
13-Sep-21 EC-NBT Airbus AS332L2 Sierra Bermeja, Spain

13-Sep-21 EC-NBT Airbus AS332L2 Sierra Bermeja, Spain


Main blades struck a tree.  All 19 on board safely left the aircraft.  Helicopter involved in firefighting operations and was taking a group of firefighters to the scene of the fire.  With the helicopter incapacitated, the fire then came through the same area and the helicopter was burned out the next day 🔥 Un helicóptero... Read more

Bergen H225 Final Accident Report : Comprehensive and Worrying

Bergen H225 Final Accident Report : Comprehensive and Worrying

10-Aug-2018Source: Allan Blake

It seems a long time ago. On 29th April 2016, the Main Rotor Head and mast suddenly detached from an Airbus Helicopters H225 flying from Gullfaks B to Bergen Airport Flesland. The helicopter impacted on a small island east of Turøy.  As the final accident report is published our thoughts have to be with the... Read more

Airbus H225s finding new homes onshore

Airbus H225s finding new homes onshore


It is a widely held view that the H225 (and AS332L2) has no future in the offshore oil and gas market after a “perfect storm” of two key factors which grounded the type from civilian operations worldwide. estimates 126 H225s and AS332L2s are currently in storage around the world, as well as eight Sikorsky... Read more

Era Helicopters writes off $117M from EC225 fleet

Era Helicopters writes off $117M from EC225 fleet


In the recent Q3 earnings call with financial analysts, Era Helicopters President and CEO Chris Bradshaw provided the following commentary as part of his introduction:- “The next topic is an update on the status of H225 and AS332 L2 model helicopters following the fatal accidents off the coast of Norway in April 2016, and resultant... Read more

Two thirds of passengers unlikely to fly in H225 ever again

Two thirds of passengers unlikely to fly in H225 ever again


Airbus Helicopters has made the results of its survey available to operators and oil companies, but not officially to the press.  However, we have validated from a reliable source that 62% of respondents say they are most unlikely to, or will never, fly in the H225 again.  Airbus are trying to compare this to the... Read more

HeliOffshore collaborates on EC225 safety case

HeliOffshore collaborates on EC225 safety case

18-Jul-2017Source: HeliOffshore

HeliOffshore operators are working with UK and Norwegian authorities to release the technical data used to justify their decision on 7 July to lift operating restrictions on Airbus Helicopters H225LP and AS332L2 Super Puma helicopters. The offshore helicopter industry’s global safety association says that without having all available data its members cannot determine whether or... Read more

LN-OJF Preliminary Report: H225 Concerns Remain Open

LN-OJF Preliminary Report: H225 Concerns Remain Open

3-May-2017Source: Allan Blake for

A Preliminary Report into the fatal accident of the CHC operated H225 helicopter LN-OJF by the Accident Investigation Board Norway (AIBN) was issued on April 28th 2017 (“The Report” is located at The detailing of the catastrophic events makes very sad reading indeed, particularly the questions as to: 1. Why two similar catastrophic accidents... Read more

Airbus Malaysia overhauls VNH South AS332L2

Airbus Malaysia overhauls VNH South AS332L2

10-Jan-2017Source: Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company

On December 9th 2016, one Super Puma AS332L2 (SP L2) of Southern Vietnam Helicopter Company (VNH South) safely landed at Vung Tau airport after completion of its overhaul at Airbus Helicopter Malaysia’s Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul Centre (MRO) in Subang, Malaysia. This aircraft will resume its commercial flights since 2007. The overhaul included basic overhaul... Read more

Statoil drops Super Puma for ever

Statoil drops Super Puma for ever

6-Dec-2016Source: Reuters

Oil firm Statoil will not resume using AS332/EC225 helicopters even if Norway’s Civil Aviation Authority decides to lift the ban imposed after a fatal crash off Bergen in Norway – reports Reuters... Read more

EASA allows EC225 and AS332L2 to fly

EASA allows EC225 and AS332L2 to fly

7-Oct-2016Source: EASA

On 7 October 2016 the decision to lift the temporary flight suspension of the Super Puma EC225 LP and AS332 L2 helicopters from Airbus Helicopters put in place on 2 June 2016 following the crash of an EC225 LP helicopter in Norway on 29 April 2016. The set of very stringent protective measures which enable the... Read more

UK CAA keeps EC225 and AS332L2 grounded

UK CAA keeps EC225 and AS332L2 grounded

7-Oct-2016Source: CAA

Following the release today by the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) of proposals to allow the return to service of Airbus Helicopters’ Super Puma EC225LP and AS332L2, the UK Civil Aviation Authority has confirmed that its existing restriction, prohibiting all commercial flying of this type by UK operators, is to remain in place. The Super... Read more

Norwegian CAA keeps EC225 and AS332L2 grounded

Norwegian CAA keeps EC225 and AS332L2 grounded

7-Oct-2016Source: NCAA

{electronic translation} CAA has, like the British Civil Aviation Authority determined that there is still a flight ban for helicopter types EC225LP and AS332L2 until further notice. This decision follows after Europe’s Aviation Safety Agency EASA today decided to again permit the use of Airbus helicopters EC225LP and AS332L2 Super Puma. The ban on flights... Read more

The distressed H225 fleet – A review

The distressed H225 fleet – A review

19-Aug-2016Source: Allan Blake

In an article published on 6th July 2016, “Future of H225 compounded by HUMS investigation remark”, I concluded that “The CHC Chapter 11 process has a long way to run yet.  The outcome for the offshore helicopter market will be significant as strategies for his large fleet emerge from the affected lessors; all of them... Read more

Future of EC225 compounded by HUMS investigation remark

Future of EC225 compounded by HUMS investigation remark

6-Jul-2016Source: Allan Blake

The Chapter 11 insolvency process is a daunting one for companies entering into the procedure, but it can also be a stark reminder to suppliers that the contracts they entered into with debtors can not only be worthless but also leave them with significant additional burdens to consider.  For the CHC Helicopter Group of companies,... Read more

Where next for the Super Puma and EC225?

Where next for the Super Puma and EC225?


The presentation of an update yesterday on the Norwegian investigation of April’s EC225 accident brings us closer to the issue being one that puts the onus on Airbus rather than CHC – see earlier article. If, and we stress it is still conditional, the final report continues in the same way, then Airbus Helicopters have... Read more

Norwegian EC225 investigation points to gearbox planet gears – again

Norwegian EC225 investigation points to gearbox planet gears – again


The Accident Investigation Board of Norway (AIBN) has released another update in their investigation of the Airbus EC225 accident which happened on 29th April as the CHC aircraft was returning from the Gullfaks platform to Bergen Airport. Of particular note, they state “At this stage of the investigation, the AIBN finds that the accident most... Read more

Busy Babcock create Aberdeen space by moving out three Super Pumas

Busy Babcock create Aberdeen space by moving out three Super Pumas


Babcock Mission Critical Services Offshore are going through more fleet changes than most following the grounding of the Airbus AS332L2 and EC225 models.  In recent weeks they have taken on four new Sikorsky S92s, but that seems to have given them a storage issue at Aberdeen. Yesterday, Babcock transported three AS332L2 Super Pumas by road... Read more

CHC puts future EC225 operations in customer hands

CHC puts future EC225 operations in customer hands


As everyone across the industry, and certainly the offshore helicopter industry, knows, CHC suffered a fatal accident with an Airbus EC225 off Bergen in Norway on 29th April.  As a result both the UK and Norwegian authorities grounded the EC225/H225 and AS332L2, and subsequently NHV/Dancopter voluntarily followed suit with their three Danish-based EC225s.  EASA later... Read more

EASA grounds Airbus AS332L2 and EC225

EASA grounds Airbus AS332L2 and EC225


EASA has issued an Emergency Airworthiness Directive 2016-0104-E which prohibits any flights of Airbus AS332L2 and EC225 helicopters with the exception of a single flight without passengers to ferry such a helicopter to a maintenance base.  This follows earlier groundings from the national Civil Aviation Authorities of Norway and the UK, with the exception of... Read more

UK and Norway extend EC225 grounding to include AS332L2

UK and Norway extend EC225 grounding to include AS332L2

11-May-2016Source: CAA

Following the tragic Norwegian Super Puma helicopter accident on Friday 29 April, the UK and Norwegian Civil Aviation Authorities have been collaborating very closely and are united in their approach. Shortly after the accident, both organisations introduced restrictions to the Airbus EC225LP helicopter to prevent operators using it for commercial flights. Both organisations have now... Read more

Oil & Gas UK responds to Sumburgh AS332L2 AAIB report

Oil & Gas UK responds to Sumburgh AS332L2 AAIB report

23-Mar-2016Source: Oil & Gas UK

Mick Borwell, Health & Safety Director, Oil & Gas UK, said: “Following publication of the Air Accidents Investigation Branch report into the Sumburgh tragedy we will take time to carefully examine its findings. Our thoughts are with the families, friends and colleagues of those not with us today. “There are many recommendations in this report... Read more

SonAir Selects Heli-One unit in Poland for Super Puma G-Checks

SonAir Selects Heli-One unit in Poland for Super Puma G-Checks

7-Oct-2015Source: Heli-One

SonAir Serviço Aéreo, S.A., a provider of onshore and offshore helicopter services to Angolan oil facilities, will benefit from the world-class maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services offered at Heli-One’s Rzeszow, Poland facility. Heli-One will perform G-Check inspections and custom painting on four AS332L2 Super Puma helicopters for SonAir. “Heli-One’s Poland facility provides us with... Read more

Airbus to overhaul two AS332L2 for Southern Vietnam Helicopters

Airbus to overhaul two AS332L2 for Southern Vietnam Helicopters

18-Jun-2015Source: Airbus

Southeast Asian oil & gas operator Southern Vietnam Helicopters (VNHS) today signed a contract with Airbus Helicopters to overhaul two of its AS332 L2 rotorcraft. Flying offshore operations on a daily basis, these two aircraft will feature a new enhanced ground proximity warning system (EGPWS) once the overhaul work has been completed. The overhaul will... Read more

Oil & Gas UK’s response to FAI conclusion

Oil & Gas UK’s response to FAI conclusion

13-Mar-2014Source: Oil & Gas UK

Robert Paterson, Oil & Gas UK health, safety and employment issues director, said: “Today’s Fatal Accident Inquiry (FAI) conclusion into the 2009 helicopter crash provides us with a powerful reminder of the paramount importance of following procedures, and the need for effective communication. Since the publication of the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) report in... Read more

Bond Offshore Helicopters’ Response to AS332L2 Determination

Bond Offshore Helicopters’ Response to AS332L2 Determination

13-Mar-2014Source: Bond Offshore Helicopters

Bond Offshore hopes that Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle’s determination today (March 13th) brings a degree of closure to the families, friends and dependents of those who died in the tragedy of 2009. We at Bond also lost friends and colleagues that day. Although Sheriff Principal Pyle has indicated that spalling was, on balance, the most... Read more

Fatal Accident Inquiry determination published on Bond AS332L2 fatal accident

Fatal Accident Inquiry determination published on Bond AS332L2 fatal accident

13-Mar-2014Source: Judiciary of Scotland

Summary of FAI Determination into the deaths of 16 people following the helicopter crash on 1 April 2009. On Wednesday 1 April 2009, a Super Puma helicopter, owned by Bond Offshore Helicopters Limited, was flying over the North Sea, en route from the Miller Oil Platform to Aberdeen, when it plunged into the sea killing... Read more

Oil & Gas UK responds to AAIB Special Bulletin

Oil & Gas UK responds to AAIB Special Bulletin

24-Jan-2014Source: Oil & Gas UK

In response to today’s AAIB Special Bulletin, Oil & Gas UK Health, Safety & Employment Issues Director, Robert Paterson, said: “Oil & Gas UK fully supports the safety action made in today’s AAIB special bulletin. We are now working closely with helicopter operators to ensure safety briefings clearly explain the application of the re-breather system which... Read more

UK AAIB issues special bulletin on offshore pre-flight briefings

UK AAIB issues special bulletin on offshore pre-flight briefings

24-Jan-2014Source: AAIB

OThe AAIB has issued a Special Bulletin specifically referring to the CHC AS332L2 fatal accident of G-WNSB near Sumburgh on 23 August 2013.  The key information from this bulletin is shown below, but it is best taken in context of their full report. This Special Bulletin is published to highlight a safety concern relating to... Read more

Statement from Oil & Gas UK on AAIB Special Bulletin

Statement from Oil & Gas UK on AAIB Special Bulletin

21-Oct-2013Source: Oil & Gas UK

The Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) has issued Special Bulletin S7/2013 as part of its on-going investigation into the tragic L2 helicopter accident on 23 August 2013 off Sumburgh Head, Shetland. The bulletin states that “to date, the wreckage examination and analysis of the recorded data have not found any evidence of a technical fault... Read more

HSSG response to AAIB special bulletin

HSSG response to AAIB special bulletin

21-Oct-2013Source: Step Change in Safety

The AAIB  has issued a second special bulletin as part of its on-going investigation into the tragic helicopter accident on 23rd August off Sumburgh Head. Step Change in Safety’s Helicopter Steering Group (HSSG) welcomes this second bulletin and acknowledges the additional information that it contains. The first bulletin from the AAIB issued on 5th September... Read more

North Sea CHC AS332 accident – AAIB point firmly at pilot error

North Sea CHC AS332 accident – AAIB point firmly at pilot error


The crash of a CHC Eurocopter AS332L2 Super Puma 1.5 nm west of Sumburgh Airport on 23 August 2013 as drawn a lot of comment and speculation. The British aircraft investigators – the Air Accicent Investigation Branch (AAIB) have issued a second bulletin on the accident – S7/2013 – AS332 L2 Super Puma, G-WNSB  – now come... Read more

Bond SAR crew wins Edward and Maisie Lewis Award

Bond SAR crew wins Edward and Maisie Lewis Award

1-Oct-2013Source: Bond Offshore Helicopters

A Bond Offshore Helicopters (Bond) Search and Rescue (SAR) crew has received an award for its key role in a dramatic North Sea rescue last December. The Edward and Maisie Lewis award honours SAR winchmen, winch operators and pilots who have shown outstanding skill and courage in carrying out an air/sea rescue. As part of... Read more

Bristow S92 SAR crew commended for Stornoway AS332L2 rescue

Bristow S92 SAR crew commended for Stornoway AS332L2 rescue

9-Sep-2013Source: Bristow

On Friday, August 23, 2013 Bristow SAR operations in Sumburgh was tasked by ARCC to conduct the rescue operations for the tragic helicopter accident that occurred offshore approximately two miles west of Sumburgh. Within minutes a Bristow SAR team was airborne, took operational command, coordinating with a Bond SAR helicopter, an RAF helicopter and RNLI.... Read more

AAIB reports CHC AS332L2 was “intact and upright” when it hit the water

AAIB reports CHC AS332L2 was “intact and upright” when it hit the water

2-Sep-2013Source: AAIB

At 1717 hrs UTC on 23 August 2013, an AS332 L2 Super Puma helicopter crashed into the sea whilst on approach to Sumburgh Airport in the Shetland Islands. Four of the 18 occupants lost their lives. The AAIB immediately despatched a team of investigators and support staff to Aberdeen and the Shetland Islands. In accordance... Read more

HSSG recommends end of Super Puma flight suspension

HSSG recommends end of Super Puma flight suspension

1-Sep-2013Source: HSSG

On Saturday 24 August, Step Change in Safety’s Helicopter Safety Steering Group (HSSG) took the precautionary measure of taking a time out for safety by recommending temporary cessation of all commercial passenger flights of the AS332 L, L1, L2 and EC225 variant of helicopter to and from offshore oil and gas installations within the UK, following the... Read more

Oil & Gas UK discusses impact of temporary Super Puma suspension

Oil & Gas UK discusses impact of temporary Super Puma suspension

27-Aug-2013Source: Oil & Gas UK

Oil & Gas UK held a meeting in Aberdeen today (Monday 26 August) to discuss the operational impact of the temporary suspension of Super Puma helicopters following the crash of an L2 model on Friday with the tragic loss of four lives and injury to others. There were 80 representatives of oil and gas operators... Read more

North Sea accident – Statement from PHPA President

North Sea accident – Statement from PHPA President

27-Aug-2013Source: OPEIU

The Professional Helicopter Pilots Association International (PHPA), a council of the Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU), AFL-CIO, is mourning the loss of four passengers who were killed on August 23, 2013, when a CHC L2 aircraft crashed into the waters off the coast of Sumburgh, United Kingdom. Fourteen people, including two crew members,... Read more

Emotions high as Facebook page against AS332 gains 28,000 followers

Emotions high as Facebook page against AS332 gains 28,000 followers


Eurocopter have a major uphill PR battle ahead of them, for certain. Since the Shetland fatal accident on Friday – less than three days ago as this is written – a Facebook page “Destroy the Super Pumas” has gained over 28,000 followers. While it is clearly not something people in the aviation industry would support,... Read more

CHC continues AS332L/L1, EC225 operations – except in UK

CHC continues AS332L/L1, EC225 operations – except in UK

26-Aug-2013Source: CHC

Extract from CHC statement 11pm UK 25th August:- CHC plans to resume normal operations on Monday with AS332L/L1 and EC225 aircraft. We will continue to hold all flights worldwide involving AS332L2 aircraft, except for those involved in life-saving SAR and medevac missions. In the U.K., consistent with a request by the Helicopter Safety Steering Group... Read more

HSSG Recommends Temporary Suspension of Super Puma Helicopters

HSSG Recommends Temporary Suspension of Super Puma Helicopters

25-Aug-2013Source: HSSG

Step Change in Safety’s Helicopter Safety Steering Group (HSSG) met this afternoon (24 August) to discuss the helicopter accident off Shetland on 23 August.  All members expressed their condolences to the families, friends and colleagues of those who tragically lost their lives and to the survivors. At present there are no confirmed facts as to... Read more

Oil & Gas UK Statement: Helicopter Ditching West of Shetland

Oil & Gas UK Statement: Helicopter Ditching West of Shetland

25-Aug-2013Source: Oil & Gas UK

Oil & Gas UK’s Chief Executive Malcolm Webb said: “Oil & Gas UK expresses its profound sorrow at the news of the deaths and injuries resulting from yesterday’s helicopter ditching off Shetland.  Our thoughts are first and foremost with all who were on this flight, their  families and their friends and we send our deepest condolences... Read more

CHC Statement on Sumburgh Aircraft Accident

CHC Statement on Sumburgh Aircraft Accident

25-Aug-2013Source: CHC

[Update from CHC 11pm UK on 25th August] A CHC Helicopter AS332L2 aircraft landed in the water Friday (Aug. 23) about two nautical miles west of Sumburgh, on Shetland Island in the U.K. The helicopter had traveled from Aberdeen to two North Sea oil-and-gas rigs before returning to Sumburgh. The aircraft was on approach to... Read more

Heli-One secures multi-million-dollar PBH contract with NHV

Heli-One secures multi-million-dollar PBH contract with NHV

19-Jun-2013Source: Heli-One

Heli-One, the world’s largest independent provider of helicopter maintenance, repair and overhaul services, has today signed a long-term contract with aviation services company Noordzee Helikopters Vlaanderen (NHV) at the Paris Air Show. NHV operates in nine countries, serving the oil-and-gas industry and delivering emergency medical services and other missions.  Under the five-year contract, Heli-One will... Read more

CHC prepares two AS332s for Shell contract in Africa

CHC prepares two AS332s for Shell contract in Africa


CHC has just transferred two Eurocopter AS332L2 Super Pumas off the British register in preparation for a new role in Africa on contract to Royal Dutch Shell plc, who begin oil exploration work off Benin in the next few weeks. The contract is for five years with five one-year options, is for transportation services and... Read more

CHC wins 5 year AS332L2 contract for Shell in Africa

CHC wins 5 year AS332L2 contract for Shell in Africa

8-May-2013Source: CHC Helicopter

Shell International Exploration and Production B.V. has selected CHC Helicopter, the world’s leading offshore helicopter services provider, for a five-year, multi-million dollar contract to support Shell‘s deep-water exploration activities off the coast of Sub-Saharan Africa. The agreement, which comes with five, one-year options, will dedicate two Eurocopter Super Puma L2 aircraft to helicopter transportation services... Read more

No criminal proceedings for April 2009 Bond AS332L2 accident

No criminal proceedings for April 2009 Bond AS332L2 accident

5-Apr-2013Source: Scottish Crown Office

On 1 April 2009 Super Puma helicopter AS332 L2 G-REDL crashed into the North Sea resulting in the deaths of all 16 men on board. Having carefully considered all the circumstances of this incident, Crown Counsel have decided that there is insufficient evidence for a prosecution and as result no criminal proceedings are instructed. The... Read more

Peru chooses Mi-171 over Super Puma

Peru chooses Mi-171 over Super Puma


Reports from South America are saying that the Peruvian Government has picked the Mil Mi-171 over the EUrocopter AS332L2 Super Puma for their 24 ship requirement for the fight against drug trafficking. The final deal is expected to be signed at a value of $486 million, of which $406 million relates to the helicopters themselves,... Read more

Bond SAR crew win award for courage

Bond SAR crew win award for courage

13-Mar-2013Source: Bond Aviation Group

Two Bond Offshore Helicopters (Bond) Search and Rescue (SAR) crewmen have been awarded the Billy Deacon SAR Memorial Trophy 2012, in recognition of their key role in a dramatic North Sea rescue last December. The award honours SAR winchmen and operators who have shown great skill and courage in carrying out rescues over land or... Read more

Eurocopter and Milestone Aviation Group getting closer together

Eurocopter and Milestone Aviation Group getting closer together

6-Mar-2013Source: Eurocopter

An innovative agreement signed by Eurocopter and Milestone Aviation Group today brings these two industry leaders together for cooperative marketing of Milestone’s growing helicopter portfolio, backed by Eurocopter’s comprehensive Parts-by-the-Hour (PBH) support services. This agreement enables Eurocopter to provide its customers and operators commercial access to Milestone’s inventory of helicopters with all of the financial... Read more

Scottish Ambulance Service trains volunteers to light helipads

Scottish Ambulance Service trains volunteers to light helipads

18-Feb-2013Source: Scottish Ambulance Service

The Scottish Ambulance Service has completed an initiative to create new lit helicopter landing sites on Shetland’s outer isles that will enhance access for medical evacuations. While the Coastguard helicopter has always had 24 hour access to these islands, the new sites will allow access at night by the Jigsaw helicopter, which requires a lit... Read more

Alerts on two Bond AS332L2s

Alerts on two Bond AS332L2s


Two Super Puma helicopters were at the centre of fresh safety fears.  The Bond aircraft, which were travelling independently to different offshore installations, were both forced to return to the heliport in Aberdeen following concerns. (see full story)... Read more

Government Flying Service celebrates 10 years of SBH® contract with Turbomeca

Government Flying Service celebrates 10 years of SBH® contract with Turbomeca

15-Nov-2012Source: Turbomeca

During the Air Show China, Turbomeca China (Safran group) and Hong Kong Government Flying Service (GFS), celebrate 10 years of SBH® (Support By the Hour) contract. 100% of GFS helicopter, powered by Turbomeca engines, is under SBH® contract. The main mission accomplished by GFS is Search & Rescue (SAR), GFS providing a 24 hours air... Read more

Bond settles with partners of pilots involved in April 2009 Super Puma crash

Bond settles with partners of pilots involved in April 2009 Super Puma crash


Paul Burnham, 31, of Methlick, Aberdeenshire, and Richard Menzies, 24, of Worcestershire, were at the controls of the Bond Offshore Super Puma when the aircraft plunged into the sea in April 2009. (see full story) See also this page from our safety data coverage – 01-Apr-09 G-REDL Eurocopter AS332 11m E of Peterhead, UK (16F)... Read more

Bond’s SAR clinical lead gives insight to medicine in extreme offshore conditions

Bond’s SAR clinical lead gives insight to medicine in extreme offshore conditions

10-Sep-2012Source: Bond Aviation Group

Bond Offshore Helicopters’ clinical lead, Dr. Mark Bloch, today gave insight into the critical work of paramedics on search and rescue (SAR) helicopters, and the challenges they face working in extreme conditions offshore. Bond has been operating the Jigsaw SAR service for BP in the North Sea since 2006.  In that time, Bond’s on-board paramedic... Read more

CHC transfers Super Puma from Angola to UK

CHC transfers Super Puma from Angola to UK


CHC have in the last 24 hours registered a AS332L2 Super Puma in the UK – serial 2398 as G-CHCY.  This aircraft had previously been operated for eight years by SonAir in Angola in full CHC colours and titles. Jeremy Parkin – Read more

Bond AS332s and EC225s take to the air again

Bond AS332s and EC225s take to the air again

15-May-2012Source: Bond Aviation Group

Bond Offshore Helicopters Ltd., one of the UK’s leading providers of energy support services announced the resumption of flights following the release of important data from Eurocopter. The full fleet of helicopters will return to service over the next 24 hrs. Bill Munro, Managing Director of Bond Offshore Helicopters said, “Bond puts safety first, above... Read more

Oil & Gas UK responds to report into fatal Bond AS332 accident

Oil & Gas UK responds to report into fatal Bond AS332 accident

29-Nov-2011Source: Oil & Gas UK

Oil & Gas UK welcomes the Air Accidents Investigation Branch (AAIB) report published on November 24 on the tragic crash of helicopter Flight 85N  which took place off the Aberdeenshire coast on 1 April 2009. Robert Paterson, Oil & Gas UK’s health and safety director, said: “With today’s publication of the report, we remember, first... Read more

CHC partners with Cayman Islands CAA

CHC partners with Cayman Islands CAA

19-Apr-2011Source: CHC

CHC Helicopter, the world’s leading offshore helicopter services provider, is pleased to announce a joint partnership with the Civil Aviation Authority of the Cayman Islands (CAACI). This new partnership will provide CHC Helicopter with the opportunity to obtain and maintain a Cayman Islands Air Operator Certificate to conduct offshore operations in several foreign jurisdictions worldwide.... Read more

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