8-Nov-2017Source: Schiebel
Schiebel hosted customers from all over the world, spanning five continents, for its second international CAMCOPTER® S-100 User Conference from 17 to 19 October in Vienna. Following the success of the first CAMCOPTER® S-100 User Conference in 2012, Schiebel again welcomed its valued customers for a three-day conference. Users of the market-leading Unmanned Air System... Read more
2-Nov-2017Source: HeliOffshore
On 31 October 2017, we hosted two ‘All Member’ conference calls to update members around the world about the association’s progress. Presentations included an update from the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP), and other topics included updates on the Operational Effectiveness, Safety Enablers, System Reliability and Resilience and the Survivability workstreams. Each... Read more
22-May-2017Source: Metro Aviation
Metro Aviation introduced its Leadership Education, Advancement and Development (LEAD) conference in 2016 to help its partners navigate the business side of air medical operations. Realizing that many program directors are clinicians and not business majors, Metro’s management team developed the event to help fill the gaps between medical knowledge and business management, and equip... Read more
4-May-2017Source: EASA
The Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA), Mr Patrick Ky and the Vice Administrator of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), Mr Li Jian opened on 27 April 2017 the joined Safety Conference organized by the two organizations, bringing together leading CEOs from the European and Chinese aviation industry. The conference... Read more
6-Apr-2017Source: HeliOffshore
The Royal Aeronautical Society (RAeS) rotorcraft summer conference Technology Friend or Foe – Operations in an increasingly complex environment builds on previous automation conferences, to consider the impact of technological changes to onshore rotorcraft operations. Cockpit automation in onshore operations are more likely to be affected by the changes in airspace management that are that are being... Read more
1-Feb-2017Source: HeliRussia
The International Helicopter Industry Exhibition HeliRussia, which celebrates its 10th anniversary this year, is known worldwide and has been recognized for supporting the most important industry topics. The 2017th in Russia is proclaimed as the “Ecology Year” by the President’s decree. Due to this fact, HeliRussia 2017 will host the “Aviation and Ecology” conference. The... Read more
31-Jan-2017Source: EASA
This year for the first time, EASA and the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) are organising the CAAC-EASA Aviation Safety Conference. The aim of this first edition is to broaden the bilateral dialogue, by bringing together authorities and the wider European and Chinese aviation industry to discuss current issues, as well as future trends... Read more
30-Jan-2017Source: USHST
More than 50 aviation safety leaders from industry and government will gather Feb. 16-17 in Washington DC for the 2017 USHST Infrastructure Summit. The conference, which was initially launched last year, focuses on discussions about the future of helicopter infrastructure within the realm of the low altitude environment of the National Airspace System. The Summit... Read more
24-Jan-2017Source: HeliHub.com
Plans for a public helipad in Boston will be discussed shortly, since the idea was brought up in 2016. Original ideas that the Mass. Department of Transportation had included a floating helipad in the Seaport or one assembled on a pier, reports Boston Patch. The Task Force assembled to develop this plan consists of State... Read more
10-Nov-2016Source: FEC Heliports
The MIL-Star® portable tactical airfield lighting system is the upgraded military version of the popular HeliLight System. FEC Heliports portable helipad lighting systems have been operational in the field for over two years. They have been deployed on a global scale in the United Kingdom, the USA, Russia, Mozambique, Kenya, Japan, and are used by... Read more
26-Oct-2016Source: EASA
EASA’s Annual Safety Conference is taking place next week on 25-26 October in Bratislava. The topic of this year’s conference is: New technologies and new business models: meeting the expectations of a changing aviation industry. You can follow the 2016 EASA Annual Safety Conference live via web streaming or on demand! View full broadcast program... Read more
21-Feb-2011Source: Defence IQ
Defence IQ confirms representatives from the German Army, US Air Force and UK Royal Navy as speakers at the International Military Helicopter conference, taking place 11th-13th May 2011 at the Olympia Conference Centre, London. Dedicated to the military helicopter community, this conference is scheduled to address the current capabilities and future requirements of participating nations,... Read more