RDC supports new R&D to improve offshore helicopter safety

RDC supports new R&D to improve offshore helicopter safety

21-Jan-2015 Source: RDC

The Research & Development Corporation (RDC) is investing $350,000 in two research and development projects to help personnel survive helicopter ditching or abandonment in water. These R&D projects, related to escape exits and survival skills, are being undertaken by Falck Safety Services (Canada) with funding from RDC, Petroleum Research Newfoundland & Labrador, and Falck. The total value of the projects is approximately $700,000.

“The Provincial Government remains committed to ensuring the health and safety of the province’s offshore workers. One of the ways we do that is investing in projects such as these.”
– the Honourable Darin King, Minister of Business, Tourism, Culture and Rural Development and Minister Responsible for the Research & Development Corporation

The first project seeks to identify the specific human factor requirements to open a Sikorsky S-92 push-out emergency escape exit. Findings from this project may provide critical health and safety components necessary for future training guidance. The second project will investigate the effect of wave patterns on the performance and retention of sea survival skills in offshore workers. This project will provide information on optimal training conditions, and how escape and survival skills are acquired.

“This research will provide valuable incremental information to trainers, safety and survival manufacturers, and regulatory bodies. The outcomes could also be applicable globally in terms of future underwater escape training and exit design.”
– Glenn Janes, CEO, Research & Development Corporation

The S92 exit and sea survival research projects demonstrate Falck Safety Service Canada’s ongoing examination of human performance in harsh environments.

“Ultimately, we (FSSC) want to ensure that workers return home safely to their family and friends. Thanks to the funding provided by RDC and PRNL, these projects will provide a superior understanding of the complex issues that could be faced while traveling to and from, or working, offshore. This new knowledge will then be used to develop advanced training solutions that are better suited to preparing individuals for situations that we hope they will never face.” – Dr. Michael Taber, Falck Safety Services (Canada)

RDC is a provincial Crown corporation responsible for improving Newfoundland and Labrador’s research and development performance. RDC works with research and development stakeholders including business, academia and government agencies and departments to make strategic investments in people, R&D opportunities, and infrastructure.


1) (RDC) is investing $350,000 in two R&D projects to help personnel survive helicopter ditching or abandonment in water.
2) The total value of the projects is approximately $700,000.
3) This research will provide valuable incremental information to trainers, safety and survival manufacturers, and regulatory bodies.
4) Additional information on RDC can be found at: www.rdc.org

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