Canada Accidents

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08-Oct-21 C-GSYN Guimbal G2 Chibougamau, Canada

A Synergy Aviation Guimbal Cabri G2 (C-GSYN) crashed in a lake near Chibougamau/Chapais, QC (CYMT). The extent of the damage is unknown. The sole person on board was injured. The National Operations Centre (NOC), the Aviation Operations Centre (AOC), the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Trenton and the Transportation Safety Board of Canada (TSB) were... Read more

13-Apr-21 148825 Sikorsky CH-148 Halifax, Canada

Precautionary off-airfield landing in a local park on a training flight.  No apparent damage.  Helicopter was towed back to base by road (10 kilometers)... Read more

01-Jan-21 C-FBGT Robinson R44 Eaglesham, Canada (4F)

Helicopter collided with terrain, killing all four on board – the owner, his wife and two of their five children – named in this report as Wade Balisky, 45, and Aubrey Balisky, 37, and two of their children, Jewel, 8, and Fleur, 2.  They were survived by their oldest three children. Location was a wide open... Read more

03-Oct-20 C-FSSU Robinson R44 II Nottawasaga, Canada

The Joint Rescue Coordination Centre (JRCC) Trenton was first called around 1700Z regarding a helicopter in the Orangeville, ON, area due to an emergency locator transmitter (ELT) signal that was going off. It was confirmed that there had been a crash approximately 12NM Northeast (NE) of Orangeville, near a private strip. It was reported that... Read more

28-Aug-20 C-____ Robinson R44 New Liskeard, Canada

As the helicopter was touching down on the helipad, it bounced and then drifted laterally. A main rotor blade contacted a tree and the helicopter rolled over onto its side. The two occupants were not injured; the helicopter was destroyed.... Read more

24-Aug-20 C-GRCT Bell 206B Porcupine Plain, Canada

Helicopter was applying herbicide to a wheat field with only the pilot on board. After clearing a row of trees, the helicopter began a slight descent. While rounding out to continue the application pass, the spray boom made contact with the crop and the pilot lost directional control of the helicopter. The helicopter veered to... Read more

12-Aug-20 C-GNZF Airbus AS350B2 Sacré-Coeur, Canada

Helicopter was on an external load flight between 2 transmission lines when the main rotor contacted and severed an electrical cable. The pilot felt vibrations and immediately deposited and released the external load on the ground. The aircraft has been positioned away from the load, where it has landed safely. The main rotor was damaged... Read more

12-Aug-20 C-GNZF Airbus AS350B2 Les Bergeronne, Canada

Helicopter was on an external load flight between 2 transmission lines in the Sacré-Coeur, QC, area when the main rotor contacted and severed an electrical cable. The pilot felt vibrations and immediately deposited and released the external load on the ground. The aircraft has been positioned away from the load, where it has landed safely.... Read more

22-Jan-20 C-GSQA Bell B206L Lac-St-Jean, Canada-Quebec

Aircraft crashed under unknown circumstances whilst part of a search and rescue operation for missing snowmobilers in the Île Beemer area of Lac-St-Jean, Canada-Quebec. The solo pilot received non life threatening injuries.... Read more

18-Feb-10 Sikorsky H-92 Kauai, US-Hawaii

The helicopter, being flown by an experienced pilot, was approaching MV Asterix’s landing pad in daylight and relatively calm conditions. As it hovered over the deck the helicopter appeared to suddenly drop about two metres, hitting the deck, military sources noted. No serious injuries were reported. Tail rotor  damage... Read more

21-May-16 C-GSHX Bell 206L4 North West Territories, Canada

A Great Slave Helicopter Bell 206L-4 (C-GSHX) rolled over when pilot exited helicopter to unhook sling load. The pilot contacted Ektaki, NT (CYOA) radio. CADORS 2016C1746... Read more

06-May-16 C-FLRQ Rotorway Exec 162F Delburne, Canada

The privately owned Rotorway 162F, C-FLRQ, was enroute from the manufacturer’s facility in Red Deer, AB (CYQF), to a private strip near Big Valley, AB. In the vicinity of Delburne, AB, the FADEC controlled engine (RI162) began to lose power, and then came back on. The pilot decided to conduct an autorotation in a field.... Read more

04-May-16 C-GOPK Bell 206B Fort St James, Canada

C-GOPK, a Highland Helicopters Bell 206 B departed Williams Lake (CYWL) and was carrying out scanning operations over a logged area about 112 nm NW of Prince George when the helicopter spun to the left and descended into the ground. The helicopter was destroyed, the pilot was injured, but the 2 passengers appeared to have... Read more

26-Mar-16 C-GAWZ Robinson R44 Redfern Lake, Canada

on a local pleasure flight from a private facility at Redfern Lake, BC. As the pilot attempted a landing at approximately 7800 feet ASL near the edge of a cirque, the aircraft encountered descending air on final. The pilot elected to continue the approach and increased the collective to maintain the sight picture. The pilot... Read more

24-Mar-16 C-GGQL Bell 206B Port Renfrew, Canada

C-GGQL, a Far West Helicopters Bell 206B, was departing with two passengers on board off a helipad at an elevation of about 2500 feet ASL, 4 nautical miles north of Port Renfrew, BC. During the vertical ascent to rise above tree height, the torque gauge was indicating about 90-95%. Upon reaching an estimated 100-150 feet,... Read more

16-Mar-16 C-FBLW Airbus AS350BA Smithers, Canada

C-FBLW, a TRK Helicopters Aerospatiale AS350 BA helicopter, was operated under contract to SKEENA Heli-Ski from the Bear Creek Lodge, BC, about 82 nautical miles north west of Smithers, BC. The flight was returning to base camp in the late afternoon with a pilot and 6 passengers on board. As the pilot was maneuvering the... Read more

06-Feb-16 C-???? Eurocopter EC120 Toronto, Canada

The privately-registered Eurocopter EC-120B helicopter was on a local VFR flight from Toronto Billy Bishop/Toronto City Centre Airport, ON (CYTZ). The helicopter was being flown in circuits at Brampton Airport, ON (CNC3) when it experienced a loss of power. The helicopter crashed near the southern end of the airport property. Two (2) souls on board... Read more

31-Jan-16 N215KA Bell 212 Nakusp, Canada

The pilot was attempting to land on a marked heliski landing site on a ski run called “Nicole”. This was the second landing of the day at this location; the helicopter was carrying 10 guests, 2 guides and the pilot. The first approach was abandoned due to skiers from a previous group waiting on the... Read more

20-Jan-16 C-GOFH Bell 206L-1 Twin Lakes Camp, Canada

The Custom Helicopters Bell 206L-1, C-GOFH, was hovering prior to touchdown at a remote camp in north eastern Manitoba when an unsecured canvas portion of a Quonset hut was blown into the rotor disc. The aircraft landed without further incident. The helicopter sustained damage to one rotor blade and will remain on location pending inspection... Read more

27-Oct-15 C-GIFY Bell 206 Kinley, Canada (1F)

1976 Bell 206 crashed into a farm field after reporting severe icing.  En route from Calgary to Saskatoon... Read more

22-Oct-15 C-FOHE MD Helicopters MD500D Paynton, Canada (2F)

A 55-year-old male pilot from Campbell River, B.C., and a 35-year-old male passenger from Prince Albert, Sask., were the only 2 POB when it crashed. They were pronounced dead at the scene.  Helicopter was contracted by electric utility SaskPower to access and repair power poles and struck a powerline causing the aircraft to crash.  Post crash... Read more

10-Oct-15 Sikorsky S92 St John’s, Canada

Turned back to base after indicator light came on... Read more

06-Oct-15 Sikorsky S92 Hibernia rig, Canada

Cougar Flight 232 was shut down upon arrival at the Hibernia Gravity Based Structure (GBS) after experiencing engine fuel bypass indications on both engines. The aircrew awaited the arrival of maintenance crew. Overnight the Aircraft Maintenance Engineers, in consultation with the engine manufacturer, conducted all required maintenance procedures. The helicopter was subsequently flight tested and... Read more

25-Sep-15 C-FTJU Bell 407 Goose Bay, Canada

Helicopter was landing at a gravel pit near a hunting camp. While manoeuvring to land to refuel the helicopter, the tail rotor struck a fuel drum. The rotor blade was destroyed, the tail rotor drive train was damaged and one main rotor blade was damaged by debris. The helicopter landed safely and the pilot, the... Read more

22-Sep-15 C-GNET Schweizer S300C Dawson City, Canada

Helicopter was hovering approximately 40 feet AGL to assess the landing area. The helicopter moved laterally to the right in order to increase the visibility of the landing area. During this time, the helicopter rotated to the right and started to spin about the vertical axis. An attempt to control the rotational spin was made,... Read more

09-Sep-15 C-GZFX Robinson R44 Foleyet, Canada (2F)

Helicopter crashed into trees, dropping vertically nose-first between the trees down to the ground, killing both on board – named as 24-year-old Jeremie Belanger and 41-year-old Ken Mielke – both were pilots were pilots for Apex Helicopters, which was performing aerial spraying for a forestry company in the area. CADORS 2015O2625... Read more

02-Sep-15 C-GYBK Bell 206B Sept Iles, Canada (2F)

Heilcopter with 5 POB went down on a wide rock adjacent to a river, with the tail boom detached. Two fatalities, three seriously injured Blandine Pinette-Fontaine and Pierre-Michel Fontaine have been identified by the Quebec coroner as the two fatalities.  The pilot was reported as Gabriel Turbide CADORS 2015Q1696... Read more

01-Sep-15 C-GFCH Sikorsky S92 St Johns, Canada

Press report of Cougar Helicopters flight CGR151 outbound to a rig when it turned back to base as a result of an “intermittent fire warning,” the operator was quoted as saying.  Uneventful and safe landing back at St John’s, it’s departure point.  According to a company spokeswoman, Cougar Helicopters maintenance staff have since inspected the... Read more

01-Sep-15 Sikorsky S92 St John’s, Canada

while approximately 100 nm from St. John’s and en route to the GSF Grand Banks drilling rig, Cougar Flight CGR151 experienced an intermittent Fire Warning Light on the #2 engine. There were no secondary indications of fire... Read more

18-Aug-15 CHR Safari Nanaimo, Canada

The helicopter landed on a gravel bar about 15 nm west of Nanaimo Airport, BC (CYCD). Shortly after landing the pilot engaged the cyclic control lock and exited the helicopter to take a photograph with the engine running and rotors turning. After re-entering the helicopter, it was lifted off into a hover with the cyclic... Read more

30-Jul-15 C-GBPS Airbus AS350BA Rigolet, Canada (1F)

While operating in the vicinity of Rigolet, Newfoundland & Labrador, the helicopter contacted wires and crashed. CADORS 2015A0667... Read more

25-Jul-15 D-HDIM Robinson R22 Davis Strait, Canada

Helicopter was operating VFR from CYFB Iqaluit, NU to BGGH Nuuk, Greenland as part of a solo circumnavigation attempt. The pilot (Sergey Ananov from Russia) autorotated and ditched the aircraft in the Davis Strait, 204 nm east of CYFB, reportedly due to a broken drive belt. He was wearing an immersion suit and managed to... Read more

24-Jul-15 C-FNOB Bell 407 Bugaboo Provincial Park, Canada

Transporting 6 workers from the Bobbie Burns lodge when the engine lost power. The pilot carried out an emergency landing to an area of new growth trees. The landing with low rotor rpm was hard, but the helicopter stayed upright. The tail section of the helicopter was struck by a main rotor blade and severed.... Read more

24-Jul-15 C-FRAP Robinson R44 Strathroy, Canada

Helicopter was being used to spray fungicide on fields of corn. The pilot approached and overflew one field checking for hazards and wind conditions, and then began a spray swath across the field. Midway through the first swath, the pilot heard the low rotor horn sound. Manually rolling the throttle up did not prevent the... Read more

11-Jul-15 C-FWTK Bell 412 Slave Lake, Canada

Crashed on firefighting ops, pilot to hospital with non-life-threatening injuries... Read more

10-Jul-15 C-FTJG Robinson R44 Canmore, Canada

There were no reported injuries among the 4 souls on board. Search and rescue located the site via emergency locator transmitter (ELT) signal and extracted the occupants. Unknown damage to the aircraft. CADORS 2015C2524... Read more

07-Jul-15 12414 Sikorsky S61 Lawrencetown, Canada

helicopter was on a routine flight when the crew noticed a drop in hydraulic pressure and were forced to land... Read more

30-Jun-15 St John’s, Canada

 helicopter en route to the West Hercules drilling rig returned to base due to a low oil pressure indication in one of its two engines. The incident occurred on Tuesday, June 30 when the helicopter was 20 km outside St. John’s. The helicopter returned to St. John’s without incident and the seven passengers on board... Read more

30-Jun-15 C-GXLD Airbus AS350B2 Fort Simpson, Canada

conducting forest fire fighting operations in the area of Fort Simpson, NT. Prior to landing in CYFS, the pilot maneuvered to set down the water bucket. While preparing to set down on the landing pad beside the bucket, the tail rotor blades contacted a fuel drum. The helicopter touched down shortly thereafter and remained upright.... Read more

21-Jun-15 C-FQGY Enstrom 280C Sidney, Canada

The helicopter was landing on an unprepared, deeply cultivated field. During the vertical landing, the left skid settled into the soft ground and the helicopter entered into a dynamic rollover. There was substantial damage to the helicopter. There were no injuries to the pilot or passenger. CADORS 2015C2439... Read more

09-Jun-15 Schweizer 300 Lac Central, Canada

A private Schweitzer 269C helicopter took off from a sandy beach at Lac Central for Lac Kénogami with a pilot and a passenger on board. During the initial climb, the aircraft (Lycoming HIO-360-D1A engine) experienced a loss of lift for an undetermined reason and crashed in the lake. The occupants were not injured in the... Read more

05-Jun-15 Enstrom F280FX Harrison River, Canada

The privately owned Enstrom 280FX helicopter, was being flown from Bralorne to Langley. The pilot/owner ditched the aircraft in the Harrison River. The pilot was not injured but the aircraft was significantly damaged. CADORS 2015P0926... Read more

01-Jun-15 C-GRJI Safari 400 Conception Bay South, Canada

The Safari 400 homebuilt helicopter was being operated on the owner’s property. The engine was being tested to ensure the governor was correctly installed. The helicopter became airborne by 2-3 feet and the operator lost control. The helicopter went sideways and struck the ground rolling on its side. The helicopter was destroyed but the pilot... Read more

28-May-15 C-GJID Bell 206 Cochrane, Canada

The Expedition Helicopters Bell 206B (C-GJID) was flying with a pilot and three passengers. The passengers were checking land claims and were dropped off before the helicopter proceeded to an area where it landed and waited for the passengers. The ground was soft and the pilot landed with caution to ensure the skid gear would... Read more

04-May-15 C-GOHT Robinson R22 Salmon Arm, Canada

R22 piloted by a student on a solo flight from Kelowna (CYLW) to Salmon Arm (CZAM) crashed beside the runway at CZAM. The pilot first approached the airport and crossed mid-field to assess the wind direction; however, it was determined that the aircraft was not into wind. On the second approach from the opposite direction,... Read more

04-May-15 Sikorsky S92 St John’s, Canada

While in the hover and conducting preflight checks, Cougar flight CGR181 experienced a #2 engine power loss. The aircraft was in a 10 foot hover when the incident occurred. With the remaining engine the aircraft landed safely without further incident. All 8 passengers were briefed by the two crew members onboard the helicopter as well... Read more

06-Apr-15 C-GSIT Bell 205A.1 Key Lake, Canada

After landing, the pilot exited the helicopter with the engine running to attach a longline. The force trim was not set, and the aircraft started to spin and rotated off the helipad with nobody onboard. The aircraft collided with a metal container that was located by the helipad causing substantial damage to the boom, left... Read more

27-Mar-15 C-GVHA Bell 47G.2 Chilliwack, Canada

1 POB with minor injuries.  CADORS 2015P0442... Read more

02-Mar-15 C-GLVI Bell 205 Revelstoke, Canada

The Pilot was repositioning 12 passengers from the bottom to the top of the Ghosts Drimie ski run. Upon departure, the Pilot elected to take-off downhill and downwind due to the terrain. The aircraft started to settle as it transited across a field and entered a ‘snowball’ at which time the pilot lost visual reference.... Read more

18-Feb-15 Sikorsky S92 Hibernia rig, Canada

 Cougar Flight 231 was shut down on arrival at the Hibernia Gravity Based Structure (GBS) on February 18 due to an issue related to anti-vibration control and a chip light indication. Two Aircraft Maintenance Engineers deployed by Cougar to investigate determined that replacement parts are necessary. The parts are being shipped to Hibernia by vessel... Read more

11-Feb-15 C-FBCW Bell 206 Sprout Mountain, Canada

Heliski operation landing atop Sprout Mountain with 2 pax in an area cleared of snow accumulation, when the main rotor struck a nearby cabin. The helicopter tail section was severed but the helicopter remained upright and all occupants exited uninjured. The area which had been prepared for the arrival of the helicopter was located beside... Read more

05-Feb-15 C-FAHI Bell 407 Revelstoke, Canada

conducting heliski operations with one pilot and five passengers aboard. During a run-on downwind landing, the main rotor contacted the helicopters tail boom. The tail rotor driveshaft cover was damaged and the tail rotor driveshaft was creased. The aircraft’s vertical winglets were also struck by the main rotor blades. The helicopter’s occupants were not injured.... Read more

04-Feb-15 C-FTGK Bell 205A-1 Springbank, Canada

2 POB both injured, one seriously.  Heavy vertical landing with skids splayed out.  Main rotor had chopped tail boom but main blades still attached to rotor head CADORS 2015C0395... Read more

21-Jan-15 C-GJPW Airbus AS350B2 Key Lake, Canada

Helicopter was involved with long line operations on a power-line construction project 11 nm SE of Key Lake, SK. After a power-line cable was moved, the long line did not release. The helicopter descended and struck the ground. The pilot was injured and was transferred to La Ronge Hospital for medical attention. The helicopter sustained... Read more

29-Dec-14 C-FITZ Robinson R44 Grande Prairie, Canada

On take off, main rotor blade(s) contacted the wind sock mast. A vibration was felt and the pilot landed immediately at the same site. An inspection of the main rotor revealed damage to one of the blades. CADORS 2014C5006... Read more

31-Oct-14 C-FRCG Robinson R44 Calgary, Canada

Traffic monitoring helicopter makes emergency landing in school field.  No damage to helicopter... Read more

23-Oct-14 C-GLVP Hughes 300C Chemin du Lac Mourier, Canada

During the landing approach at a height of about 20-30 feet above the ground, a quick right yaw occurs. Pilot lost control resulting in a hard landing and the helicopter rolled to the side and suffered significant damage, but the pilot was not injured. CADORS 2014Q2226... Read more

12-Oct-14 C-FTAW Heliot Bagotsville, Canada

Rolled over during initial lift-off from wooded area.  2 POB uninjured The helicopter sustained damage mainly to its rotor blades.  Amateur design/build type CADORS 2014Q2171... Read more

06-Oct-14 Bell CH-124 Eastern Passage, Canada

Emergency landing after gearbox sensor detected an anomaly. Landed at Hartland Point Golf Course and was then towed by road to 12 Wing Shearwater.... Read more

29-Sep-14 Bell 412CF Shaw Island, Canada

Precautionary landing after rotor blades struck a wire on the Canadian Coast Guard vessel Sir William Alexander... Read more

20-Sep-14 Rotorway Exec 162F Pitt Meadows, Canada

Helicopter experienced a power loss and landed hard in a field adjacent to the airport CADORS 2014P1639... Read more

13-Sep-14 C-FNRR Bell 206B Tumbler Ridge, Canada

Repositioning to another landing spot after dropping off 3 passengers when it suffered a tail rotor strike and hard landing. CADORS 2014P1608... Read more

18-Aug-14 N720HT Sikorsky S64E Lindsay Lake, Canada

The helicopter was slinging a hydro tower into position. After positioning the tower, the ground crew secured two of the support cables to their foundations. The pole was then shifted to accommodate securing of the remaining two support cables. As the two secured cables became taut, the pilot felt a bump and the helicopter became... Read more

18-Aug-14 C-GSSS Airbus AS350B2 Matagami, Canada

On a local flight 32 NM northwest of Matagami, QC, when the engine (Honeywell LTS-101-700-D2) failed on final for the helipad. The aircraft was not damaged and the pilot, alone on board, was not injured. The TSB will implement a plan to examine some of the components CADORS 2014Q1697... Read more

12-Aug-14 C-FANC Bell 206B Whitecourt, Canada

Crashed west of Whitecourt, AB after experiencing tail rotor problems. Four occupants suffered minor injuries, two were taken to hospital. The aircraft had significant damage.  Helicopter was contracted to Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development and carrying out a pine beetle survey CADORS 2014C3111... Read more

06-Aug-14 C-FXAH Eurocopter AS350 Fairview, Canada

Shortly after liftoff, in the climb through 3000 feet ASL (800 feet above ground), the pilot experienced an uncommanded yaw and complete loss of engine power. The pilot performed an autorotation into a wheat field. The helicopter sustained substantial damage to tail boom and tail rotor driveshaft from main rotor blade contact. There were no... Read more

30-Jul-14 C-GTSU Robinson R44 Saint-Damasse, Canada

During the run-up before takeoff at night, the aircraft rapidly rotated about 180 degrees to the left. The pilot initiated a takeoff and the helicopter rolled onto its left side. The pilot and passenger suffered minor injuries and the aircraft sustained substantial damage. CADORS 2014Q1491... Read more

27-Jul-14 C-FGSG Bell 206L Ekati Diamond Mines, Canada

In visibility of 1 mile in smoke, the helicopter overflew a lake with a glassy surface. The pilot lost visual reference and the helicopter collided with the water surface, pitched inverted, and sank. The pilot and both passengers egressed from the helicopter with only minor injuries. CADORS 2014C2858... Read more

24-Jul-14 C-GMJQ Schweizer 300C Saint-Lazare-de-Bellechasse, Canada

Struck cables while crop spraying, extensively damaged. CADORS 2014Q1500... Read more

23-Jul-14 C-GTEQ Airbus AS350B3 Points North Landing, Canada

In the initial climb at less than 20ft agl and engine lost power and the pilot observed illumination of the overtorque warning light and heard the low rotor RPM warning tone. A forced landing was completed. There were no injuries to the pilot or passenger; the helicopter sustained substantial damage to the tail boom. After... Read more

25-Jun-14 Robinson R44 Bagotville, Canada

During the descent for landing, the pilot was not able to stop the descent and yaw. The pilot pushed the cyclic to exit the vortex and pick up speed, but the main rotor collided with the ground and the aircraft rolled to a stop on the ground. CADORS 2014Q1246... Read more

31-May-14 AgustaWestland AW139 Balsam Lake, Canada

Door came open in flight. en route to Haliburton from Toronto... Read more

23-May-14 C-GVTM Bell 206 Chamiss Bay, Canada

Dynamic roll over on take-off after catching a fuel drum with a skid. The pilot, the sole occupant, sustained minor injuries. The 406 ELT activated and was shut off immediately. CADORS 2014P0717... Read more

21-May-14 C-GLHZ Eurocopter AS350B3 Conklin, Canada

The helicopter was performing some sling operations and the load became unstable which caused the loss of control. CADORS 2014C1821... Read more

13-May-14 C-FHPC Eurocopter AS350BA Sept-Iles, Canada

Helicopter hit wire in flight followed by a hard landing, which activated the ELT. Both persons on board were reported as being okay (pilot with no injuries and passenger with only sore ribs). CADORS 2014Q0857... Read more

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