Cabri G2 delivered by new UK distributor HeliGroup

Cabri G2 delivered by new UK distributor HeliGroup

18-May-2017 Source: HeliGroup

The latest Guimbal Cabri G2 has been sold by UK distributor, HeliGroup and is the first delivered from their Guimbal Centre of Excellence, Oxford.

The helicopter has been bought by Darren Robson. An experienced private pilot who has owned a number of helicopters, most recently, an Airbus H120. H120 and the Cabri G2 synergies meant type conversion training was a simple task.

Registered G-CKCI, the first Cabri G2 is painted in Cobalt Blue; a colour common to Aston Martin sports cars. Fitted with the latest Aspen Avionics panel – the EFD1000 Evolution digital display with its horizontal format fits perfectly into the standard Cabri EPM – a Guimbal-developed advanced multi-function vehicle monitor – and features the two displays now standard on modern glass-cockpits:

  • An Attitude Display Indicator with tape-style Altimeter and Airspeed Indicator. To better fit the common ab-initio training mission, mechanical ASI and Altimeters are retained standard on the Cabri and the tape-style instrument could be shown or not.
  • A Horizontal Situation Indicator with multiple GPS/VOR inputs and traffic awareness displays linked to ADS-B or FLARM.

Operators of the Cabri G2 are finding that this feature allows a direct transition from ground to twin turbine, glass cockpit helicopters. The Aspen glass-panel is certified by both EASA and the FAA, and the majority of their customers opt for this version.

HeliGroup is a UK based operator providing helicopter training, charter, management and sales. The company provides solutions for all helicopter requirements and accommodates training for Private and Commercial Pilot Licences, as well as Flight Instructor and Instrument Ratings. The company fleet includes a new AS355NP Twin Squrrel, a fleet of Cabri G2s as well as a range of additional types.



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