29-Jun-2016Source: PZL
PZL-Świdnik, a Leonardo-Finmeccanica company, is pleased to inform that it is handing over to the Polish Armed Forces the last in the second series of four W-3PL Głuszec helicopters, which will bring the total number of Głuszec helicopters in the service of the Polish Army to eight. Moreover the handover of the first two out... Read more
11-May-2016Source: HeliHub.com
Over the last five years, Algeria has received a significant number of helicopters from AgustaWestland, but the manufacturer goes into complete silence mode when asked how many aircraft have been delivered. No article has been published to date enumerating the extent of this order. HeliHub.com has thus done a significant amount of research in an... Read more
Date refers to the date that the wreck of this helicopter was found abandoned, and thus the accident could have happened earlier. Helicopter found having crashed onto its starboard side with tail rotor separated. No marks on the ground around, and relatively light damage to cabin and cockpit area suggests either take-0ff or landing issue. ... Read more
11-Dec-2014Source: AgustaWestland
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that it has signed a contract with the Spanish company Hispánica de Aviación S.A (HASA) for three W-3A Sokół helicopters in fire-fighting configuration. The contract will also see PZL-Świdnik deliveran Initial Spare Parts (ISP) package, Ground Support Equipment (GSE) and a comprehensive training package. These three new... Read more
9-Oct-2014Source: PZL-Świdnik
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that two Świdnik-produced W-3PL Głuszec helicopters, in service with the Polish Land Forces, are successfully demonstrating their combat support capabilities during the Combined Joint Personnel Recovery Standardisation Course (CJPRSC) that is being held in Florennes, Belgium. PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that two Świdnik-produced... Read more
Appeared to lose power in hover taxi for take-off en route to Cagayan de Oro City and lost height, crashing to the ground – see full video... Read more
14-Jul-2014Source: AgustaWestland
AgustaWestland is pleased to announce that the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uganda has placed an order for a GrandNew light twin and one W-3A Sokol intermediate twin engine helicopter. These aircraft, which are to be delivered in 2015, will be operated by the Uganda Police to perform law enforcement missions across the nation. The... Read more
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce it has delivered the fifth and final VIP transport Sokol helicopter to the Polish Air Force. The aircraft joined the other four Sokols already in service with the 1st Airlift Base in Warsawon 23rd December. All five helicopters, which have been delivered to the Polish Air Force this... Read more
30-May-2013Source: PZL-Świdnik
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce it has delivered the second W-3WA Sokol helicopter in VIP configuration to the Polish Air Force as part of a contract signed in 2011 for five aircraft. The first W-3WA Sokol was handed over four months ago and the remaining aircraft are scheduled to be delivered by... Read more
18-Feb-2013Source: PZL Swidnik
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that the last two of eight Sokol helicopters have been delivered to the Philippine Air Force. The Sokols were transported from Lublin Airport to Clark Air Base near Manila on board an An-124 Ruslan large cargo airplane. The two Sokol helicopters follow the six aircraft delivered to... Read more
4-Jan-2013Source: EHS
European Helicopter Show is pleased to announce that thr Czech Armed Forces Chief of Staff has approved participation of W 3A Sokol military helicopter at EHS on the 11th May 2013... Read more
6-Dec-2012Source: PZL-Świdnik
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that the second batch of Sokol helicopters in combat utility configuration has been delivered to the Philippine Air Force. The two additional helicopters follow the four Sokols delivered by PZL-Świdnik to the customer in February 2012. The second batch of Sokols are part of a contract signed... Read more
3-Jul-2012Source: HeliHub.com
A Bell 412 and a PZL Sokol crashed yesterday in Spain in separate incidents. Both were firefighting. The sole-occupant pilot in the Bell 412 was sadly killed, while both crew in the Sokol survived with injuries. Both helicopters were operated by INAER. We will track updates in the two incidents in our accident pages. HeliHub.com... Read more
Crashed 30 minutes after the Bell 412 firefighting accident. One report states loss of tail rotor on approach to site at altitude of 20m. Both occupants (aged 55 and 36) injured... Read more
28-Jun-2012Source: HeliHub.com
The Philippine Air Force recently announced during the Air Power Symposium 2012 held at the SMX Convention Center, Mall of Asia in Pasay City that it will take delivery of a further 25 helicopters before the end of 2012. The statement is believed to be part of its preparation for the forthcoming 65th PAF anniversary... Read more
12-Mar-2012Source: AgustaWestland
PZL–Świdnik SA, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce that the first four Sokol helicopters for the Philippine Air Force were officially handed over to Voltaire Tuvera Gazmin, Secretary of National Defense, by Mieczysław Majewski, President of PZL-Świdnik, during a ceremony held today at Clark Air Base 40 miles northwest of Manila. The aircraft will... Read more
13-Jan-2012Source: PZL-Åšwidnik
PZL-Świdnik, an AgustaWestland company, is pleased to announce it has signed contracts with the Polish Ministry of National Defence valued at approximately PLN380 million net (€90 million) for the supply of five W-3WA Sokół helicopters and the upgrade of 14 helicopters. The manufacture and upgrading activities will be undertaken at the PZL-Świdnik factory in Poland.... Read more
23-Jun-2011Source: AgustaWestland
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that PZL-Swidnik has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with INAER of Spain to expand both companies’ businesses in the fire fighting market over the next ten years, in particular in Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. The MoU is focused on the specialised W-3A Sokol medium twin... Read more
Unstable on take-off and crashed in a wood a few hundred metres from take-off point... Read more
31-May-2011Source: Flightglobal
AgustaWestland subsidiary PZL Swidnik will deliver four W-3A Sokol transport helicopters to the Philippines by November this year, with another four in the second quarter of 2012. The air force is also contemplating major avionics upgrades to its MD 520 light attack helicopters.... Read more
The Korea Forest Service helicopter carrying three crew members crashed into a reservoir in Seosan, some 277 km south of Seoul, at 6:47 a.m., a few minutes after taking off for an extinguishing operation in the nearby Mount Gaya region. Believed to be HL9449... Read more
Helicopter was doing work in the National Park, probably load lifting but the news reports thus far are unclear. Serious injuries reported... Read more
12-Feb-2011Source: PZL- Åšwidnik
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce that PZL- Świdnik has delivered all of four upgraded W-3PL Głuszec helicopters, a multirole combat version of the W-3 Sokół, to the Polish Land Forces. PZL- Świdnik and the Polish Ministry of Defence signed a research and development phase contract in 2003 for a prototype W-3PL (Głuszec)... Read more
6-Jan-2011Source: Pura Noticia
Having achieved local certification in Chile in September 2010, the National Forestry Commission’s PZL W-3 Sokol lies idle due to lack of trained pilots... Read more
Philippine Air Force chief Lt. Gen. Oscar Rabena told reporters the eight W-3A Sokol helicopters would cost P3 billion or roughly P375 million each... Read more
9-Sep-2009Source: Flightglobal
PZL Swidnik has unveiled two projects based on the further development of its W-3 Sokol utility helicopter design.... Read more