Heli Air launches stand-alone R66 website

Heli Air launches stand-alone R66 website

5-Jan-2011 Source: HeliHub.com

British helicopter company Heliair have launched a website specifically for Robinson R66 sales at R66Dealer.com – this may, in time, be merged into their main website, but it is currently intentionally stand-alone.Head of Marketing Brian Kane told HeliHub.com that Heli Air see the R66 as being “the best single engine turbine ever produced”, presumably based on the runaway success stories of the R22 and R44, and that they intend dominating sales of the new type.  At the very end of January, or possibly early February, they will take delivery of production number #0016, the first R66 for delivery into Europe.  Heli Air currently have orders for “7 maybe 8” R66s with deposits, and expect a few more before the expected price rise from Robinson Helicopter Co on 15th January, which will add $20-40K onto the purchase price.

Heli Air also has the only Rolls Royce RR300 Turbine engine engineers’ school outside the US, officially opened by Frank Robinson in October 2010, which positions the company well to take their R66 market plan forward.

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