5-Apr-2024Source: Enstrom
Enstrom continues to grow its global footprint. On March 25, Zambia Air Force (ZAF) welcomed two newly delivered Enstrom 480B turbine helicopters into its fleet. Enstrom representatives joined ZAF personnel for an induction ceremony in Lusaka, featuring speeches, food, photos, and traditional entertainment. “The induction ceremony was amazing!” said Enstrom Senior Tech Representative Bayard duPont.... Read more
14-Sep-2023Source: US Embassy in Zambia
On September 11, the United States announced an $80 million (1.6 billion Kwacha) grant to Zambia that will supply four Bell 412EP helicopters to the Zambia Air Force with three years of service, parts, and training for the helicopters. During a press conference, Zambia Air Force Major General Oscar Nyoni thanked the U.S. government for... Read more