24-Jul-2024Source: GE
GE Aerospace (NYSE:GE) announced today the successful completion of the first stage of their global research with Airbus Helicopters aimed at developing a revolutionary next-generation helicopter propulsion system. This milestone marks a significant advancement in the collaboration between the two industry leaders, with the ultimate goal of developing an engine that sets new standards in... Read more
Airbus used the occasion of its annual Summit to unveil its DisruptiveLab, a new flying laboratory designed to test technologies destined to improve aircraft performance and to reduce helicopters’ CO2 emissions. The DisruptiveLab will evaluate a new aerodynamic architecture intended to reduce fuel consumption, as well as pursuing the implementation of hybridisation with a fully... Read more
Bell Textron Inc., a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, unveiled today its new 140,000-square-foot Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC) in Fort Worth, Texas. The MTC is an innovative proving ground where Bell will test and refine technologies and processes—demonstrating manufacturing readiness and ability to successfully build and support Future Vertical Lift (FVL) aircraft. The facility provides... Read more
20-Dec-2017Source: HeliHub.com
Bell has plans for a new version of their popular 412 twin. On 8th December, Bell Canada registered C-FYVM with MSN 39101, a big departure from their current MSN series which started at 37001 and currently runs to 37039 for the 412EPI. Although listed as a 412EP, this newly registered aircraft is marked as “Experimental”.... Read more
19-Oct-2016Source: Honeywell
Honeywell has signed an agreement with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) to further develop the next generation of precision inertial technology. As a legacy supplier of this navigation technology for commercial and military applications, Honeywell is working to improve the accuracy of inertial measurement unit (IMU) technology by three orders of magnitude compared... Read more
16-Aug-2016Source: Univ Texas Austin
In summer 2015 a research team led by Jayant Sirohi, an associate professor in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, tested an experimental helicopter rotor design in a wind tunnel, generating the first publicly available performance data on a cutting-edge, dual-rotor design. This spring Sirohi received a five-year, $550,000 grant from the U.S. Army, U.S.... Read more
25-Jul-2016Source: XTI Aircraft
XTI Aircraft Company (XTI) has taken three important steps toward flying its first piloted TriFan 600 prototype within two years. XTI has: Re-opened its crowdfunding initiative after receiving Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) approval to sell 20 million shares of common stock to investors, effective immediately, at www.startengine.com/startup/xti Accelerated its development schedule with plans to... Read more
1-Jun-2016Source: Airbus
Airbus Helicopters earlier this year passed an important milestone in the development of the high-speed, compound helicopter demonstrator currently being built as part of the Clean Sky 2 European research programme. A mockup of the breakthrough airframe design has just undergone windtunnel testing in an Airbus facility. The tests proved the viability of the chosen... Read more
24-May-2016Source: Leonardo
Leonardo-Finmeccanica and Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore), signed an agreement today in Rome. Under the agreement, NTU and Leonardo-Finmeccanica will start a research collaboration in integrated and innovative composites helicopter structure and helicopter aerodynamics. The agreement follows the Memorandum of Understanding signed in February in Singapore and establishes a partnership to contribute to the aerospace... Read more
26-Apr-2016Source: Aurora
Aurora Flight Sciences announced today that a subscale vehicle demonstrator (SVD) of its LightningStrike, Vertical Take-off and Landing Experimental Plane (VTOL x-plane) for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was successfully flown at a U.S. military facility. The flight of the subscale aircraft met an important DARPA risk reduction requirement, focusing on validation of... Read more
22-Feb-2016Source: Nanyang Technological University
Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) and Finmeccanica, through its Helicopter Division manufacturing AgustaWestland products, signed a Memorandum of Understanding today at the Singapore Airshow 2016. The agreement confirms the intent of both parties to partner on helicopter production and technologies with the final aim to establish a collaborative technology research centre to be set up... Read more
9-Dec-2015Source: Roke
As part of its Defence Growth Partnership (DGP) Innovation Challenge, the UK Ministry of Defence has selected Roke Manor Research (Roke) to develop an innovative data link solution capable of transmitting real-time images and video from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) using 3G cellular technology. Roke will design the world’s first high altitude data link to... Read more
29-Oct-2015Source: Russian Helicopters
[electronic translation] At the meeting, experts Experimental Design Bureau of the Kazan Helicopter Plant (KHP), the holding company “Helicopters of Russia” with the students of the Moscow Aviation Institute – National Research University (MAI) signed an agreement on cooperation in education between the MAI KAI-KNRTU and KHP. The agreement is aimed at creating joint educational... Read more
7-Oct-2015Source: Turbomeca
Turbomeca is investigating new propulsive configurations to address the need for greater performance and reduced environmental footprint of new-generation rotor craft. Through a cutting-edge hybridization project, Turbomeca is studying new twin-engine power management concepts. One of them includes trials of “sleep modes” to optimize the power available with the mission profiles. Whenever needed, the sleeping... Read more
An astonishing new building was recently unveiled at the Marignane plant in southern France. Built in under a year, the giant cylinder known as DHC0–Dynamic Helicopter Zero–now makes it possible to perform dynamic integration testing for the H160 and future helicopters in the Airbus Helicopters range. Gary Clark, head of vehicle test and integration at... Read more
13-Jul-2015Source: Want China Times
The Future Helicopter Designer Competition held which began on July 8 in Beijing and is sponsored by the Aviation Industry Corporation of China will decide what kind of military helicopter the country will develop over the next five years, reports state-run Global Times. See full story... Read more
7-Jul-2015Source: Airbus
A quieter and more fuel efficient future for rotorcraft flight was unveiled by Airbus Helicopters today with its Bluecopter demonstrator, which has validated leading-edge technologies ranging from an advanced Fenestron®, improved rotor and airframe design to intelligent engine power management. In the more than 28 flight hours logged during evaluations performed throughout its operating envelope,... Read more
11-May-2015Source: Russian Helicopters
Russian Helicopters (part of State Corporation Rostec) and Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) have signed a framework agreement to work together on creating an advanced heavy helicopter. The agreement was signed at the Moscow Kremlin today in the presence of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping by the CEO of Russian... Read more
30-Apr-2015Source: Rostec
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin and Vice Premier of the State Council of China Wang Yang met in Hangzhou for talks. The Russian delegation also included Alexander Mikheev, CEO of the Russian Helicopters holding, which is part of the Rostec Corporation. The talks were held in preparation for the next meeting of the heads of Russia and... Read more
19-Apr-2015Source: US DoD
The Boeing Co., Mesa, Arizona, was awarded a $321,800,000 cost-plus-incentive-fee undefinitized contract to complete development of the base line Apache attack helicopter, and for the integration of modifications. Work will be performed in Mesa, Arizona, with an estimated completion date of March 31, 2018. Bids were solicited with one received. Fiscal 2015 research, development, testing,... Read more
1-Apr-2015Source: Decision Lens
Decision Lens, the leading provider of cloud-based prioritization and resource optimization software, announced today that its Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform was selected by Sikorsky Aircraft, owned by United Technologies Corporation (NYSE: UTX). Sikorsky chose Decision Lens to enable the prioritization of engineering and design projects across the Commercial and Defense Systems sectors. Established... Read more
21-Jan-2015Source: RDC
The Research & Development Corporation (RDC) is investing $350,000 in two research and development projects to help personnel survive helicopter ditching or abandonment in water. These R&D projects, related to escape exits and survival skills, are being undertaken by Falck Safety Services (Canada) with funding from RDC, Petroleum Research Newfoundland & Labrador, and Falck. The... Read more
23-May-2014Source: Russian Helicopters
Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec, and Stankoprom, also part of Rostec, have signed an agreement to work together on developing the R&D and production potential of high-tech manufacturing for the Russian helicopter industry through 2016. The agreement was signed at HeliRussia 2014 by Russian Helicopters deputy CEO for production... Read more
5-May-2014Source: Lockheed Martin
Three systems acquired by Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] have progressed from their research and development phase to operational readiness. The Indago vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) quad-rotor, accompanied by its handheld ground control station (GCS) will offer a robust, mobile surveillance application. Additionally, a new Commercial Avionics Suite delivers the same performance and reliability that... Read more
11-Mar-2014Source: INAER
This week, the University of Alicante (UA), the Alicante Science Park Foundation and INAER Spain (INAER) signed two agreements that will strengthen their collaborations in innovation, development and training. The signing ceremony, held at the rectory office, was attended by the rector of UA, Manuel Palomar, as well as the president of the Science Park... Read more
15-Dec-2013Source: Senator Thad Cochran
U.S. Senator Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) today reported that the Department of Defense has awarded a $14.0 million competitive contract to Aurora Flight Sciences in Columbus to assist in the development of a new aircraft for the Department of Defense. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency awarded the contract under its X-Plane program to support development... Read more
13-Dec-2013Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Innovations, the technology development organization of Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., today announced it has won a contract for Phase 1 of the Vertical Take-Off and Landing Experimental Aircraft (VTOL X-Plane) program by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). The proposed effort is valued at $15 million to develop the preliminary design for the... Read more
21-Nov-2013Source: Wind River
Wind River®, a world leader in embedded software for intelligent connected systems, has announced that AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is using Wind River VxWorks® 653 Platform for its revolutionary “Project Zero” tilt rotor technology incubator. “Project Zero” is an unmanned all-electric tilt rotor, designed to hover like a helicopter and convert to a fixed wing aircraft... Read more
5-Nov-2013Source: Russian Helicopters
[electronic translation] Holding “Helicopters of Russia” (a subsidiary of OPK “Oboronprom”, a member of the State Corporation Rostekhnadzor) announces the launch of the sixth annual competition of design and engineering development “Helicopters of the XXI century – 2014”, which is held in conjunction with the Corporate University OPK “Oboronprom”. The contest “Helicopters XXI Century” held... Read more
29-Oct-2013Source: US Army
A new study by Army researchers is looking at inserting carbon nanotubes into the structural design of helicopter rotor blades in hopes this approach eliminates a list of deficiencies highlighted particularly in Iraq and Afghanistan conflicts. Dr. Bryan Glaz, Dr. Jaret Riddick, and Ed Habtour, research engineers within the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s Vehicle Technology... Read more
10-Oct-2013Source: Penn State
Two Penn State aerospace engineers recently won a best paper award at a rotorcraft conference. Jianhua Zhang, a research associate in aerospace engineering, and Edward Smith, professor of aerospace engineering and director of Penn State’s Vertical Lift Research Center of Excellence (VLRCOE), received the best paper award during the second annual Asian/Australian Rotorcraft Forum and... Read more
6-Oct-2013Source: DSTL
The Ministry of Defence (MOD) is looking to industry for innovative ways to develop simulation and field trial capability to counter potential threats to UK military helicopters from ground-based man-in-the-loop (MITL) operated weapons. This is to meet future requirements to assess how aircraft manoeuvres, threat warning systems and countermeasures can mitigate the effects of hostile... Read more
3-Sep-2013Source: AgustaWestland
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is flight testing a number of aerodynamic improvements that will boost the performance of the AW609 TiltRotor. On the 25th July 2013 AgustaWestland undertook the first flight of a modified vertical tail fin on AW609 TiltRotor prototype #2 at its Cascina Costa flight test facility in Italy. The modified vertical fin is one part... Read more
27-Aug-2013Source: FlightGlobal
Russian Helicopters plans to perform the maiden flight of its new developmental high-speed rotorcraft towards the end of the decade as it eyes the fledgling market for advanced vertical-lift aircraft. see full story... Read more
20-Aug-2013Source: UTC Aerospace
UTC Aerospace Systems is working with Sikorsky Aircraft to drive advancements in rotorcraft technology as part of Sikorsky’s self-funded Matrix Technology autonomy research and development program. With Matrix Technology, Sikorsky aims to significantly improve the capability, safety and reliability of vertical take-off and landing aircraft. UTC Aerospace Systems and Sikorsky are units of United Technologies... Read more
12-Jul-2013Source: NLR
The development of a European tiltrotor, an aircraft that combines the characteristics of a helicopter and a regular airplane, is brought one step closer with the successful completion of a series of tests at DNW German-Dutch Wind Tunnels. This major leap forward in the European project was partly achieved thanks to the expertise of NLR... Read more
3-Jul-2013Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Aircraft, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX), has launched the 2013 Sikorsky Helicopter 2050 Challenge, a national competition that invites youths ages 9-16 to envision a helicopter capable of addressing global issues likely to be encountered by mid century. (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20060403/SIKORSKYLOGO ) Winner of the grand prize — the Igor Sikorsky Youth Innovator Award —... Read more
26-Jun-2013Source: Eurocopter
Eurocopter today continued its participation at the 50th Paris Air Show by signing the first 22 partnership agreements with innovative French companies selected to form part of the Helicopter of the Future program. These firms will come together in a technological and industrial initiative set up as part of an innovation program launched by the... Read more
13-Jun-2013Source: US Army
A new study by Army researchers looks at inserting carbon nanotubes into the structural design of helicopter rotor blades to improve performance. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory hopes this approach could lead to the design and fabrication of the next generation of rotor blades and fixed wings. Dr. Bryan Glaz, Dr. Jaret Riddick and Ed... Read more
17-May-2013Source: Russian Helicopters
Russian Helicopters, a subsidiary of Oboronprom, part of State Corporation Rostec and a leading global designer and manufacturer of helicopters, has signed a partnership memorandum with PANH Helicopters, a Russian helicopter operator. Inked today at the HeliRussia 2013 trade show in Moscow, the agreement covers cooperation on stress-testing of new and modified Russian-built helicopters under... Read more
14-May-2013Source: Eurocopter
On May 15 Eurocopter celebrates the opening of its helicopter development center for around 900 engineers at its German site in Donauwörth – together with Prime Minister of Bavaria Horst Seehofer and further well-known characters from politics, industry and the media. The new building with a total floor area of 30,000 square meters brings together,... Read more
26-Feb-2013Source: DARPA Story
One of the greatest challenges of the past half century for aerodynamics engineers has been how to increase the top speeds of aircraft that take off and land vertically without compromising the aircraft’s lift to power in hover or its efficiency during long-range flight. The versatility of helicopters and other vertical take-off and landing (VTOL)... Read more
12-Feb-2013Source: DLR
Researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) in Göttingen have discovered a way to make helicopters more manoeuvrable. In a globally unique wind tunnel experiment, they have been blowing air through holes in the rotor blades to actively influence airflow. As though someone is wielding a sledgehammer The rotor... Read more
3-Feb-2013Source: The Guardian, Nigeria
A professor and his research team at a UK university have developed options for minimising occurrences of loss of oil events during long hour flights by helicopters and solutions to increase the capability of continued operation after loss of oil (see full story)... Read more
23-Jan-2013Source: Rockwell Collins
Imagine having GPS navigation capability embedded on something as small as a hummingbird-size unmanned aerial vehicle. That day may be coming soon, thanks to ongoing research and successful testing completed by Rockwell Collins and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA’s Dynamics Enabled Frequency Sources (DEFYS) effort has created tiny electronic oscillators and Rockwell... Read more
3-Jan-2013Source: US Army Research Lab
A project involving the U.S. Army Research Laboratory’s (ARL’s) cold spray technology was named one of six environment technology Projects of the Year, recognized for research and technology developments with significant benefits to the Department of Defense (DoD). The Supersonic Particle Deposition for Repair of Magnesium Aircraft Components project, led by Victor K. Champagne, Jr.,... Read more
11-Dec-2012Source: DARPA
When a person reaches out to place an object in just the right place, their mind makes a series of judgments requiring vision, stability and careful movement. Trying to do the same thing robotically from a hovering unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) requires several technology advances. A DARPA-funded technology demonstration recently finished a successful testing of... Read more
23-Nov-2012Source: Rensselaer
Rotorcraft and adaptive structures expert Farhan Gandhi recently joined Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as the Rosalind and John J. Redfern Jr. ’33 Professor of Engineering. He is a tenured full professor in the Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Nuclear Engineering. “Dr. Gandhi is an international leader in the areas of morphing helicopters and adaptive cellular structures, and we... Read more
20-Nov-2012Source: Carter Aviation Technologies
Carter Aviation Technologies, LLC, working in conjunction with Carter Aerospace Development, LLC, has made significant progress as performance flight-testing of the current prototype, the Proof of Concept demonstrator (the “POC”), continues. The POC is a variant of the company’s four passenger vertical takeoff and landing (“VTOL”) aircraft, known as the SR/C™ 4-Place PAV. The POC... Read more
12-Nov-2012Source: HeliHub.com
With Sikorsky putting lots of research money into the X2 and it’s follow-up S-97 Raider, and Eurocopter widely broadcasting its X3 concept, it was only a matter of time before China followed suit. A concept model has been shown for the first time at the Zhuhai Air Show, which opened this morning. The fuselage of... Read more
17-Jul-2012Source: Eurocopter
Eurocopter, the world leader in the civil and parapublic helicopter market, is providing its development personnel with the most modern high-performance infrastructures and resources, all in support of its innovation program, a core feature of the Group’s Vision 2020. Following on from the launch of the Systemhaus project at Donauwörth in Germany, which will reach... Read more
28-Mar-2012Source: AHS
Vertiflite magazine, Mar-Apr 2012: U.S. Rotorcraft Research Under Attack “An unfortunate coincidence of cuts to fundamental rotorcraft research part of the U.S. fiscal 2013 budget submitted to Congress in February. headquarters of both NASA and the Army decided to slash funding for research efforts that are vitally important to developing future technologies for vertical flight. These proposed... Read more
16-Mar-2012Source: Boeing
Boeing [NYSE: BA] and the U.S. Army have successfully completed a series of tests on the company’s Adaptive Vehicle Management System (AVMS), an advanced rotorcraft flight control system. AVMS, which has been in development for two years, delivers enhanced maneuverability and safety while reducing aircrew workload and overall operating costs. A Boeing H-6 helicopter equipped... Read more
13-Feb-2012Source: Helios
HELIOS Hubschraubertransport GmbH presents the patented new SilentEcoWing – System to producers and experts at Heli Expo 2012 in Dallas, Texas. The project was inspired by nature: A bird gliding almost soundlessly. „We reflected how to minimize the noise generated at the rotor blade tips“, said Mr. Walter Enthammer, the General Manager. The result of... Read more
1-Feb-2012Source: DLR
Modern helicopters could be significantly faster and more manoeuvrable – if aerodynamics did not impose limitations on them. Researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) in Göttingen have now discovered and flight-tested a way to increase manoeuvrability using an idea they got from observing humpback whales. Unwanted turbulence Helicopters... Read more
24-Jan-2012Source: Flightglobal
Eurocopter will resume test flights of its X3 high speed technology demonstrator next month as it advances the concept towards a potential launch. (see full story)... Read more
22-Jan-2012Source: AnalySwift
AnalySwift, LLC, a leading provider of efficient high-fidelity modeling software for aerospace and energy composites and other advanced materials, announced today the release of VABS 3.6. This is the latest version of VABS, which is the tool of choice for efficient and accurate modeling of composite slender structures such as wind turbine blades, helicopter rotor blades, high... Read more
17-Jan-2012Source: Eurocopter Rotor Link
The preliminary results of the flight test campaign are quite promising, and even show that the initial theoretical estimations (based on simulation models) were rather conservative. The flight test crew appreciated the general performance of the aircraft, especially in hover mode and its OEI performances. Following its flight tests in the U.S, the EC145 T2... Read more
16-Jan-2012Source: HeliHub.com
Just before Christmas, Bell filed a flurry of Trademark applications with the US Patent and Trademark Office. In particular, theses ones – each one listed as a trademark for a name of a helicopter or aircraft. – 525SMT – Super Medium – Super Medium Transport – Super Medium Class It’s obviously speculation as to what... Read more
7-Sep-2011Source: Boeing
The Boeing Company [NYSE: BA] is making investments with Dalhousie University to support research and development projects to strengthen the aerospace industry’s capabilities and competitiveness in Canada and globally. “The research community at Dalhousie values our relationships with the private sector, not only for the advancement of knowledge but also for commercial applications that improve... Read more
22-Jul-2011Source: AgustaWestland
It was announced that the Government has awarded AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, a total of £10 million in research and development grants that will be delivered through the Technology Strategy Board. The funding will go towards a new programme consisting of three R&D projects. The programme will ensure that the UK maintains its leading position... Read more
18-Jul-2011Source: Sikorsky
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. – Sikorsky Aircraft Corp.’s X2 Technology™ demonstrator has flown for the last time, the company announced. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE:UTX). In an early morning demonstration flight conducted from the company’s new Sikorsky Innovations Center within its Development Flight Center, the X2 Technology demonstrator gave invited guests... Read more
21-Jun-2011Source: AgustaWestland
AgustaWestland, a Finmeccanica company, is pleased to announce a number of new capabilities that will be introduced in the near future for the AW139 that will be of potential benefit to both current and future operators. These include enhanced navigation capabilities, the latest collision avoidance system, additional icing clearances and new helicopter deck clearances. AgustaWestland... Read more
13-May-2011Source: Office of Naval Research
ARLINGTON, Va.—When officials from the Office of Naval Research (ONR) showed up at the 63rd annual Naval Helicopter Association (NHA) Symposium in San Diego from May 9-12, they displayed a technology that allows helicopter aircraft commanders to “take the fight away from the boat.†The Low-Cost Imaging Terminal Seeker (LCITS) will give helicopters, such as the... Read more
8-May-2011Source: Eurocopter
A groundbreaking ceremony at Eurocopter’s German site in Donauwörth today marked the official start of construction work on the company’s new integrated development center, part of the Systemhaus project. This unique high-tech platform, due to be completed in 2012, positions the world’s leading helicopter manufacturer squarely for the future. With the Systemhaus project, Donauwörth will... Read more
2-May-2011Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Innovations, the technology development organization of Sikorsky Aircraft, has completed wind tunnel testing of its active rotor system equipped with high authority flaps. The effort is jointly funded by Sikorsky and the U.S. Army Aviation Applied Technology Directorate (AATD). Sikorsky Aircraft is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). “The AATD/Sikorsky Active Rotor... Read more
25-Apr-2011Source: Flightglobal
The leaders of the US Army aviation branch have pledged for the first time to break from upgrades to conventional helicopters and field an all-new rotorcraft with a minimum top speed of 200kt (370km/h) by 2030.... Read more
21-Apr-2011Source: GEAE
GE Aviation broke ground today on its new Electrical Power Integrated Systems Research and Development Center (EPISCENTER) on the University of Dayton campus in Dayton, Ohio. The $51 million center will be built on about eight acres on the University of Dayton’s campus on River Park Drive. “GE’s new R & D center will be... Read more
13-Apr-2011Source: DLR
A helicopter relies on its rotor to be able to take off and land vertically. The rotor is also responsible for the noise a helicopter makes during flight. Researchers at the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) in Göttingen and NASA are investigating the exact origin of this rotor noise. The... Read more
13-Apr-2011Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. and Lindbergh Electric Aircraft Prize (LEAP) organization representatives will announce details of a joint initiative that continues the historic relationship between the Sikorsky and Lindbergh namesakes, during a press conference Thursday at the AERO Friedrichshafen air show in Friedrichshafen, Germany. Sergei Sikorsky (photo), son of company founder Igor Sikorsky, is among the... Read more
11-Apr-2011Source: Physorg
Research from Ed Smith, professor of aerospace engineering and director of the Penn State Rotorcraft Center of Excellence... Read more
7-Apr-2011Source: HeliHub.com
The Politecnico di Milano and AgustaWestland, have launched AWParc (Advanced Rotorcraft AgustaWestland Technical Center), a company formed at the Polytechnic’s Bovisa campus. The focus of this alliance is on expertise and skills in developing research projects related to the helicopter sector. AgustaWestland has made only two similar centers in the world, with the British Universities... Read more
6-Apr-2011Source: London’s Air Ambulance
This agreement formalises the existing strong links between two long established providers of physician-led pre-hospital care. Both organisations are committed leaders in the field of quality improvement in pre-hospital care and place research and development high on their agendas. London’s Air Ambulance has an international reputation for clinical excellence and has trained the majority of... Read more
20-Mar-2011Source: Royal Air Force
The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), in conjunction with industry partners, today showcased the development of world leading technology designed to help helicopter pilots land more safely and efficiently in Afghanistan. Scientists from Dstl, part of the Ministry of Defence (MOD), have led the technical development of a pioneering approach to the problem of... Read more
6-Mar-2011Source: National Research Council
Ottawa-based National Research Council Canada Institute for Aerospace Research (NRC Aerospace) has developed a unique and revolutionary technology for fly-by-wire aircraft, which will allow pilots to operate complex aircraft with a single pilot command interface acting as an independent controller of multiple input modes, simultaneously. This is a major breakthrough in the development of advanced... Read more