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AAMS names 2024 Community Award Winners

AAMS names 2024 Community Award Winners

14-Nov-2024Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) honored the best and brightest in emergency medical transport through a variety of notable international awards. The 2024 Community Awards were presented at the annual Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) in Salt Lake City, Utah during the AMTC Awards Celebration, sponsored by Golden Hour. AAMS is pleased to... Read more

Air Medical industry leaders unite at AMTC to strengthen the industry

Air Medical industry leaders unite at AMTC to strengthen the industry

11-Nov-2024Source: AAMS

In a significant move to address the pressing challenges facing the air medical industry, leaders from various air medical companies gathered for a pivotal forum. This event, organized by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), brought together executives from small, medium, and large programs to foster collaboration, share best practices, and brainstorm innovative solutions... Read more

AAMS Announces 2024-2025 Board of Directors

AAMS Announces 2024-2025 Board of Directors

4-Jan-2024Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), an international non-profit organization committed to leading and serving transport medicine, is pleased to announce the newly elected members of its 2024-2025 board of directors. Board terms officially began on January 1, 2024. Executive Committee Chair: James Houser, CEO, STAT MedEvac, West Mifflin, Pennsylvania Chair-Elect: Mike Perkins, COO,... Read more

AAMS Announces 2023 Community Award Winners

AAMS Announces 2023 Community Award Winners

24-Oct-2023Source: AAMS

Each year, the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) recognizes the best and brightest in emergency medical transport through a variety of notable international awards. The 2023 honorees were announced earlier today at the opening General Session at the annual Air Medical Transport Conference in Columbus, Ohio. AAMS is pleased to announce this year’s winners: Program... Read more

AAMS Announces Finalists for the 2023 Community Awards

AAMS Announces Finalists for the 2023 Community Awards

13-Oct-2023Source: AAMS

Each year, the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) recognizes excellence and leadership in emergency medical transport through a variety of notable national awards. AAMS is pleased to announce the following finalists for each of the 2023 Community Awards to be presented during the Air Medical Conference (AMTC) in Columbus, Ohio. Program of the Year, sponsored by Airbus Recognizes... Read more

AAMS Announces New Public Affairs Firm Partnership

AAMS Announces New Public Affairs Firm Partnership

18-Jul-2023Source: AAMS

AAMS is pleased to announce a new relationship with Thorn Run Partners in support of ongoing legislative and regulatory efforts. Founded in January 2010 by veteran lobbyists Andrew Rosenberg and Chris Lamond, who previously served as staffers to Senators Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA) and Fred Thompson (R-TN), respectively, Thorn Run Partners is a full-service government... Read more

AAMS selects New President & CEO

AAMS selects New President & CEO

23-Mar-2023Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and MedEvac Foundation International (MFI) are excited to announce the appointment of Jana Williams to lead AAMS and MFI as the next President & CEO. Jana will formally assume the role on Monday, April 3, 2023. “I am excited to become part of such a capable peer group and... Read more

Avera Careflight Named Program of the Year by AAMS

Avera Careflight Named Program of the Year by AAMS

31-Oct-2022Source: Avera Careflight

  Avera Careflight was named Program of the Year by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). AAMS is a trade association that represents and advocates on behalf of air medical teams to support their ability to deliver quality, safe, and effective medical care and medical transportation for every patient in need of care and... Read more

Leonardo showcases AW609 and AW169 at AMTC 2022

Leonardo showcases AW609 and AW169 at AMTC 2022

26-Oct-2022Source: Leonardo

  Leonardo is back to AMTC, the annual tradeshow for the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) focusing on the newest technologies and the most innovative products and services for the medical transport industry. This year the exhibition, called AMTC2022 Elevated, takes place in the Gulf Coast of Florida, in Tampa from October 24 –... Read more

Metro Aviation splits from AAMS

Metro Aviation splits from AAMS

1-Apr-2022Source: Metro Aviation

A lawsuit brought by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) over the implementation of the No Surprises Act has deeply divided the U.S. air medical industry, with some hospital-based providers claiming that AAMS has jeopardized their programs by prioritizing the interests of independent providers. Metro Aviation — which operates 155 aircraft for 39 traditional air medical... Read more

AAMS put letter to Membership in public domain

AAMS put letter to Membership in public domain

16-Mar-2022Source: AAMS

Dear AAMS Members – AAMS is working very hard to ensure every air medical program understands and supports our position regarding the AAMS lawsuit against the federal government’s rules implementing the No Surprises Act, a bill that AAMS largely supported and continues to support. We understand that questions still exist. As members of the AAMS... Read more

AAMS Announces 2022-2023 Board of Directors

AAMS Announces 2022-2023 Board of Directors

12-Jan-2022Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), an international non-profit organization committed to leading and serving transport medicine, is pleased to announce the newly elected members of its 2022-2023 board of directors. Our new leadership team is the first board elected since significant changes were made to the AAMS governance structure, and terms officially began... Read more

AAMS Medical Transport Leadership Institute Welcomes Three New Instructors

AAMS Medical Transport Leadership Institute Welcomes Three New Instructors

22-Dec-2021Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is pleased to announce the addition of three new instructors to the Medical Transport Leadership Institute’s (MTLI) Council of Regents. MTLI, the organization’s flagship leadership training program, has awarded the Certified Medical Transport Executive (CMTE) designation to more than 1200 future industry leaders in air and critical care... Read more

Air Methods mechanic wins AAMS excellence award

Air Methods mechanic wins AAMS excellence award

8-Dec-2021Source: Air Methods

In partnership with HealthNet Aeromedical Services, we at Air Methods Corporation are pleased to announce that long-serving Aircraft Mechanic Mark Godbey has been named the recipient of the 2021 Association of Air Medical Services Transport Mechanic Award of Excellence. The award recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the safe operation of medical... Read more

AAMS sues US Government over rules favoring insurers

AAMS sues US Government over rules favoring insurers

18-Nov-2021Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) has filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging interim final regulations (IFRs) implementing the No Surprises Act. AAMS continues to support the goals of the No Surprises Act, including the removal of patients from the middle of billing disputes between air ambulance providers and their patients’ insurers. One... Read more

Vanderbilt LifeFlight named National Program of the Year

Vanderbilt LifeFlight named National Program of the Year

29-Oct-2020Source: Air Methods

Vanderbilt LifeFlight, a subsidiary of Air Methods, a global leader in air medical transport, has been named the Air Medical Program of the Year by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). This prestigious award, sponsored by Airbus Helicopters, recognizes an air medical program that has demonstrated a superior level of patient care, management prowess and... Read more

AAMS Names Additional Key Leadership Positions

AAMS Names Additional Key Leadership Positions

12-Oct-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is pleased to announce two additions to the leadership team to support the organization’s strategic plan going forward that is focused on an improved member experience with quality, safety, advocacy, and education in mind. Matthew Fox will become AAMS Director of Event Design starting on October 26 bringing... Read more

Virtual AMTC Announces Keynote Speakers

Virtual AMTC Announces Keynote Speakers

23-Sep-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services will connect the medical transport community through this year’s virtual Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) utilizing a fully virtual platform November 2-4, 2020. The three-day event will include more than 60 sessions, two keynote addresses, awards presentations, plus four evening engagement opportunities. “With the health and safety of our... Read more

AAMS issue statement on HHS report on surprise medical billing

AAMS issue statement on HHS report on surprise medical billing

4-Aug-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services thanks the Department of Health and Human Services for its report on surprise medical billing, and the significant negative impact this issue has on patients already experiencing a serious illness or injury. The report fails to indicate the extent to which healthcare providers go to shield patients previously in... Read more

AAMS creates new Strategic Engagement & Member Experience VP role

AAMS creates new Strategic Engagement & Member Experience VP role

28-Jul-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is pleased to announce the appointment of Garet Turner, CMP, CAE, to serve in a new position as Vice President of Strategic Engagement & Member Experience for AAMS and Executive Director of the MedEvac Foundation International. Turner will begin his role on September 1, 2020, and will focus... Read more

AAMS Statement on NTSB Public Meeting of Survival Flight fatal accident

AAMS Statement on NTSB Public Meeting of Survival Flight fatal accident

21-May-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), representing the critical care transport industry–both air and ground–encourages and supports standards of performance reflecting safe operations as well as efficient, high quality patient care. Yesterday, National Transportation Safety Board held a virtual public meeting on a fatal accident involving a Bell 407 helicopter air ambulance, operated by... Read more

AAMS Requests $363.5M In Emergency Funding To Support Air Ambulances

AAMS Requests $363.5M In Emergency Funding To Support Air Ambulances

15-Apr-2020Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), representing the air medical transport industry submitted a letter this week to Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar with an urgent request to rapidly distribute money to emergency air medical providers from the Public Health and Social Services Emergency Fund. In order to ensure the... Read more

AAMS issue statement on Surprise Medical Billing Proposal

AAMS issue statement on Surprise Medical Billing Proposal

19-Dec-2019Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), a nonprofit trade association that represents over 90% of the air ambulance industry in the United States, released the following statement today on the new Surprise Medical Billing proposal, announced by Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee Chairman Lamar Alexander (R-TN) and House Energy and Commerce Committee... Read more

AAMS Announces Selection of New CEO

AAMS Announces Selection of New CEO

24-Oct-2019Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is thrilled to announce the appointment of Cameron Curtis to lead the AAMS organization and Medevac Foundation International. Cameron will not assume the leadership role until January 2020 but will attend the upcoming AAMS AMTC Conference in Atlanta, November 4-6, 2019. As chairman of the AAMS board and... Read more

AAMS responds to CNN article on air ambulance pricing

AAMS responds to CNN article on air ambulance pricing

7-Dec-2018Source: AAMS

As part of our mission to represent the work done by air medical services, we must fight against inaccurate information from the media and those who seek to limit access to air medical services. We believe if we all consistently provide accurate information, in as many formats and as many outlets as possible, more members will become... Read more

Metro customers honored during community awards

Metro customers honored during community awards

26-Oct-2018Source: Metro Aviation

Metro Aviation recognized customer recipients of the Association of Air Medical Services Community Awards and those celebrating service milestones on Tuesday during its Annual Press Event at the 2018 Air Medical Transport Conference. The event highlighted AAMS Community Awards winners and programs celebrating 20 years or more of service. Customer AAMS Community Awards Include: David... Read more

AAMS supports FAA Reauthorization Bill

AAMS supports FAA Reauthorization Bill

28-Sep-2018Source: AAMS

Following weeks of negotiations between the leadership of the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the Senate Commerce Committee, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 302) was passed yesterday by the House and is currently before the Senate. AAMS fully supports the language included in the FAA Reauthorization bill establishing an Advisory Committee to engage... Read more

AAMS Statement in Response to NASEMSO “Borders in the Sky”

AAMS Statement in Response to NASEMSO “Borders in the Sky”

17-Aug-2018Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) would like to respond to the National Association of State EMS Officials press release, dated Aug 3, “NASEMSO Responds to Borders in the Sky.” NASEMSO and AAMS, as well as a host of other organizations, support the Recognition of EMS Personnel Licensure Interstate CompAct (REPLICA). That compact, according... Read more

AAMS Responds to Air Ambulance Consumer Protection Act

AAMS Responds to Air Ambulance Consumer Protection Act

11-May-2018Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is greatly concerned about the unintended negative consequences that can result from the recent Air Ambulance Consumer Protection Act, reported to be introduced today by Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO).  While it is the position of AAMS that all our members advocate on behalf of their patients and work... Read more

AAMS Board of Directors adds new member

AAMS Board of Directors adds new member

9-May-2018Source: AAMS

Mike Griffiths has been appointed to fill the open Region 1 Director position on the AAMS Board. Mr. Griffiths fills the vacated seat of previous Region 1 Director, Scott Kirby, who accepted a position in another region. Mr. Griffiths’ term will end at AMTC 2019 in Atlanta, at which point the seat will be up for re-election. Mr. Griffiths serves as the... Read more

AAMS Board of Directors – Open Call for Region 1 Director

AAMS Board of Directors – Open Call for Region 1 Director

15-Mar-2018Source: AAMS

AAMS Region 1 Director, Scott Kirby, has accepted a position in another region; therefore he can no longer represent Region 1. We are very sorry to say good-bye to Scott, but wish him all the best in his new endeavors. Article V, Section 13 of the AAMS Bylaws stipulates how Vacancy seat may be filled:... Read more

MedEvac Completes Developing HEMS Capacity Study

MedEvac Completes Developing HEMS Capacity Study

10-Jan-2018Source: MedEvac

The MedEvac Foundation International is pleased to announce the completion of theDeveloping HEMS Capacity study.  Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) are a vital link to the healthcare systems of many countries around the world, however, these critical services do not exist, even in many of the world’s most economically developed nations and regions.  The MedEvac Foundation,... Read more

Air Medical Cost Study Findings by AAMS

Air Medical Cost Study Findings by AAMS

5-Dec-2017Source: AAMS

AAMS is pleased to announce the publication of the Air Medical Services Cost Study Report, conducted by the independent research firm Xcenda LLC. AAMS commissioned the study in response to an evident need for reputable, independent research, specific to air medical transport, to quantify the costs associated with providing emergent air medical transports. Further, the... Read more

Life Link III awarded Vision Zero Aviation Safety award

Life Link III awarded Vision Zero Aviation Safety award

27-Oct-2017Source: Life Link III

Life Link III has been named the 2017 recipient of the Vision Zero Aviation Safety award by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). This award, sponsored by Airbus, recognizes an air medical program that has demonstrated a commitment to aviation safety, spotlights specific safety initiatives and encourages the sharing of ideas so others in... Read more

Airbus Helicopters proudly supports AAMS Community Award Winners

Airbus Helicopters proudly supports AAMS Community Award Winners

20-Oct-2017Source: Airbus Helicopters

Presented annually at the Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC), the AAMS Community Awards recognize excellence and leadership in the emergency medical services (EMS) transport community. Airbus Helicopters Inc. continues to be a proud supporter of the awards. “We believe it is important to recognize the EMS transport operators for their considerable contribution to our society.... Read more

Med-Trans Director Earns AAMS Jim Charlson Safety Award

Med-Trans Director Earns AAMS Jim Charlson Safety Award

16-Oct-2017Source: Med-Trans

Krista Haugen, Director of Patient Safety and Medical Risk Management for Med-Trans Corporation since 2016, has been given the prestigious 2017 Jim Charlson Safety Award by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). AAMS’ highest safety award, sponsored by Airbus Helicopters, Inc., recognizes individuals who make significant contributions to the enhancement, development, and promotion of... Read more

Life Link III Named Program of the Year

Life Link III Named Program of the Year

12-Oct-2017Source: Life Link III

Life Link III has been named Program of the Year by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS). This award, sponsored by Airbus, recognizes an air medical program that has demonstrated a superior level of patient care, management prowess, and quality leadership through visionary and innovative approaches, customer service, safety consciousness, community service and commitment... Read more

AAMS provides update on their activities

AAMS provides update on their activities

10-Oct-2017Source: AAMS

It’s hard to believe, but fall is now in full swing, and I’ll soon be seeing you in Fort Worth, Texas for the 2017 Air Medical Transport Conference.  Thanks to your continued involvement and support, I’m pleased to provide you with an update on AAMS and MedEvac Foundation activities since our last membership meeting this... Read more

AAMS Issues Statement Fully Supporting H.R. 3378

AAMS Issues Statement Fully Supporting H.R. 3378

3-Aug-2017Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) fully supports bi-partisan legislation, H.R. 3378: Ensuring Access to Air Ambulance Services Act, introduced yesterday by Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN), Rep. Suzan Delbene (D-WA), Rep. Bill Johnson (R-OH), and Rep. Raul Ruiz (D-CA).  AAMS applauds Rep. Walorski, Rep. DelBene, Rep. Ruiz, and Rep. Johnson for their efforts to... Read more

AAMS Supports GAO Report Recommendations

AAMS Supports GAO Report Recommendations

2-Aug-2017Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) thanks the Government Accountability Office (GAO) for its efforts producing the report on air medical issues. The report, titled “Air Ambulance: Data Collection and Transparency Needed to Enhance DOT Oversight,” affirms that the Department of Transportation has the authority, under current law, to address industry data collection and... Read more

AAMS announces new Board members

AAMS announces new Board members

25-Jul-2017Source: AAMS

As the Chair of the AAMS Nominations Committee, I’m pleased to announce that the election for the 2017 – 2019 term on the AAMS board has come to a close.  I would like to welcome and congratulate the following new and re-elected AAMS Board Members! Regions 1, 2, 6, 7, and 8 were up for... Read more

AAMS Publishes Findings of Air Medical Cost Study

AAMS Publishes Findings of Air Medical Cost Study

11-Apr-2017Source: AAMS

AAMS is pleased to announce the publication of the Air Medical Services Cost Study Report, conducted by the independent research firm Xcenda LLC. AAMS commissioned the study in response to an evident need for reputable, independent research, specific to air medical transport, to quantify the costs associated with providing emergent air medical transports. Further, the... Read more

ASU, Inc. Sponsors New MedEvac Foundation Chairman’s Award

ASU, Inc. Sponsors New MedEvac Foundation Chairman’s Award

20-Dec-2016Source: ASU

Aviation Specialties Unlimited, (ASU) Inc., sponsored the first ever MedEvac Foundation Chairman’s Award that was presented at the Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) in Charlotte, NC., during a donor reception. “This new award is just one way for us to continually honor the Helicopter Air Ambulance operators and the numerous men and women that save... Read more

BJ Miles from Life Flight Network Receives the 2016 AAMS Jim Charlson Safety Award

BJ Miles from Life Flight Network Receives the 2016 AAMS Jim Charlson Safety Award

4-Dec-2016Source: Life Flight Network

Life Flight Network, the largest not-for-profit air medical transport service in the United States, is pleased to announce BJ Miles, Life Flight Network’s Director of Safety and Risk Management, has been recognized by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) as this year’s recipient of the Jim Charlson Aviation Safety Award. The Jim Charlson Aviation... Read more

AAMS announces board election results

AAMS announces board election results

21-Jul-2016Source: AAMS

The Chair of the AAMS Nominations Committee has announced that the election for representatives for the 2016 – 2018 term on the AAMS board has come to a close, and we welcome a few new faces! Regions 3, 4, and 5 were up for re-election as well as two At-Large Director Seats. Ted Ryan, MBA,... Read more

AAMS replies to HEMS regulation criticism

AAMS replies to HEMS regulation criticism

8-Jul-2016Source: AAMS

In the words of the late Yogi Berra, “it seems like deja vu, all over again.” In an article entitled, “Medicare Can Actually Push HEMS To Rationality,” the author repeats many of the assertions that have divided the air medical community for years, while not offering any proof to substantiate them. The author claims the... Read more

HAI aims to prevent US states setting local aviation rules

HAI aims to prevent US states setting local aviation rules

19-May-2016Source: HAI

HAI and five other general aviation associations yesterday wrote to key congressional committee leaders to prevent a move to amend a federal bar to states issuing laws or regulations related to air carrier prices, routes, or services. The move was contained in a letter to Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Thad Cochrane (R-Miss.) and the panel’s... Read more

AAMS responds to high-cost accusation aimed at air medical operators

AAMS responds to high-cost accusation aimed at air medical operators

16-May-2016Source: AAMS

Mr. Jesse Laslovich, candidate for Montana state auditor, recently distributed an article, “Air ambulance flights add insult to injury,” suggesting air medical providers are the primary cause for the high cost of transporting critically ill patients. That position overlooks the insurance industry’s responsibility to cover their beneficiaries’ emergency medical needs. Simply put, some insurance companies... Read more

Life Flight Network CEO named Program Director of the Year by AAMS

Life Flight Network CEO named Program Director of the Year by AAMS

21-Oct-2015Source: Life Flight Network

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) announced Michael Griffiths, CEO of Life Flight Network (LFN), has been named the 2015 Program Director of the Year. At an awards ceremony last night in Long Beach, California, Griffiths was praised for his achievements in bringing industry leading air ambulance service to rural populations. The award is... Read more

AAMS states its position on drones

AAMS states its position on drones

30-Sep-2015Source: AAMS

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/Systems (UAV/UAS) may be known by a number of names, to include model aircraft, drones, or remote-piloted aircraft (RPA).  UAV/UAS operators include aviation hobbyists, as well as commercial operators who wish to use new and emerging technology in more creative ways to satisfy consumer demand.  In the United States, and on an international... Read more

MedEvac Foundation International Announces 2nd Great American Safety Drive

MedEvac Foundation International Announces 2nd Great American Safety Drive

22-May-2015Source: MedEvac

The 2nd Great American Safety Drive, featuring two separate routes, officially gets underway in June of 2015.  The Drive is the MedEvac Add NewFoundation’s major fundraising initiative for 2015, a philanthropic event designed specifically to promote safety with our medical transport programs, and their valued partner organizations across the country. The Northern Route, featuring a... Read more

EHAC Update from AAMS Past President, Gerry Pagano

EHAC Update from AAMS Past President, Gerry Pagano

11-May-2015Source: AAMS

This year, the European Helicopter Air Medical Committee (EHAC) Annual Board meeting and Symposium was held in Brno, Czech Republic. The annual meeting included a changing of the guard. Pavel Muller, President of Alfa Helicopter, Air Rescue Service in the Czech Republic, has presided over EHAC for the past 3 years. Pavel who is well... Read more

MedEvac Foundation Announces 2015 SMTA Scholarship Recipient

MedEvac Foundation Announces 2015 SMTA Scholarship Recipient

7-May-2015Source: MedEvac

The MedEvac Foundation International congratulates Charlotte Clark, EMT-P, CCP-C, FP-C, CMTE, our 2015 Safety Management Training Academy (SMTA) Scholarship recipient. Ms. Clark is the Safety Officer and an active Flight Paramedic for Carilion Clinic Patient Transportation and Carilion Clinic Life-Guard in Roanoke, Va. She receives the scholarship based on her deep level of safety involvement... Read more

AAMS announces 2015 Excellence in Community Service Award Recipient

AAMS announces 2015 Excellence in Community Service Award Recipient

25-Mar-2015Source: AAMS

AAMS is pleased to announce the PHI Air Medical Honor Guard as our 2015 recipient of the Excellence in Community Service Award. The award will be presented on Tuesday, March 24th during the AAMS Spring Leadership Conference at the Crystal City Marriott Gateway hotel in Arlington, Va. AAMS presents this award annually to an emergency... Read more

Air Medical Medicare Bill Introduced on Capitol Hill

Air Medical Medicare Bill Introduced on Capitol Hill

16-Feb-2015Source: AAMS

AAMS is very pleased to announce Representatives Pete Sessions (R-TX) and Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the co-chairs of the Congressional Air Medical Caucus, along with Todd Young (R-IN) and Bill Johnson (R-OH), formally introduced legislation in the House of Representatives this morning to utilize a common-sense, data-driven approach to update the Air Ambulance Medicare Fee Schedule... Read more

HAI Industry-Government Forum

HAI Industry-Government Forum

27-Jan-2015Source: HAI

On Wednesday, January 28, HAI will host a forum to give members and other industry leaders an opportunity to interact directly with government regulators. The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) and the Air Medical Operators Association (AMOA) are co-sponsoring the event. High-level executives from the FAA Flight Standards and Aircraft Certification offices will attend,... Read more

HAI, AAMS and AMOA to host Industry-Government Forum

HAI, AAMS and AMOA to host Industry-Government Forum

12-Jan-2015Source: HAI

HAI, along with AAMS and AMOA, is hosting an Industry-Government Forum with high-level executives from the FAA Flight Standards and Aircraft Certification offices, as well as the NTSB. The forum will provide a venue for you, our members, and other industry leaders to share your views and concerns with the regulators, so you can hear... Read more

MedEvac Foundation International Appoints New Board of Trustees Chairman

MedEvac Foundation International Appoints New Board of Trustees Chairman

5-Nov-2014Source: AAMS

During the recent Air Medical Transport Conference in Nashville, TN , the MedEvac Foundation International appointed David Thomson, MS, MD, MPA, FACEP, CMTE as Chair of the Board of Trustees. He was elected by the Board of his peers to lead the Foundation during a time of rapid growth. Dr. Thomson succeeds Kevin Hutton, MD,... Read more

AAMS Chairman provides an update on Board activity

AAMS Chairman provides an update on Board activity

13-Oct-2014Source: AAMS

Many of us are settling back into our routines following the AMTC in Nashville, Tennessee last week. With close to 2400 in attendance, participants enjoyed great keynote presentations, ten tracks of informative education courses, a sold-out exhibit hall, and, most likely, a night or two on Broadway Street enjoying some of the best musical talent... Read more

AAMS Congratulates 2014 Program Director of the Year

AAMS Congratulates 2014 Program Director of the Year

10-Oct-2014Source: AAMS

During the recent Air Medical Transport Conference (AMTC) in Nashville, Tenn., the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) was pleased to award the 2014 Program Director of the Year to Edward R. Eroe, President & CEO of Life Link III in Minneapolis, Minn. This annual award is presented in recognition of superior leadership and outstanding... Read more

MedFlight Receives Top Industry Award as Program of the Year

MedFlight Receives Top Industry Award as Program of the Year

7-Oct-2014Source: MedFlight

Columbus, Ohio, MedFlight, the non-profit critical care transportation company owned by The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and OhioHealth, was awarded the prestigious award of Program of the Year last night in Nashville, Tennessee at the annual Air Medical Transportation Conference by AAMS (Association of Air Medical Services). The Program of the Year Award... Read more

Life Flight Network earns AAMS Excellence in Community Service Award

Life Flight Network earns AAMS Excellence in Community Service Award

19-Mar-2014Source: Life Flight Network

Life Flight Network (LFN), the nation’s largest not-for-profit air medical transport service, receives the AAMS Excellence in Community Service Award at a March 11th, 2014 ceremony in Washington, D.C. AAMS presents this award annually to recognize an exceptional emergency medical transport organization who demonstrates broad-based continuing commitment to the communities they serve. LFN is recognized... Read more

MedEvac Foundation Announces New Economic Impact Study

MedEvac Foundation Announces New Economic Impact Study

13-Feb-2014Source: MedEvac Foundation

AAMS and the MedEvac Foundation International are pleased to announce that the MedEvac Foundation has contracted with Economic & Planning Systems, Inc. (EPS) to conduct a new Economic Impact Study focused on hospitals and hospital-based medical transport programs. The new study will examine the impacts that air medical transport and critical care ground transport programs... Read more

EagleMed Safety Director Receives AAMS Chairman’s Award

EagleMed Safety Director Receives AAMS Chairman’s Award

26-Nov-2013Source: EagleMed

EagleMed’s Director of Safety Lance Hofmann has received the Chairman’s Award from the Association of Air Medical Services, Alexandria, Va. Hofmann earned the honor for his actions, commitment to safety and leadership at the organization’s Safety Management Training Academy and for his service as the association’s Safety Committee vice chair, according to past chair Gerald... Read more

AAMS Convenes Air Medical Safety Summit in Washington

AAMS Convenes Air Medical Safety Summit in Washington

16-Sep-2013Source: AAMS

AAMS recently hosted an air medical safety summit – September 5 & 6 – at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, DC, that brought together a group of industry stakeholders selected to represent the air medical industry across varying business models, professional designations and aircraft manufacturers. Over the course of the event, participants took part... Read more

American Eurocopter awards scholarships for air safety training

American Eurocopter awards scholarships for air safety training

18-Jun-2013Source: American Eurocopter

American Eurocopter has awarded two scholarships to leaders of Air Medical Transport  teams to attend a comprehensive training program aimed at improving the safety of air medical transport. The scholarships cover the costs of participation in the Safety Management Training Academy that is conducted annually by the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS), an industry... Read more

Australia – CareFlight wins AAMS award

Australia – CareFlight wins AAMS award

24-Apr-2013Source: Blacktown Sun

An American aeromedical organisation has presented CareFlight with the Excellence in Community Service award in Washington for its training program last Friday. Association of Air Medical Services president Rick Sherlock said it was the first time an aeromedical service outside the US had received the award. (See full story)... Read more

HAI and AAMS win two year extension to FAA LOX exemption

HAI and AAMS win two year extension to FAA LOX exemption

31-Jan-2013Source: HAI

On Wednesday, January 30, 2013, the FAA notified HAI that it is granting a 2-year extension of an exemption for helicopter EMS operators. Exemption 6002 allows properly trained air medical pilots to remove and reinstall liquid oxygen system containers under specified conditions. The exemption was set to expire on Thursday, January 31, 2013, but is... Read more

AAMS announces newly Chair of the Board

AAMS announces newly Chair of the Board

8-Nov-2012Source: AAMS

The board of directors of the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) recently elected Gerald M. Pagano, ATP, CFI, CFII, ASPM, past CMTE of Delray Beach, Fla., to serve a one-year term as Chair of the Board following AAMS’ 2012-2014 elections. He replaces Timothy Pickering, JD, EMT-P, CMTE of Air-Evac EMS in O’Fallon, Mo. Pagano... Read more

MedFlight of Ohio wins 2012 Vision Zero aviation safety award

MedFlight of Ohio wins 2012 Vision Zero aviation safety award

24-Oct-2012Source: American Eurocopter

American Eurocopter is proud to announce that MedFlight of Ohio has won the 2012 Vision Zero Aviation Safety Award, topping the list of a record 25 nominees. MedFlight representatives were presented with the award and a $10,000 check by Anthony DiNota, American Eurocopter Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Customer Support, during the AMTC Community... Read more

2012 SMTA Scholarship winner named

2012 SMTA Scholarship winner named

1-Jun-2012Source: MedEvac Foundation International

Jonathan Godfrey, RN, CMTE, has been named as 2012 SMTA Scholarship winner. Godfrey won this award because of his own mission to make the medical transport community safer through education, awareness, and the encouragement of personal vigilance. Godfrey is the Safety Officer/Representative for the Children’s National Medical Center Transport Team in Washington, DC. He implemented... Read more

AAMS to celebrate MedEvac Hour during EMS Week

AAMS to celebrate MedEvac Hour during EMS Week

17-May-2012Source: AAMS

Next week is National EMS Week, May 20-26, 2012, during which there will be strong focus on the important work of EMS providers nationwide. In conjunction with EMS Week, the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) will put special emphasis on the life-saving work of medevac crews around the world through our annual MedEvac Hour... Read more

AAMS selects new CEO

AAMS selects new CEO

6-Mar-2012Source: AAMS

The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is thrilled to announce the appointment of new CEO Richard J. Sherlock to lead the AAMS organization. Sherlock will assume the leadership position on March 10, 2012, and will serve in a dual role as the CEO of MedEvac Foundation International as well. Sherlock will be in attendance... Read more

Hartford Hospital’s Life Star wins AAMS award

Hartford Hospital’s Life Star wins AAMS award

22-Nov-2011Source: Hartford Hospital

It’s the life-saving medical helicopter that has been saving lives since 1985, and its team just received a great honor. The LIFE STAR program, owned and operated by Hartford Hospital, has been selected as a recipient of the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) Program of the Year for 2011. The Program of the Year... Read more

AAMS congratulates 2011 Program Director of the Year

AAMS congratulates 2011 Program Director of the Year

8-Nov-2011Source: AAMS

Alexandria, VA. – The Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) is proud to announce its 2011 Program Director of the year, Thomas P. Judge, CCT-P, Executive Director, LifeFlight of Maine. The Program Director of the Year Award, sponsored by Bell Helicopter, recognizes Mr. Tom Judge for his superior level of knowledge and management prowess, quality... Read more

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