger manifest now released : From South Korea:  Thois Young Hwan, Kin Today... Read more

09-May-12 Mil Mi-17 Mazamari, Peru (1F)

09-May-12 Mil Mi-17 Mazamari, Peru (1F)


After experiencing some blade damage in flight, an emergency landing was made.  The impact killed pilot Rodolfo León Gavilán.  The other 18 on board survived.  The police had been engaged on an anti-drug trafficking mission.... Read more

Gulf Coast Avionics adds locations in Peru and Spain

Gulf Coast Avionics adds locations in Peru and Spain

18-Apr-2012Source: Gulf Coast Avionics

Gulf Coast Avionics Corporation, based on Lakeland Linder Regional Airport in Lakeland, Florida, has announced the addition of international satellite operations in Peru and in Spain. In making the announcement, Rick Garcia, President of Gulf Coast Avionics, said, “The avionics, instrument, and pilot supply market is truly international in scope, and we are positioning ourselves... Read more

12-Apr-12 PNP-357 Bell UH-1H Kiteni, Peru (1F)

12-Apr-12 PNP-357 Bell UH-1H Kiteni, Peru (1F)


Peruvian National Police helicopter crashed killing co-pilot Nancy Flores after being shot at by rebels while searching for 43 kidnapped energy company workers. Two others – gunner Luis Guerrero and a civilian acting as a guide, Elver Huaman, were wounded.... Read more

10-Apr-12 PNP-125 Robinson R44 Callao, Peru

10-Apr-12 PNP-125 Robinson R44 Callao, Peru


Extensively damaged in force landing on roof of house.  On board were Mayor  Óscar Aronez Canova, Captain José Iván Tarrillo Díaz and officer Lucio Quispe Santillana, all of the Peruvian National Police... Read more

12-Jan-12 PNP-352 Bell UH-1H Pucallpa, Peru

12-Jan-12 PNP-352 Bell UH-1H Pucallpa, Peru


Apparent mechanical failure at low level... Read more

Peru receives last of Mi-171Sh order

Peru receives last of Mi-171Sh order

26-Oct-2011Source: Russian Helicopters

In September 2011 the second batch of 3 Mi-171Sh military transports was delivered to the Defence Ministry of Peru under a contract signed by Rosoboronexport, JSC in 2010 for the delivery of 6 Mi-171Sh helicopters. Helicopter manufacturer – Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (UUAP), part of Russian Helicopters. The first batch of 3 Mi-171Sh helicopters was delivered... Read more

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