21-Oct-2013 Source: Oil & Gas UK
The Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) has issued Special Bulletin S7/2013 as part of its on-going investigation into the tragic L2 helicopter accident on 23 August 2013 off Sumburgh Head, Shetland.
The bulletin states that “to date, the wreckage examination and analysis of the recorded data have not found any evidence of a technical fault that could have been causal to the accident although some work remains to be completed. The on-going AAIB investigation will focus on the operational aspects of the flight; specifically on the effectiveness of pilot monitoring of instruments during approach, operational procedures and the training of flight crews”.
It should be noted that the report also says “the main rotor shaft was intact, as was the main rotor gearbox. The main rotor gearbox was inspected internally via access panels; no evidence of any pre-impact damage was found. The engines also showed no evidence of pre-impact damage.”
Oonagh Werngren, Operations Director of Oil & Gas UK said:
“Oil & Gas UK welcomes this AAIB Special Bulletin addressing the tragic helicopter accident on the 23 August 2013. We now have a greater appreciation of what happened that day but we still don’t fully understand why. It is important, both for those directly involved in this tragedy and for all the men and women who work offshore, that the AAIB continues its very important task and reaches conclusion in a timely fashion. It is also good to see that it is already making recommendations.”
“In the meantime there are a number of different investigations underway and Oil & Gas UK will continue to work with the industry, the regulators and relevant bodies to ensure that the lessons are shared and the recommendations appropriately addressed.”