Helicentre Aviation Announces Brand New Scholarships for 2015

Helicentre Aviation Announces Brand New Scholarships for 2015

19-Jun-2014 Source: Helicentre Aviation

Helicentre Aviation Academy has announced it will be awarding several helicopter pilot training scholarships in 2015. The company has so far awarded four scholarships to trainee helicopter pilots and will this summer will be awarding a further five scholarships totalling around £100,000 in value. By 2015 a total of fifteen training scholarships will have been awarded.

The 2015 scholarships which will provide funding to selected pilots across various stages of their training will be awarded next summer, although the final deadline for applications is yet to be released. The scholarship programme is open to trainee pilots at Helicentre Aviation Academy and the entry criteria, as well as confirmation of the number of scholarships to be awarded will be announced in the next month.

Advice from Captain Sarah Bowen, Managing Director and Chief Flying Instructor, is to start the process as early as possible to ensure the entry requirements are met before the deadline. “We are currently flying some 600 hours per month on pilot training and places on our professional programmes are booking up months in advance, particularly on the Cabri G2” she remarked.

The Cabri G2 helicopter has become the leading platform for pilot training at Helicentre Aviation Academy which has recently invested over £500,000 in its new facilities at Leicester Airport. The company currently operates three Cabri G2’s and has orders pending for two additional airframes with plans to expand the Cabri fleet to ten by the end of 2015.

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