Wright-Patterson AFB

HX5 to provide combat rescue helicopter support at Wright-Patterson AFB

HX5 to provide combat rescue helicopter support at Wright-Patterson AFB

15-Jan-2015Source: US DoD

HX5 LLC, Ft. Walton Beach, Florida, has been awarded a $15,900,000 cost-reimbursement incentive contract for advisory and assistance services. The contractor will provide combat rescue helicopter program support. Work will be performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, and is expected to be complete by Feb. 29, 2020. This award is the result of a... Read more

Oldest USAF CV-22 Osprey retired to museum

Oldest USAF CV-22 Osprey retired to museum

3-Nov-2013Source: NW Florida Daily News

The future of the 12-year-old CV-22 Osprey lies at the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio  See full story... Read more

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