29-Oct-2018Source: Victoria Police
Victoria Police will be equipped with three new helicopters and an aeroplane in a significant boost to the air support provided to police across the state. The four new aircraft will be delivered in 2020 and will replace the existing fleet of four helicopters. The contracts to acquire the new aircraft were announced today. Acting Superintendent Mark... Read more
24-Jun-2014Source: Victoria Police
Three Airwing officers will receive commendations for courage following a daring mid-air rescue in Bass Strait last year. The trio, Constable Peter Dillon and Leading Senior Constables Mark Weekley and Bradley Pascoe, responded to a mayday call from a stricken Russian yacht stuck in stormy seas on 19 April. A 47-year-old Russian sailor was en... Read more
26-Jan-2011Source: Moonee Valley Leader
The technology was introduced to the Air Wing in August last year and has already helped 14 police pilots acquire extensive training. Constable Steven Potter said pilots were required to undergo a three-hour training session every 28 days.... Read more
21-Sep-2010Source: Victoria Police
The Victoria Police Air Wing today welcome’s a new helicopter to their fleet that will continue to act as an eye in the sky, keeping Victorian’s safe. The new helicopter, a Eurocopter AS 365 N3, will act as the primary aircraft for Victoria Police while the other AS365 N3 Dauphin will be shared with Air... Read more