San Francisco

Blade expanding to San Francisco

Blade expanding to San Francisco


Blade has recently extended their range of service to a special 200 people in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. These lucky few are able to book helicopters, seaplanes as well as private jets through their mobile app. They are trying to target travellers who would normally sit in traffic in major cities, reports Tech Crunch.... Read more

Coast Guard Budgets for New Hangar

Coast Guard Budgets for New Hangar


The Coast Guard are allocating $31 million to the construction of a new hangar at Naval Base Ventura County. Capt. Kent Everingham has said that the US Navy have finished their environmental report and designs will soon be done for the hangar. The new hangar was needed after the closure of Air Station Los Angeles... Read more

$100 Dinner Could Ground San Francisco EMS Helicopters

$100 Dinner Could Ground San Francisco EMS Helicopters

12-Nov-2009Source: NBC

The battle over whether San Francisco General Hospital should be equipped with a helipad to save lives could come down to a ritzy fundraiser.... Read more

San Francisco helipads generate a whirlwind of controversy

San Francisco helipads generate a whirlwind of controversy

13-Jul-2009Source: San Francisco Bay Guardian

... Read more

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