National Grid

UK – National Grid and WPD fleets merge into one

UK – National Grid and WPD fleets merge into one


As part of the acquisition by National Grid of Western Power Distribution (WPD), two helicopter fleets are being merged into one.  National Grid have three helicopters – two Bell 429s and an older Airbus AS355NP – in blue/white colour schemes.  The WPD fleet comprised of five Airbus EC135s, four 1999-build EC135P1 aircraft acquired from German... Read more

UK – National Grid to add second Bell 429

UK – National Grid to add second Bell 429

18-Jan-2021Source: can reveal that National Grid will be adding a second Bell 429 in the next few months – adding to their first example of the type which they took delivery of in the summer of 2013.  The aircraft is currently in completion with Bell Flight in Prague, Czech Republic. National Grid is responsible for... Read more

Bond Unveils Unique Helicopter System For Live Wire Maintanance

Bond Unveils Unique Helicopter System For Live Wire Maintanance

16-Jul-2014Source: Bond

A unique helicopter system that can ‘catch’ live high-voltage wires, allowing National Grid to carry out repairs and maintenance without affecting power supplies has been unveiled by Bond Helicopters Europe (Bond). The custom-built equipment, the only one of its kind in the country, allows National Grid technicians to safely carry out essential works on live... Read more

UK – National Grid to move operations to Turweston

UK – National Grid to move operations to Turweston


National Grid, the British-based infrastructure company, has for some years owned and operated helicopters in their own right and not leased in this specialist skill. This began back in 1985 with the purchase of a new Eurocopter AS355F1 Twin Squirrel and has developed with later versions of the AS355. More recently, National Grid decided to... Read more

First Bell 429 arrives in UK

First Bell 429 arrives in UK


The UK’s first Bell 429 arrived quietly into the UK in late May, and is being worked on by Bell’s UK representatives, Heli-Charter at Manston before it takes up its’ local registration G-RIDB. Last December Bell announced that National Grid had ordered a 429 for delivery in the first quarter of 2013, hardly a story... Read more

National Grid to be first UK Bell 429 customer

National Grid to be first UK Bell 429 customer

6-Dec-2012Source: Bell

Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc. company (NYSE: TXT), announced today that National Grid  Electricity Transmission Plc has purchased the first Bell 429 to be operated in Great Britain. The aircraft will be used for inspection and maintenance of power lines. “We required a versatile and reliable aircraft to support our mission, which is providing power... Read more

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