Background: On the morning of the incident the flight crew based at KMRB in Martinsburg, WV was preparing to transition from a spare aircraft back into their normal duty aircraft which had just recently come out of a 1000-hour maintenance interval. The pilot-in-command for the day shift elected to move the spare aircraft (N102HN) off the aircraft dolly in preparation for its later departure. The pilot then planned to move the base aircraft (N138HN) onto the dolly. The PIC relocated N102HN in a low altitude hover to the ground with its nose facing away from the dolly. The distance between its Fenestron and the dolly was not sufficient to allow N138HN to relocate onto the dolly facing the opposite direction with minimum required spacing between aircraft. The pilot then relocated N138HN onto the dolly. During this move the Fenestron of N138HN struck the Fenestron of the parked aircraft (N102HN). The contact was forceful enough to yaw the parked aircraft to the right. The aircraft were still in contact after shutdown and damage was visible to the Fenestron on both aircraft.
Actions: Both aircraft were immediately removed from service. The pilot made prompt notification to both HealthNet Aeromedical Services and Air Methods Corporation leadership. Air Methods’ leadership initiated a full root cause analysis and were on-site to conduct pilot and crew interviews.