25-Jan-2023Source: John B. Larson
U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal and Chris Murphy, and U.S. Representatives Rosa DeLauro, John Larson, Joe Courtney, Jim Himes and Jahana Hayes announced they have requested a detailed briefing by the U.S. Army about why Sikorsky’s bid to build long-range assault aircraft was rejected. The Connecticut delegation has approached the U.S. Army leadership on multiple occasions... Read more
Helicopter was attempting to land on a trailer/dolly. One skid got caught, causing helicopter to come to rest on its side. The two passengers got out OK. Fire Brigade said it took crews about 50 minutes to extricate the pilot... Read more
18-Jul-2017Source: Bird's Eye View Helicopters
Bird’s Eye View Helicopter Tours has expanded. The premium sky tour and experience company is now offering private charter services within Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York. The Iconic Viper Red Helicopter, that soars high above the skies of beautiful Newport, Rhode Island; now has a twin. The new 2017 Robinson R44... Read more
20-Feb-2017Source: HeliHub.com
This week saw the opening of Life Star’s new hangar at MidState Medical Centre in Meriden. The new hangar allows patients to be transported directly to Hartford Hospital. The new hangar has offices, quarters for the crew, a heated helipad, a maintenance lift, a fuel tank that can hold up to 12, 000 gallons and... Read more
19-Jan-2017Source: Kaman Aerosystems
Kaman Aerosystems (Kaman) (NYSE:KAMN) announced today that it has successfully delivered its first airframe from the re-opened K-MAX® production line in Jacksonville, Florida to the Company’s plant in Bloomfield, Connecticut where it will undergo final assembly, testing, and certification. “There will be a number of efforts occurring simultaneously over the next few months, including the... Read more
22-Sep-2016Source: HeliHub.com
Sikorsky Aircraft has recently signed a deal to remain based in Connecticut for 16 years. Under the agreement Sikorsky has to provide 8000 employment opportunities, relocate 200 CH-53K King Stallions to Connecticut and double their spending costs of $350 million with state suppliers. This agreement will benefit Sikorsky as they will be qualified for $8.57... Read more
6-Apr-2016Source: United Aero Group
Local company United Aero Group have donated a Sikorsky S-76A to the Connecticut Air & Space Center, a restoration museum that currently occupies buildings 6 and 53 at the former Stratford Army Engine Plant complex. The company acquired the early ‘A” model aircraft and a sister ship from a Lider Air Taxi in Brazil and... Read more
22-Feb-2016Source: Chris Murphy
Today, ahead of Germany’s planned procurement of up to 70 heavy-lift helicopters, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) sent a letter to German Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen urging the country to replace their existing fleet with the new, Sikorsky-made CH-53K King Stallion aircraft. Murphy and Blumenthal emphasized that... Read more
15-Jan-2016Source: MyRecordJournal
Due to colder temperatures, the critical care Life Star BK117 stationed at MidState Medical Center will move to a heated hangar at Hartford Hospital to protect the aircraft in the winter. See full story... Read more
24-Sep-2015Source: CT post
A longtime Sikorsky employee has alleged the Stratford-based aircraft company has not followed federal disabilities rules—claims the company denies. See Full Story... Read more
27-Aug-2015Source: Hartford Hospital
On June 29, 2015, LIFE STAR crew members made history.They performed the first blood transfusion in the state to a critically injured patient while en route to Hartford Hospital’s Level-One Trauma Center. Weeks earlier, LIFE STAR began carrying blood products on board the Hartford Hospital-based aircraft. On July 7th, LIFE STAR II began carrying blood... Read more
10-Aug-2015Source: My Record Journal
The roar could be heard minutes before the blue helicopter appeared above the treetops from the east, rustling trees and bushes before touching down on the marked pavement. See Full Story... Read more
14-Aug-2014Source: Kaman
The Kaman Corporation board of directors today declared a regular quarterly dividend of 16 cents per common share. The dividend will be paid on October 2, 2014 to shareholders of record on September 16, 2014. About Kaman Corporation Kaman Corporation, founded in 1945 by aviation pioneer Charles H. Kaman, and headquartered in Bloomfield, Connecticut conducts... Read more
11-Aug-2014Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. announced today that the Federal Aviation Administration has certified the V400 avionics software for the S-76D™ helicopter, increasing the capabilities of the aircraft and allowing the aircraft to operate single pilot under Instrument Flight Rules. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). When installed by the operator, the V400... Read more
28-Jul-2014Source: Teamsters
The Independent Review Board (IRB) has brought embezzlement charges against Harvey Jackson, the president of Local 1150, which represents Sikorsky Aircraft Teamsters at plants in Connecticut, Alabama, and Florida. The charges and investigative report are available here. Jackson is charged with using the union credit card to buy at least $13,000 worth of electronics for... Read more
A draft ordinance allowing heliports to be built on the ground level of certain properties is currently being considered by the Town of West Hartford. See full story... Read more
27-Feb-2014Source: Shelton Herald
The state of Connecticut and United Technologies have reached an agreement that represents a long-term commitment to Connecticut by the aerospace conglomerate, but only five years for Sikorsky. See full story... Read more
22-Feb-2014Source: Stratford Star
Sikorsky announced Friday a workforce reduction of “approximately 600 employees, mostly in Connecticut” due to “the challenging and unstable economic conditions that continue to affect our industry,” – See full story... Read more
16-Dec-2013Source: HeliHub.com
Late Sunday afternoon, Sikorsky workers voted overwhelmingly (2098 to 66) in favour of a new four-year deal that includes 10% wage increases over the life of the contract, $4,000 in signing bonuses ($2,000 paid in each of the first 2 years), a 15% increase in the pension multiplier and a 20% increase to the cash balance... Read more
12-Sep-2013Source: Hartford Courant
Helicopter maker Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. is cutting 200 hourly jobs, blaming reduced spending by the federal government and other countries and rising costs to compete. see full story... Read more
1-Jul-2013Source: Hartford Courant
Sikorsky, dealing with defense cuts and rising costs, said Thursday it is laying off about 200 employees, mostly in Connecticut. see full story... Read more
7-May-2013Source: Sikorsky
Following the U.S. Navy’s release of the final Request for Proposals for The Presidential Helicopter Replacement Program (VXX), Sikorsky Aircraft issued the following statement: The men and women of Sikorsky and Lockheed Martin are ready to offer Sikorsky’s proven S-92® helicopter in response to the U.S. Navy’s formal Request for Proposals to build the next... Read more
Rolled over onto starboard side on training flight, 2 POB not injured... Read more
Helicopter landed on beach after encountering fog... Read more
R22 piloted by state Rep. Bill Wadsworth crashed in a wood, injuring passenger Irene Van – who is quoted as saying “We were coming over the trees and all of a sudden we went into a crazy spin”... Read more
22-Nov-2011Source: Hartford Hospital
It’s the life-saving medical helicopter that has been saving lives since 1985, and its team just received a great honor. The LIFE STAR program, owned and operated by Hartford Hospital, has been selected as a recipient of the Association of Air Medical Services (AAMS) Program of the Year for 2011. The Program of the Year... Read more
15-Oct-2011Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp. today commissioned a combined heat and power cogeneration facility that produces enough power to supply 84 percent of the company’s 2-million-square-foot Stratford, Conn., facility’s needs.  That output equates to the annual energy use of approximately 1,100 area homes.  Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). The new system also will... Read more
10-Oct-2011Source: Connecticut Post
It could take weeks for Sikorsky Aircraft and Teamsters Local 1150 to hammer out details over looming layoffs at the helicopter maker after a deadline for submitting names of union workers who want a voluntary separation package passed on Friday. (Full story)... Read more
7-Oct-2011Source: Westfair Online
Despite recent downsizing announcements, Sikorsky has taken on more than 165,000 square feet of additional space in Shelton in the building that served as Health Net Inc.’s Northeast headquarters. (Full story)... Read more
22-Sep-2011Source: HAI
From Sept. 22-24, HAI will be attending the 2011 Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) Aviation Summit at the Connecticut Convention Center in Hartford, Conn. The summit will bring together thousands of highly qualified pilots and aircraft owners. Come along to booth #532 and meet HAI President Matt Zuccaro, Vice President of Business Development &... Read more
20-Sep-2011Source: Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro
Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro (CT-3) issued the following statement in response to the layoff announcement of 419 workers in Connecticut, 384 of which are hourly workers, out of a total of 567 layoffs worldwide. “I am extremely disappointed that Sikorsky will be laying off 419 workers in Connecticut. Keeping good, high-skilled Sikorsky manufacturing jobs in the... Read more
16-Sep-2011Source: Sikorsky
Celebrating the landmark 10-year anniversary of Camp Sikorsky, more than 400 Boy and Girl Scouts and their leaders – from Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey and New York – will pitch their tents today for a three-day campout on the Sikorsky Aircraft grounds in Stratford. Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., based in Stratford, Conn., is a subsidiary of... Read more
22-Aug-2011Source: Connecticut Post
Missing from almost every list of “aviation pioneers” is Anselm Franz, the turbine engine genius who was responsible for the first jet engine, the first helicopter turbine engine and the first “high bypass” turbofan engine. (Full story)... Read more
24-Jul-2011Source: Norwich Bulletin
Hartford Hospital officials have renewed their commitment to keeping the Life Star program at The William W. Backus Hospital in Norwich, CT (Full story)... Read more
Aviation manufacturer Sikorsky has lost another court challenge in its attempt to move a lawsuit over the fatal 2009 Cougar Helicopters crash to the U.S. The company has argued that a pending lawsuit should be heard in Connecticut, where the company is based. (full story)... Read more
4-Jul-2011Source: Connecticut Post
Sikorsky Aerospace Services, which provides logistical support and spare parts, cut about 39 jobs across the country, including an undetermined number of positions in Shelton and Stratford, sources at the company said. Full story here... Read more
Precautionary landing after tail rotor issue... Read more
21-Apr-2011Source: HAI
HAI is co-sponsoring the NBAA North East Safety Symposium Thurs., May 19 from 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at TAC Air in Windsor Locks, Conn. The safety program is geared toward Airports, FBOs and Helicopter crews. Hear professionals discuss: WILDLIFE STRIKE AVOIDANCE and WILDLIFE MITIGATION RAMP and FBO SAFETY MISSION SAFETY AIRCRAFT INTERDICTION Presentations will be made... Read more
While loading patient, an ED technician dressed in a blue plastic gown came sprinting around from the far side of the aircraft. The pilot was able to intercept this individual but not before he had come under the rotor disk and near the tail. While loading patient at Day Kimball Hospital, Putnam, CT, an ED... Read more
1-Nov-2010Source: CT Post
The planned 12,000 square-foot building is one-story with a mezzanine for storage The structure would not expand the footprint of Sikorsky’s Stratford campus.... Read more
2-Oct-2010Source: Hartford Courant
Sikorsky Aircraft said Friday that it eliminated about 1 percent of the company’s global workforce due to weakness in the market for commercial helicopters. That amounts to about 200 jobs.... Read more
30-Aug-2010Source: http://www.nhregister.com/articles/2010/08/29/business/doc4c79a7a292e5b635572529.txt
Robert J. Araujo, manager of sustainable development and environmental health and safety programs for Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., will present a free lecture about “Sustainability and Sikorskyâ€... Read more
5-Aug-2010Source: Hartford Courant
A former Hartford Hospital heart transplant patient landed in the Life Star helicopter Sunday afternoon on the hospital’s helipad, capping a fundraiser for the Life Star helicopter program... Read more
3-Aug-2010Source: EDAC Technologies
EDAC Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: EDAC), a diversified designer, manufacturer and servicer of precision components for aerospace and industrial applications, today announced that it has signed a multi-year agreement to supply a major rotating component for a leading manufacturer of rotorcraft. The agreement has an initial term of three years, with an option for an additional... Read more
20-Jul-2010Source: Boston Globe
Connecticut’s Supreme Court says the state owes almost $1 million to Sikorsky Aircraft for denying the helicopter maker a tax exemption it deserved.... Read more
7-Jul-2010Source: Sikorsky
Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., a world leader in helicopter design, manufacture and service, and Soltage, a leading U.S. renewable energy provider, today celebrated the activation of Sikorsky’s first solar photovoltaic system as part of its clean energy program. Sikorsky is a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. (NYSE: UTX). The Solar PowerStation – constructed, owned and operated... Read more
21-Jun-2010Source: Hartford Hospital
Dr. Cathryn Fogel has seen it all. An anesthesiologist at Hartford Hospital, Dr. Fogel is often working in the level 1 Trauma center when some of the most critical calls come in. But she never expected to hear her own daughter was a patient flown in on LIFE STAR. “That particular evening around 10 o’clock,... Read more
28-May-2010Source: Republican American
Approximately 1,150 patients are transported each year by Life Star to hospitals across Connecticut and in New England. The service will mark its 25th anniversary June 18.... Read more
19-May-2010Source: New York Post
Failed Times Sq bomber Faisal Shahzad told interrogators he wanted to hit the city’s Rockefeller Plaza, Grand Central Terminal, the World Financial Center and the Connecticut headquarters of Sikorsky if his Times Square attack were successful... Read more
21-Mar-2010Source: Hartford Business Journal
The state has made it clear that they have no plans to reduce the program’s funding as part of budget planning for the 2010 or 2011 fiscal years.... Read more
14-Mar-2010Source: Hartford Courant
“Anyplace outside of Connecticut is low-cost,” United Technologies Corp.’s chief financial officer, Gregory Hayes, told Wall Street investment analysts — paraphrasing previous remarks by another UTC executive, Jeff Pino, president of Sikorsky Aircraft.... Read more
20-Aug-2009Source: NECN
Connecticut’s air ambulance, called LIFE STAR, is on life support and the only thing that can save it is a budget agreement between state leaders.... Read more
20-Aug-2009Source: NBS Connecticut
A mechanic accused of roaming Sikorsky Aircraft’s flight-testing field in Stratford with a shotgun and looking for terrorists has concerned the company enough to think deeply about its security measures.... Read more
13-Aug-2009Source: Connecticut Post
A Sikorsky Aircraft employee who told police he was concerned about terrorists infiltrating the defense contractor’s Main Street plant was arrested when he was caught driving around the factory’s flight area with a loaded shotgun and ammunition.... Read more
22-Apr-2009Source: Connecticut Post
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3-Apr-2009Source: Mansfield Today
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