8-Dec-2011 Source: Med-Trans
Med-Trans Corp., a leader in the air medical industry is pleased to announce that their Southeast Texas Air Rescue program was recently named the Texas EMS Air Medical Service of the Year.
The Department of Health and Human Services recently presented the award to the Air Rescue team at the Texas EMS Conference in Austin, Texas. Southeast Texas Air Rescue is based in Beaumont, Texas.
The winners are chosen from statewide emergency and trauma services.
About Med-Trans
Med-Trans Corporation, headquartered in Dallas, Texas, is a leading provider of air ambulance programs in selected locations throughout the United States, focused on establishing partnerships with foremost hospital systems, medical centers and EMS agencies to provide customized air medical programs through specialized delivery formats, including alternative delivery models, community based models or traditional hospital-based models. The company’s extensive fleet delivers teams of highly trained medical and flight professionals to patients requiring emergency medical care and transports the patient to the appropriate medical facility.